USnaPP Nigeria is a marketplace where anyone can buy and sell their pre-owned or new items easily and quickly. Their free, user-friendly Android app makes it easy to buy or sell your items locally.
Marketplace for new
and old items
Selling and buying goods
4 Months
The client was looking for making an application whose main objective was to provide an online platform for both seller and buyer. However, our team realized that the client needed a lot more as it is usually present within the segment. The platform can’t be considered just an application because it’s a marketplace for individual operations.
Our professionals utilize some of the best mobile app development frameworks for developing and deploying spontaneous mobile applications for specified use.
User interactive designing
IOS App and Android app
App store publishing
Play store publishing
24/7 user support service
The only thing that the seller needs to do is simply open the app, then snap a photo of the item and upload it immediately to the marketplace. Whereas the one who wished to buy that item will simply contact the seller to make the purchase.
Project challenges
Real-time data updation
Ads Presentation
Efficient Customer Experience
Integration of Advanced Analytics
One important feature of this platform is its location alert system that quickly alerts the buyer when a selected product is available nearby or not. However, it comes out to be an ERP behind the transactions that bridges both buyers and sellers of the selected areas.
We have worked with some of the best innovative ideas and brands in the world across industries.
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