Java vs Python | Everything You Need to Know


    Last Updated on March 9, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    Different programming languages have become increasingly important in the world of increasing variation in software technology and where everything is engulfed in virtual reality. In such a situation, understandably, they will spark differences of opinion regarding which one is the best, even among true experts in the field.

    Java and Python are, without a doubt, two of the most versatile and best-performing programming languages.

    For most beginners, the best idea is to start by learning either, since even many experienced professionals claim that the majority of their expertise lies within the realms of these two programming languages.

    Python vs Java, let us take a brief look at the principal differences in structure and implementation between the two.

    Critical Concepts to know about the Java Programming Language

    Critical Java Concepts

    Before we try to understand the differences between Python and Java, we must begin by understanding some basics of these programming languages.

    Java is a code-stated, object-oriented programming language that can be used as a multipurpose tool throughout the programming world.

    It was developed in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. The syntax used throughout the Java programming languages is similar to that of C and C++.

    It works so well in the modern world instantaneous network and has fitted so well with the current internet requirements due to the WORA (write once run anywhere) technology with which it has been built.

    • Java is a general-purpose programming language. It is a high-level language with strict requirements and takes a long time to learn. However, the codes are highly standardized, making the actual programming process relatively easy and time-effective.

    • Although Java is a bit difficult for beginners. Therefore, one of the easiest languages to learn among the high-level programming options.

    • Java is object-oriented. Object-oriented languages are generally more flexible and can be easily extended as they are based on a static object model.

    • Java is platform-independent, so to speak; it is not dependent on a specific machine as its platform but on independent byte codes for its programming.

    • Java is very secure as a programming language. It makes working, improvising, and penetration testing an easy process if and when required. Therefore this language program can easily be chosen by programmers for creations that require a high level of security during data generation, representation, and analysis. Additionally, programs created using Java are usually easily handled by cyber security teams.

    • Java is a programming language that allows programmers to write programs that perform multiple tasks simultaneously. It becomes increasingly important to create interactive applications that are meant to be run on various devices.

    • Java programs can carry one of the most significant amounts of runtime information you can imagine as a programmer, which simplifies verification and resolution in a single runtime.

    • Java is one of the most dynamic programming languages in the market today because its very design has been such to adapt to the hyper-evolving market of programs and applications.

    Pros and Cons of the Java Programming Language

     Pros and Cons of Java Programming Language

    When it comes to programming languages, the pros and cons diversify and reach out to many different fields. In actuality, they cover concepts of time, efficiency, adaptability, and at the same time that cost-effectiveness, and cultural assimilation.

    The handset can be easily understood that specific prose and cons might appear more important than others to an individual reader. Therefore, each reader will take a slightly different conclusion than the other. Let’s head to the advantages and disadvantages of the Java language;

    Pros of the Java Language

    • The Java language is systematically updated, and its dynamic qualities only increase with time. It is a stable programming language as all bugs are systematically removed, and regular updates are initiated.

    • The Java language is free and is distributed to most parts of the world. It makes independent programming possible. At the same time, maintaining programs created through the Java programming languages is also very economical for programmers.

    • Java has an automatic garbage collection system and, alongside it, a seamless memory management model. Applications created using Java are there for multifold, reliable, and more responsive to the users’ needs.

    Cons of the Java Language

    • Java consumes more memory than its counterparts like C and C++. Logically this can be anticipated because of the added features provided by Java. However, this becomes a problem during programming sessions. The automatic garbage collection runs continuously in the backend, posing a problem.

    • Java has no backup facilities at all. It does have storage facilities, but that storage cannot be backed up by any method. It requires programmers to make special allowances for the backup disability every time a new program is modified or manipulated.

    • Java has a poor GUI builder. Complex GUI, it is believed, cannot be created through Java though it does contain many frameworks to do so. As a beginner programmer, you might struggle with the GUI options.

    • Coding in Java does require a paid commercial license. For some students and learners, this can hinder unlocking all the exclusive features and advantages of the Java programming language.

    How did Python Become Popular?

    Reason for Python's Popularity

    So how is Java different from Python? More can be known about the Python vs. Java debate by indulging in a deep dive into the world of the python programming language, just like with Java in the previous section.

    Python is an advanced leveled programming language that has gained much more popularity over the past few years. In contrast, many companies are moving towards Python web programming to fulfill their technical requirements. One of the essential aspects of python’s popularity in terms of usage is its easy-to-learn workflow, highly supportive development community, efficiency, reliability, etc.

    However, Python was created as a programming language at the same time as Java was.

    It was also intended to simplify the whole programming system while making it more available for dynamic additions in the future.

    It was initially used to create system administration utilities. Python is repeatedly upheld as a language that is friendly for beginner learners.

    Let us see why

    • Python is a majorly free-to-use programming language. It takes significantly less time to program applications using the python language.

    • The Python Package Index encourages third-party modules and interactions with other programming languages. This promotes the assimilation of programs created by the python language into foreign systems, including C, C++, and VB.

