PHP is one of the oldest and most popular web development languages. It is one of the most popular frameworks. There are various mobile app development companies are those dealing with this framework. One of the most challenging parts in the initial stages of project development is choosing the appropriate framework for your application.
There are many more factors, such as third-party integrations, deployment, testing, and many more, that require deliberate consideration. These include the cost of development, the development team’s experience with it, the popularity of the framework, etc. The major top website development companies in India using numbers of frameworks but Laravel is most popular among them.
The PHP scripting language offers various frameworks with powerful technical features, such as – Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Yii 2, Phalcon, CakePHP, Slim, Zend, etc. Yet, Laravel has retained the top position on the list of top PHP MVC frameworks.
What is Laravel ?
Laravel is one of the easiest open source frameworks for PHP. It is simple, very powerful and has an elegant and fun interface to use. It was created in 2011 and has a great influence on frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Sinatra and ASP.NET MVC.
Laravel is a young framework with a great future. It has a community full of energy, attractive documentation of clear and complete content; and, in addition, it offers the necessary functionalities to develop modern applications easily and safely. In 2011 its creator, Taylor Otwell, showed it to the world for the first time. Therefore, it is a framework with a fresh and modern approach; since it is quite young. It is made for MVC architecture and resolves current needs such as event handling and user authentication.
Why Laravel ?
After the release of Version 3, which added features like the Command Line Interface called Artisan, support for the Database system, and migrations, increased the popularity of this framework. It also established a method of packaging known as Bundles.
In addition, it has a modular and extensible code through a package manager and robust support for database management. It does not matter if you are an expert in PHP or if they are your first steps; when you know it, you will know that Laravel is the framework you were looking for your PHP projects. In this article, we are going to talk about some of the reasons that make Laravel the best PHP framework today.
Main Reasons why we should adopt Laravel
There are various reasons to adopt this framework for the development purpose. These reasons are as follows:
1. MVC Support and Object-Oriented Approach
The first and greatest advantage of utilizing the Laravel framework is that it follows – It has an expressive, beautiful syntax with a Model, View, and Controller based architecture pattern, which makes it object-oriented.
2. Built-in Authentication and Authorization
Laravel offers an out of the box configuration for the Authentication and Authorization system. In other words, your application will be outfitted with secure Authentication and Authorization in only a few artisan commands.
3. Modular and Extensible
Laravel is modular and extensible. This means that it allows you to add everything you need through its Packalyst directory that has more than 5,500 packages. This with the aim that you always find what you need.
4. Multiple File System
Additionally, Laravel includes built-in support for local storage as well as cloud storage services like Amazon S3 and Rack space Cloud Storage. Since the API is the same for each system, switching between different storage alternatives is remarkably easy. To serve files from many places like in a distributed environment, one can use all three technologies together in a single application.
5. Artisan Console
Laravel has its own command line interface called as an Artisan. A few common uses of Artisan are publishing package assets, managing database migrations, seeding and producing boilerplate code for new controllers, models, and migrations. This function relieves the developer of the burden of writing suitable code skeletons. By adding additional custom commands, Artisan’s features and capabilities can be increased.
This console is a powerful tool for each developer, with Artisan Laravel opens a number of command options in the console to execute different tasks. By just typing `php artisan` into your console you are presented with a number of options that you can use. Even with Artisan, you can start in the development of your own commands that you can use via a console.
6. Templating Engine
Laravel has an internal template engine called the Blade Template Engine. By converting the templates into cached PHP code for better performance, the Blade templating engine combines one or more templates with a data model to produce the final views. Additionally, Blade has its own collection of control structures, including conditional statements and loops, which are internally mapped to their PHP equivalents.
7. Task Scheduling
In Laravel 5.0, the Scheduler is introduced. It is an addition to the Artisan command-line tool that enables the programmatic scheduling of frequently run tasks. Internally, the scheduler relies on the cron daemon to run a single Artisan job, which then executes the set tasks.
8. Eloquent ORM
The built-in ORM implementation in Laravel is called Eloquent ORM. In comparison to other frameworks, Laravel offers the best object-relational mapper. You can use expressive syntax to interact with your database objects and relationships with this object-relational mapping.
Most of the PHP developers started our journey in programming with databases with innumerable lines of SQL directly in our code, achieving an illegible PHP that quickly leads to a disaster impossible to maintain over time. Laravel to solve this evil includes Eloquent which is considered the best Active Record in the PHP language.
9. Events and Broadcasting
Broadcasting is the new concept in Laravel which is useful in the modern web application to implement real time data showing live feeds, etc. This broadcasting allows you to share the same name between your server-side and client-side so you will able to pull real-time data from the application.
10. Testing
When it comes to the testing of the application, Laravel provides unit testing by default for the applications. This application itself contains tests those are useful to detect and prevent regressions in the framework. In a Laravel application, integrating PHP unit tools like a testing framework is very simple. Additionally, using the artisan command-line utility, unit tests can be executed.
11. Installation of Laravel from composer
The great thing about Laravel is to be able to quickly install a new version in our environments with these simple lines:
composer create-project laravel / laravel {destination-folder} 5.0 –prefer-dist
12. Log management
Laravel uses a library for managing logs called Monolog , which apart from being very easy to add in our global configuration is also easy to write into the logs.
13. Composer
Laravel depends on some external packages to work correctly, so the best way to manage the packages that Laravel needs or those extra packages that we can integrate into our developments is to use Composer that will be our dependency manager.
You will no longer need to download a library that you want to use in your project searching for the URL, then downloading the .zip file, then decompressing and placing it in your project, now installing Composer we can do all these steps in a centralized way.
14. Routes
With Laravel it is really easy to use the routes of our application to be really simple to read and create routes, for example here we can see how to create a simple user profile by passing the user ID to a route called “users.”
15. Validations of forms
In Laravel we can include validations to our forms in a simple way using the Validator library with this, we can do any validation that we need and many times these validations are available in the Laravel documentation.
16. Email sending
With Laravel sending emails in HTML format will no longer be a headache, because the framework has organized all the code to efficiently send emails to our customers of the application, all the global configuration of our mail server it is done in the config/mail file.
With these brief reviews, among the many benefits that Laravel has at the time of our development, you can start your own projects as soon as possible. Almost every top web development company deals with this framework. All the above described features are most suitable for all kinds of web application development ranging from small to enterprise level. It also provides lots of built-in functionalities that allow developers to work with ease. Moreover, the official packages provided by Laravel are a cherry on top of the cake.
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