Cost To Develop Blockchain Healthcare Management Software in 2024


    Last Updated on May 6, 2024 by RanjitPal Singh

    How Much Does It Cost To Develop Blockchain Healthcare Management Software in 2024- In this digital era, the healthcare industry is one among many industries adapting and standing out with tech-driven solutions. And why not? This is an always-evolving business, and it needs to be up-to-date and innovative constantly. The confidential transfer of medical information has improved people’s care and treatment, despite its often heavy reliance on data. However, seamless integration of the healthcare management system, from data handling to supply chain monitoring, is difficult due to the threats to information security.  

    This is when you can put yourself at the forefront to help them with blockchain technology. No matter how innovative and updated any industry is, keeping its data secure is more essential than anything. Specifically in the healthcare industry, owners and executives constantly look for safe management in the medical ecosystem. So, developing a blockchain app will allow you to provide them with great assistance, enabling you a more successful future. 

    However, once we are into the decision to develop a blockchain app, our first concern is always what will it cost for Blockchain app development for the healthcare industry. But don’t let it rattle you, below in this post, we will make sure to provide every information about its cost. 

    Keep Reading, but first, let’s look at its market statistics to understand if it will be a highly beneficial business idea for you.

    Market Analysis: Blockchain in Healthcare

    Well, according to the reports of root analysis, the future scoop of Blockchain in the healthcare industry is more promising than anything.  As per their re[prorts they indicate: 

    • Global blockchain in healthcare market set to surge: Estimated growth from USD 58 million in 2023 to USD 641 million by 2035.
    • Asia-Pacific leads: Anticipated to hold 46% market share, especially in drug discovery and clinical trials.
    • Public blockchain dominance: Expected to dominate the market in the future.
    • Hospital adoption: Currently, 40% of revenue generation is linked to hospitals using proprietary blockchain platforms for drug discovery and clinical trials.
    • Steady growth trajectory: Market valued at USD 58 million in 2023 with a projected CAGR of 22% during the 2023-2035 forecast period.

    Market Analysis: Blockchain in Healthcare


    Furthermore, several recent breakthroughs have occurred in the area of blockchain in the healthcare market, some of which are listed below. 

    • Solve Care announced the launch of a blockchain-based Care Trials network in August 2023 that serves as a patient-matching service in clinical trials.
    • In April 2023, PharmaLedger announced electronic product information (EPI) for blockchain products. This product will allow the patient to obtain product information by scanning a barcode on the medicine box, replacing the leaflets that are now included in the packaging.

    So, this report shows if you are thinking a step ahead in Blockchain app development for Healthcare, then you are on the right path. 

    Source- Root Analysis

    2024 Cost Dynamics Of Blockchain Healthcare Management Software

    Well, talking about the cost of Blockchain Healthcare Management software development, often depends on several factors. While the total cost of developing Blockchain Healthcare Management Software could range from $50,000 and $150,000 or more, understanding those factors will give you proper knowledge depending on the specific requirements and features of the software. So, waiting to know about those factors? Check out these factors: 

    Blockchain App Development Cost

    When getting started with the blockchain app development project, it’s essential to remember that it involves several stages and costs associated with each step. From design to deployment and ongoing maintenance, each phase incurs its expenses. Below is a breakdown of the typical costs involved in blockchain app development:

    Development PhaseEstimated cost
    Designing$5,000 - $20,000 (Depends on complexity and features)
    Out-source Software$10,000 - $100,000+ (Varies with outsourcing partner)
    Deployment$2,000 - $10,000 (Hosting, server setup, etc.)
    Integration$5,000 - $25,000 (Integration with existing systems)
    Maintenance$2,000 - $10,000/month (Ongoing updates and support)

    Project managers also play an essential role in overseeing the development process, ensuring timely delivery, and managing resources effectively. Their costs can vary based on experience and project complexity. Here’s an approximate breakdown:

    Levels Of Project ManagerCost (Per Hour)
    Junior$50 - $100
    Mid-level$100 - $150
    Senior$150 - $250+

    Blockchain Cost Depending On Its Types

    The costs associated with implementing and maintaining blockchain networks can vary depending on their types. Three primary types of blockchains are commonly recognized: private, public, and hybrid. Each type comes with its own set of characteristics and cost estimates, making it crucial for organizations to carefully consider their requirements before selecting the most suitable option.

    Types Of BlockchainCharacteristicsEstimate Cost
    Private1. Restricted access, typically permissioned

    2. Controlled by a single organization or consortium

    3. A higher level of scalability and performance

    4. Lower transaction fees
    $1500 per month
    Public1. Decentralized, no central authority

    2. Open access to anyone

    3. Lower security risks due to network consensus

    4. Higher transaction fees
    $0.01/transaction + $750 for 3rd party
    Hybrid1. Combination of private and public blockchains

    2. Offers flexibility in terms of data control and access

    3. Enhanced privacy and security compared to public

    4. Cost varies depending on the degree of integration
    $0.01 per transaction

    Management Complexity

    Another factor is the complex nature of the healthcare system, which affects the cost of integrating blockchain. The more sophisticated the management, the more resources and time it will need to develop. Here is the cost range as per the complexity:

    Level Of ComplexityDevelopment Cost
    Low Level$40,000 to $60,000
    Medium Level$60,000 to $150,000
    High Level$150,000 to $300,000

    Development Cost Based on the region

    The cost of your blockchain app will also vary depending on where it is produced. That is, if you decide to develop your dApp, the development cost may differ from the United States owing to numerous reasons, such as:

    • Local economy
    • Standard rates
    • Taxes, etc.

    However, this table outlines the cost of blockchain software development per hour from many locations: 

    Development RegionCost (Per Hour)
    United States$20-$50
    United Kingdom$30-$70
    Western & Northern Europe$25-$60
    Middle East$40-$70
    South, North & Central Europe$30-$60
    Southeast Asia$10-$40
    Eastern Asia$20-$60

    Note: These costs are estimates and may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of features, development timeline, and specific requirements.         

    Richestsoft: The Right Partner With Genuine Offerings! 

    Richest Soft is a reputable on-demand app development company with considerable expertise in building and implementing decentralized solutions. Our custom blockchain app development for healthcare management professionals will help you turn your idea into a very successful marketplace.

    We differentiate ourselves by providing innovative solutions that effortlessly interact with the broad world of blockchain, ensuring both functionality and a competitive business edge. We believe in providing infinite outcomes, and one factor that sets us apart from our competitors is the inclusion of: 

    • We have a focused development team that stands out by giving high-quality services to our clients.
    • Our blockchain software developers and project-based techniques are always available to assist our clients.
    • Choosing us means hiring dedicated mobile app developers with a variety of engagement tactics to create a high-end Android mobile app.
    • Our team expansion service assists customers looking to hire more people with the necessary skills for their business.
    • Our app development team has vast expertise and understanding, therefore they took several procedures to achieve a high-quality result.
    • Our trustworthy developers are highly skilled and design one-of-a-kind, appealing Blockchain solutions.


    Overall, we hope that, reading this post, you came up with the right knowledge about the cost of developing blockchain healthcare management software. However, to reap the benefits of Blockchain APP Development in the future, you must find a trustworthy partner, which is none other than Richestsoft. As the top blockchain app development company, we prioritize customer happiness. As a result, we make every effort to distinguish your brand from the competition. 

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    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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