    • The Python programming language offers its users a built-in dictionary of data structures, making creating versatile chords and implementing quick changes very easy for fast runtime data structures.

    Pros and Cons of the Python Programming Language

    Pros and Cons of the Python Programming Language

    In certain specific types of programs, Python is undoubtedly the first choice. We can understand why by diving deep into the world of this dynamic programming language, just like we did with Java in the previous section.

    Pros of the Python Programming Language

    • The Python programming language is highly beginner-friendly. Compared to JavaScript, the codes are identical and require much shorter length syntax structures for their formation.

    • As noted before, assimilation of the Python programming language with other similar languages is straightforward to do. It is also equally possible to code in different programming languages and then switch it over to the python design.

    • The library of dictionaries containing instant help with data structures is updated and maintained by a large community of Python programmers. Outside of the programming language, support can quickly be shot and found on the Internet regarding Python.

    • Python has a much better GUI builder than Java. It is much easier to access and can build more complex structures than Java.

    • Just like Java, Python is also portable and independent of system machinery. It uses the same WORA (write once run anywhere) concept as Java.

    Cons of the Python Programming Language

    • In terms of speed, it is essential to note that Python is considerably slower than Java. Python is a compiled language which makes implementation take a lot more time.

    • Python has some issues with security. Therefore, some high-level Cyprus security programs must be set up around the python program system. This issue can be fixed simply with their sight QA testing. However, many vital applications in today’s date with high-security systems run through the power of Python.

    • Because of the issues that arise from its garbage collection facility, it often suffers substantial memory losses. On the other hand, the Python programming language is known to be a high memory consumption language.

    • The biggest con of Python is that it is a dynamically typed language. A dynamically typed language usually has more chances of creating and leaving unnoticed errors and bugs in the application. As opposed to that, a statically typed language is more analytical, uniform, and straightforward.

    • Remember when we talk about Java’s ability to create highly interactive applications that can work multiple actions simultaneously? That is known as multithreading. Python programmers often worry about multithreading, which is simply impossible due to its GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) modeling system.

    Famous Applications that use Java Programming Languages

    Applications that use Python Programming Language


    Spotify is one of the largest music streaming applications in the world. It uses the Java programming language to integrate all songs, albums, and artists in one place and create an experience like no other. These days, Spotify has introduced many exclusive artists and high-quality music streaming opportunities using their premium option. Spotify is famous for its seamless streaming application in both web and mobile formats as well as its impeccable marketing.


    Who does not know about Twitter? Twitter also uses the Java programming language as a social media platform that focuses mainly on written posts. Twitter has made a name around the world for valuing short content and generating important conversations about the world, politics, art, and humor. Twitter is a free application but has made millions on its platform. The simplicity yet lyric acid of the Twitter algorithm is an inspiration for most developers.

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    Recently launched encrypted messaging service Signal, also uses Java to ensure the security and transparency of conversations happening across its platform. Encrypted messaging systems have become an essential aspect of conversations in today’s day and age as online conversations are quickly changing from casual occurrences to professional and formal contracts. When important and sensitive information is being shared online, the usage of Java programming language becomes all the more important for an additional layer of high security.

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    Famous Applications that Use Python Programming Languages

    Applications that use Python Programming Language


    Instagram is perhaps the most liked and enjoyed social media app in the history of the world when it comes to picture-based interaction. The main interaction style enjoyed by Instagrammers is heavenly inclined towards visuals, which perhaps makes it that exciting. Similar to Twitter it is a completely free application but has gained an intense amount of profits from its existence over these years. The Python programming language has been used in this application to provide users with exciting features like reels, posts, stories, DMs and so much more.


    YouTube is a steadily increasing community of video content creators which has only been growing at a steady rate over the years. YouTube has found a way to make money through advertisements, creators, engagement, and their premium version while maintaining the kind of algorithm which keeps the audience hooked to their platform. Using the Python programming language you have converted a simple idea into a radical success. YouTube is one of those platforms which has become today not just an app but a source of occupation for many.


    Netflix is another video streaming platform that has revolutionized the way we consume content. Instead of focusing on individual short-form video content like YouTube, Netflix brings to us professionally produced multimedia in the form of shows, series, and movies. These days Netflix has been launching original features along with the work of established creators. Netflix has paved the path to success for itself as well as many other streaming services of today.

    Factors of Critical Comparison Between Java and Python Programming Languages

    Surprising to believe, but the comparison does not end between the Python vs. Java battle with a simple Pros and cons list.

    Other vital factors need to be thought of as well. These are listed below to learn how Java is different from Python.

    1. Market Popularity

    Factors of Critical Comparison Between Java and Python

    Even though both programming languages have retained their popularity in the market to this day, comparatively, the market popularity of JavaScript programming language has decreased over the years.

    With the increasing popularity of social media sites like Instagram and Pinterest, Python, on the other hand, keeps coming to full view.

    Java was extremely popular back in the middle of the 2010s (which is not that far away if you think about it) and far exceeded Python in popularity.

