How Much Does It Cost To Build A Super App?


    Last Updated on May 21, 2024 by RanjitPal Singh

    How Much Does It Cost To Build A Super App – Do you want to develop a Super app but wondering about its development cost? If so, then we have got you covered. This blog will provide a complete guide on how much it costs to build a Super app.

    Super app is an application that integrates multiple services and functionalities into a platform. It’s a house of several services that offer an easy and integrated user experience.

    The Supper app allows users to enjoy the benefits of third-party apps without installing them. On the other hand, the primary object of the Super app for start-ups is to grow horizontally and set a foothold in a specific location. In many developing countries, the Super app has already gained traction.

    A well-designed Super app can attract users and generate high revenue. If you are willing to build a Super app, go through the guide below to learn how much development cost you need to spend to build an app.

    Cost of Building a Super App in Different Regions

    The development cost of a Super app usually ranges between $30,000 and $60,000. However, the amount can be increased or decreased depending on numerous factors such as app type, complexity level, business model, and development team size. Below is the table of app development costs in different regions.

    RegionDevelopment Cost (Hourly)
    US$100 - $150
    Eastern Europe$50 - $55
    Western Europe$80 - $90
    UAE$60 - $65
    Australia$70 - $90
    Asia$25 - $45
    India$30 - $50

    According to Complexity Level: Development Cost of Super App 

    The complexity level of an app can also influence the development cost. Generally, an app has only three stages of complexity: simple, complex, and highly complex. Development costs will increase according to the complexity level.

    Complexity LevelCost
    Simple$10,000 - $12,000
    Complex$12,000 - $14,000
    Highly Complex$40,000 or more

    Before anything else, it is necessary to prioritize the features strategically according to the users’ and market needs. Market research and testing on which feature will provide the most value to a targeted audience will eventually balance the development cost. 

    Building Cost of Super App: According to Company Size

    Another factor that affects the development cost is the size of the company. The table below will help you understand the building cost of an app according to the company size.

    Company SizeApp Development Cost
    Small Size Company$10,000 - $18,000
    Medium Size Company$20,000 - $25,000
    Large Size Company$35,000 - $50,000

    Key Elements that Affect the Pricing of Building a Super App

    Building a Super app requires considerable time, effort, and resources, and it can be a complex and lengthy process. Below are factors that influence the pricing of app development. 

    1. UX/UI Design

    The primary factor affecting the cost of building a Super app is UX/UI design. Investing in a user-friendly and visually attractive design, including wireframing, portraying, and graphic design, is necessary. Before finalizing the design, several prototype tests must be performed to meet the client’s preference. Therefore, the development price varies. 

    2. Front-end Development

    Front-end development is the next factor that affects development costs. This focuses on building the user interface and ensuring a smooth experience. Front-end development included coding for the Super app’s features and functionality. Depending on the additional features, the development fees may differ. 

    3. Back End Development

    Back-end development is vital for Super app development and needs skilled developers. It includes designing the infrastructure, database, and APIs to power up the app. In this development phase, payment integration and server security are maintained.  

    4. Agency’s Location

    The location of the agency you hire to develop the Super app is a prominent factor in determining the overall cost. If you hire developers from the USA or UK, you will charge higher than those from Asia or Africa. Moreover, purchasing the API fees demands extra investment. 

    5. Types and Size of Development Team

    Team size and type play a significant role in the development cost of the Super app. The costs differ whether you outsource a development team, an in-house team, or a freelancer. Hiring a dedicated developers team will cost more than hiring a freelancer. On the other hand, hiring an in-house team is the most expensive option.

    6. Features of the Super App

    Another key element that influences the building cost of the Super app is the features you want to be included. An app with complex and many features will cost more than the basic app with fewer features. Complex features require more time, effort, and resources, leading to a higher expanse.

    8. Testing 

    Testing is an essential feature to ensure the app is working flawlessly. This includes testing manually or automated testing. In this phase, it is also checked that the app is compatible with every device. 

    9. Project Management

    Once testing is completed successfully, you must promptly streamline and deliver the development process. Allocating the budget for project management is required for the app development.

