
PPC Campaign Management

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PPC Campaign Management 

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PPC Campaign Management Solutions We Offer

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USP of the Ad
USP of the Ad
  • Unique Call to Action
  • Ad Extensions
  • Check USP by Split Testing
  • Effective Landing Page
Campaign Management
Campaign Management
  • General Settings
  • Search Network Settings
  • Display Network Settings
  • Location, Language, Bidding & Budget Settings
Quality Score
Ad Relevancy & Quality Score
  • Keyword Focused Ads and Landing Pages
  • Relevant Ads Mean High ROI
  • Better Performance at Ad Auctions & High-Quality Score
  • Good Positioning of the Ads
Keyword Management
Keyword Management
  • Target Keyword Research
  • Grouping of Keywords
  • Negative Keywords to Increase Relevancy
  • Review Costly Keywords

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