
World-Class iOS

We’ve created more than 100+ apps for 120+ clients who rate us 4.8 out of 5 stars. How can we help you reach Apple’s global audience?

We’ve Got You Covered from iPhone
4 to Tomorrow’s Release

We’ve been designing iOS apps since the first phone launched, and we keep close ties on the developments that will affect your app for the next generations to come. That’s why our designs run flawlessly across all iPhones.

Custom iOS App Development

iOS apps that are unique to your business and goals

iOS App Designing

Apps that leverage the benefits of the iOS system

Maintenance And Support

A true partnership you can count on in the future

iOS App Deployment to Apple Store

Help getting your app out into the world

We Build Cost-Effective iOS Apps

You don’t have to pay what your competitors are paying for apps to compete with them on functionality. We offer custom app development methodology to help you scale your business at low cost. With us, you’ll have a full team of 100 in-house experts, including mobile designers, mobile app developers, usability architects, QA testers, and dedicated project managers.

Flexible pricing options and FTE rates

Agile app development for the fastest processes

Professional iOS development with 5 years experience

End-to-end support with a 100% satisfaction guarantee

iOS Apps You Can Trust as
Much as Your Users Trust You

We develop secure and stable apps, which will give your users frustration-free experiences they’ll keep returning to.

Media & Content Delivery

iOS media streaming apps for both audio and video

Enterprise Mobility

iOS app solutions that work on all devices for enterprise businesses


Seamless shopping experiences for seamless revenue generation

GPS and Navigation Apps

iOS apps that track users locations for booking and connecting

Social Networking

Social networking iOS apps with simple UIs your users will enjoy

All the Bells and Whistles
Your Competitors Can’t Afford

How We Design

We listen. 1

  • We want to know what your business goals are and how we can you reach them with an iOS app. We’ll understand the scope of your project to give you the most accurate estimates of timeline and budget.

2 We consult.

  • We’ll add value to your plan by weighing in with our decade of knowledge in this space.

3 We strategize.

  • We’ll help you devise a plan for approach, strategy, and rollout. We’ll define components, user roles, and system requirements.

4 We map out a plan

  • We’ll create interactive wireframes and share early plans with you so you know which direction we’re headed every step of the way

We develop 5

  • We’ll use Agile method of project management, sharing successes with you at the end of every sprint. Using scalable, reliable and reusable code, we’ll build the most efficient app for your needs.

We deploy6

  • We’ll help you get your app out directly on the App Store or roll it out to a controlled user group.

We ensure success 7

  • Once the apps are complete, we will assist you with maintenance and upgrades.

Ios App Development Process

  • 1 Strategy

    • Understanding of Project
    • Consultation
    • Product planning
    • Requirements collection
  • 2 Design

    • User Interface
    • User Experience
    • Prototyping
    • Wireframe
    • Support for different mobile devices
  • 3 Build

    • Back-end Development
    • Front-end Development
    • Handling Data layer events
    • Data Integration and Syncing
    • Optimize Performance and Battery Life
  • 4 Services

    • SOAP
    • API development
    • Restful Web Services
  • 5 Uat Testing

    • Security Testing
    • Encryption
    • Debugging
    • Quality Assessment
    • User Interface Testing
  • 6 Deployment

    • App Analytics
    • Distribute & Monetize
    • Using Itunes
    • Packaging
    • Tracking
  • 7 Support

    • In-app Purchases
    • Debugging
    • Maintaining APKs

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Our Clients Video Testimonials

At Richestsoft, We believe that our client’s success is our success. We cherish every client relationship with passion, responsibility and enthusiasm which is the motivation behind, why most of the our customers have been with us since our existence. Here are some words of applause from our respected clients which keep motivate us