8 Reasons to Choose Marketing Automation Software over Manual Marketing Service!


    Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by myadmin

    Even after an acclaimed success of the marketing automation software, CEOs of MNCs still ask this question “Why should I choose a Marketing Automation Software?”, “What’s good in that for me?” and they have every right to ask as most of them do it manually. To sum up the entire thing we can say that what if a software does the work 10 times faster than your manual work and gives 100% accurate results? You would be interested in hearing about that software, wouldn’t you? Well, that’s marketing automation software for you and the reasons for choosing a marketing automation software are as follows:

    1. Credible MarketingIf you are still going the manual way of marketing you are probably outsourcing the services. What if we say that  with marketing automation software you will have a marketing guy in your office 24/7 to control all the marketing operations across platforms? Sounds Good? Then Switch to Marketing Automation Software today.

    2. Human Error Eliminated
    Manual efforts can’t judge a good lead from a bad one, or even if they can, it will take a lot of time to do so and the results are not rest assured 100% accurate. There’s no room for such errors in marketing automation software. These software are designed to generate accurate results based on complex calculations.
    3. Your Competitor Has It
    Yes, that could be the case. Your competitor is generating more leads than you all because they switched from manual marketing efforts to marketing automation system. Do you want to lag behind in the race? Buckle up! Stop WALKING with manual marketing and start RUNNING with Marketing Automation Software.
    4. Better Conversions
    Continuing the previous point, Marketing Automation Software will let your conversion rates up and running as the stats will point towards the plans you should have for the future campaigns.
    5. Better Tracking
    Any plan implementation is incomplete without tracking the progress as the results suggest the changes need to be done in the planning. Manual marketing doesn’t offer that effective tracking. Marketing Automation Software track the movement of each campaign you are running and each visitor, impression, CTR you are receiving.
    6. Cost Effective
    Marketing Automation Systems are one-time investment for yearly, half-yearly or monthly. You can choose the plan as per your budget. You can discontinue and start at any point. You won’t lose your goodwill with the software, which you can lose in manual marketing.
    7. No Hit and Trial
    Unlike manual marketing operations, Marketing Automation Software don’t suggest hit and trial methods to the planning progress. The figures in the report clearly show where you are currently lacking and which areas need your focus.
    8. One software for multiple solutions
    The Marketing Automation Software come with multiple management options such as Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Consumer & Lead Marketing, Customer Base Marketing, Web & Mobile Marketing. There are a few marketers providing all the services, but their price is too high, otherwise most of the marketers don’t even cover all the areas of marketing.If you are worried that you don’t have people who can run these Marketing Automation Software, contact RichestSoft without any doubt. Marketo, Hubspot, InfusionSoft or Act-On, you can contact us for any query related to the Marketing Automation Software.

    RichestSoft professionals have experience in using these software and they know all the ins and outs of it. Experience it yourself and contact us today!.

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