    However, that is no longer the case as the growth rate of Python’s market popularity is on a steady rise, but Java keeps declining at a steep rate.

    2. Easier to use for the programmer

    We have discussed both sides of the matter in the previous sections.

    On the one hand, the dynamic programming concept has made Python much easier to use for programmers as there are lesser concerns regarding syntax errors, and codes are short and more accessible to input.

    This makes Python a suitable winner of the Python vs. Java debate.

    But for the same reason, on the other hand, Java has gained popularity for being a statically typed language that allows for lesser errors in programming when the outcome is displayed and more uniformity in the coding process. The codes are much shorter in Python than in Java.

    3. Portability

    Python and Java are both Portable and independent of the source machine. However, Java is highly popular because of its portability feature, and the Java Virtual Machine JVM is available everywhere.

    The popularity is more because Java programs coded in different situations from different places get integrated very beautifully, and there are zero known errors in the process.

    Python and its portability feature are not that popular as there are integration errors often, and the portability game is relatively weak. Whereas, Java Database Connectivity is the most popular among leading programming languages. Python’s database connectivity is much weaker than Java and is rarely used professionally.

    4. String Operations

    Factors of Critical Comparison Between Java and Python

    Python is leading the market in string operation functions, which are diverse and operable on different platforms. Java, on the other hand, has limited functions when it comes to string operations. Added to the understanding is that the Java syntax is quite strict and will not run if an anomaly exists.

    Therefore, when it comes to string operations, Python is preferred over Java at almost all times. Java is much digit when it comes to practical agility factors. This, rather than its performance, makes it the correct option for web and mobile app development companies.

    Python’s practical agility, on the other hand, has given it a headstart in applications about artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more.

    5. Performance

    Factors of Critical Comparison Between Java and Python

    There are many things to consider when you talk about Java vs. Python performance since performance refers to multiple items. Regarding the overall delivery of results, both the programming languages are equally popular in their respective areas. 

    That is to say; you will not go with a Python programming language for a program where you need tons of multithreading to get done; you will not go with Java in the case of building a program that relies heavily on complex GUIs. 

    When building and running, you must complete your Java code into Java bytecode before executing it. Python does not need any other compiling before running, and your simple .py file works just as well. 

    However, even in the case of Python, compiling the program into a .pyc file increases its running efficiency.

    6. Niche Differences

    Factors of Critical Comparison Between Java and Python

    Yes, there is such a variety of factors. Both programming languages are excellent at half of them. 

    It can be easily understood why different developers stand strictly by either Java or Python in the Python vs. Java battle, sometimes solely depending on the niche in which they work.

    That being said, Java is the best programming language in the world of

    1. Mobile applications
    2. Web application services
    3. Data processing and e-commerce applications
    4. Embedded systems
    5. Bank-office electronic trading users face
    6. Middleware products

    Python continues to be the first choice for programmers in the fields of

    • Graphic design applications
    • Image processing applications
    • Gaming applications
    • Machine learning apps
    • Operating systems
    • Heavily image and graphic-based mobile applications
    • Web frameworks
    • Prototyping


    Q. Which is better Python or Java for the future?

    Python is an interpreted, dynamically programming language whereas Java is compiled and statically typed language means Python does not need to declare variables while Java requires. Thus, both languages are equally important and can’t be neglected.

    Q. Which is more in demand Python or Java?

    In the last few years, Python become more popular among users as this user does not need to declare variables as Python is an interpreted, dynamically-typed programming language. Apart from this due to the increasing trend of artificial intelligence and automation-related jobs users preferred Python to Java.

    Q. Which is best for Android app development Java or Python?

    Comparing both languages and choosing the best one is a difficult task as both languages have their advantages Java is best for the users who want a fast speed of coding while Python is the best option for those who want to work in a set timeframe as it provides ease and simplicity of writing.

    Q. Is Python easier than Java?

    If we talk about both languages then Python is easier than Java as the code read in Python is more readable than the code in Java. In python code is concise and useful which speeds up the coding and enters code efficiently and quickly.


    The Python vs Java debate seems to leave an open conclusion. As you had probably guessed, each language has its own set of shortcomings and, at the same time, a headstart over the language depending on what criteria are being evaluated.

    Java is great regarding fewer implementation deficiencies, portability, higher speed, better database connectivity, quality security, multithreading, garbage collection, memory response models, and analytic autonomy resulting from statically typed language.

    Python is also incomparable in its area. These are a high-quality GUI interface, more straightforward implementation, dynamic usage in machine learning and artificial intelligence, excellent security with some QA testing, assimilation and integration with other programming languages, and an inbuilt dictionary of data structures to further speed up the programming process.

    The salaries of Java developers compared to Python developers are almost similar, varying at an average entry-level to intermediate-level bracket (per annum fee) of around $1000-$10,000.

    The Java developer earns around $97,000-$113000, whereas a Python developer earns $96,000-$103000 on average.

    Therefore, the program you choose to specialize in depends on your interests as a developer and where you want to work. Your need as a creator will be delicate regarding what programming language you ultimately choose to work with.

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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