    10. App Maintenance 

    Once the app is launched, it is necessary to do the Super app post-maintenance. Therefore, you should save on maintenance costs. Post-maintenance will keep you updated on software like UI/UX. 

    Business Benefits of Building a Super App

    Developing an app with multiple services is the key to creating a Super app that caters to unique requirements. Although the Super app has many benefits, we have listed the primary business benefits here. 

    Business Benefits of Building a Super App

    1. Brand Awareness 

    With the Super app, a business can offer services and make the brand familiar to targeted people. There is a high chance that people will use the Super app more conveniently than choosing a specific app so that it can reach a larger audience and people will be able to recognize it. 

    2. Increase Sales

    By integrating the e-commerce platform into the Super app, a business can sell their products directly within the app. An app with multiple services can reach the maximum number of customers willing to have different services. 

    3. Increase Customer Engagement

    The Super app is a one-stop for users, providing a comprehensive range of multiple services with a single platform. With multiple integrated services, it can increase user engagement and retention. 

    4. Improves ROIs

    Focusing on a single app will cost less than the cost associated with managing multiple apps. However, multiple app features let the developer categorize more users, eventually leading to a better user base and revenue. 

    Steps to Develop a Super App

    Consider things before investing time and resources in developing an app. This allows you to deliver the optimal solution that aligns with the project’s requirements and aspirations. Here are the steps to build a Super app. 

    Steps to Develop a Super App

    1. Define Objectives and Requirements

    Outlining the app’s purpose, targeted audience, and specific functions to include is the foremost step in building an app. Identifying the objective and requirements helps the Super app to stand out. 

    2. Market Research

    The next step is to do market research. Analyze your existing competitors’ and users’ preferences to gain insight into market trends and customer expectations. Market research will help you to identify the gaps and opportunities to differentiate the Super app from other apps.

    3. Engage with the App Development Company

    You must hire an app development company after setting the objective and market analyses. Collaborate closely with the app development company and brief them about your vision, align expectations, and leverage to build a successful app. 

    4. Plan the Development Process

    Now, with the mobile development team, create a comprehensive project plan. This includes key components, timelines, resource allocation, and a roadmap for every stage of the app development.

    5. Design and Develop

    Once all is set, develop a user-friendly and visually appealing interface. Use the latest design trends and best practices to build an innovative user experience. Ensure you develop the app with regular testing for optimal performance and functionality.

    6. Test and Launch

    Before launching, test the app on different platforms and devices to identify and fix issues and bugs or glitches. Once everything is verified, launch the Super app and monitor the feedback. 

    Must-Have Features in a Super App

    The super app is a multiple-service app that offers various services and functions inside a single platform. To build a successful app, some elements must be included to match the user’s demands and expectations. Here is the list of must-have features for the Super application. 

    1. User Profile and Registration

    Ensure the Super app allows users to create profiles, customize their preferences, and manage account information. Providing users with a personalized experience is one of the best ways to make them feel connected to the platform. 

    2. Secure Payment Option 

    The app should be integrated with a secure payment option. This will allow users to make transactions securely and conveniently. Creating a safe and secure payment method will help to build trust and increase conversions. 

    3. Message and Communication

    Users can connect with customer service, vendors, or other users by adding messaging and calling features. It will enhance customer engagement and keep them engaged with the platform.

    4. E-commerce

    Adding an e-commerce feature is quite a popular digital trend that you can use to generate in-app revenue. This feature will allow users to shop online, browse products, create wish lists, add items to a cart, and make complete payments. 

    5. Multilingual Support

    Multiple language support will be helpful for people from different regions and cultures. This will break down the language barriers for buyers from outside the country. Multilingual support will improve accessibility and user experience. 

    Sum up 

    Developing a Super app can be expensive, and the costs vary greatly depending on the app’s complexity, the features you want to include, and the level of customization. The above guide will help you understand the cost of building a super app. Investing in the Super app can provide huge returns on investment, with greater user engagement and revenue resources.

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    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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