Tips to Improve User Ratings On Mobile Apps


    Last Updated on December 6, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    An outstanding part of making your mobile application is that you can publish it on the app stores. This way your users can go to the place they are most familiar with to download your applications. In fact, it also opens up opportunities for finding other consumers, as a lot of human beings are seeking new options in the mobile Apps stores. You may end up finding yourself a new consumer if your application has good reviews.

    Although, the major reason that a regular business app requires quality reviews so that their consumers won’t be turned off when they go looking for it. Definitely, most people will leave your app page if they see your app with a one or two stars rating. However, the app’s performance depends on the mobile app developers.

    So, here we will uncover some of the best ways to get more reviews on the mobile apps that are described following:

    Create a Great Application:

    A primary aim to achieve is to create an application that gives a fundamental and clear value to the users. The successful ones have a value proposition that is simple to recognize. For instance: the Skype application gives a solution for Google Maps that assists find the best routes to get to places, video calls, Facebook messenger assists reach your friends’ network in a fast and simple way.

    Ensure that users recognize the values of your product. Your mobile application should function well, so update it often, constantly work on enhancing user experience and solve bugs. Make your users pleased and get positive reviews.

    Do Enhance In Your Application:

    Use reviews and ratings as a get-up call, a cause to get better. There is always a chance that the user will change his rating if you solve a bug that didn’t let your user enjoy the application and foundation a negative review. Sometimes negative reviews can have the best ideas about new features that you would like to contain in your application.

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    The best mobile app companies in India do enhance their previous applications too so that they can fix some app’s problem and can improve user ratings. You can engage users to keep up the conversation with you in private by replying to all negative reviews. Show the user that you recognize the inconvenience from their point of view and try to balance their bad experience. Giving outstanding consumer support can actually make these users adjust their negative ratings to positive.

    Recognize Your Most Connected Users:

    Not everyone who makes use of your application is glad about it. Some may be bored, experiencing bug concerns and other troubles, or they are thinking to uninstall the application. This goes without saying that you don’t want all these unpleased users to end up in the stores leaving you a low rating. Instead, you need to recognize the happiest and most connected users to ask for feedback from.

    Locating them is easy by asking “enjoying the application” or “how can we make it better”. You make sure negative reviews stay out of your product by asking users their opinion first, and the users who get to rate you will most probably provide you 5-star ratings.

    Encourage Feedbacks – ask proactively, but don’t get irritating:

    An application should have a number of reviews and ratings in order to get an important improvement in search. Don’t expect the users to put down feedback- ask them for it. The huge mistake the developers normally make is firing users with pop-us each time they enter the application. It looks obsessive and can become quite irritating for the users. No doubt multiple users will end up leaving a poor rating. Do not make the same mistake, just ask the right users and only at the right time.

    Ask users to Rate You in the True “Moments of Joy”:

    Another common mistake of mobile app developers is asking users to rate their applications just too soon. For most users, a short time is not enough to learn how to make use of it and begin enjoying it, and to navigate through your application. This turns out that you are more probably to get a negative rating if you ask users to rate before that special moment.

    If you know the moments of joy of your users- the times when they are the most excited and happy about utilizing your application, find that exact point of time will be easy. The moment of joy can be game level- up, collecting a rare item or a big win; first time successfully completed action in the application and achieving a high score or a personal best, or unlocking latest features.

    Leverage Help Shift to Offer Direct Support to Your Users:

    Providing exceptional consumer service is the best route to a good application review. This is common for applications to contain a “send feedback” button that just pops open an email form. You can combine help shift into your application and communicate directly with your users through a live two-way instant messaging window but for very little effort.

    Help shift gives you a web-based dashboard that lets you replace with one-to-one messages with your users directly inside of your application. Thus, the next time a user wants to assist, you can go way beyond a pre-populated mail form and distribute a great consumer support experience with Help shift. You can ask them to review your app and send them the link when you have helped your user.

    This is simple and free to put together and it minimizes negative application reviews by providing users a “Send Feedback” button. When pressed, the user will be taken to a live chat window where they can directly air all of their objections about your application.

    Make Use of Gamification Procedure:

    The example of gamification is done by one of the favorite movie podcasts. The podcast is available in the course of iTunes, yet one of the simplest methods to get a podcast recommended throughout iTunes is to get better reviews and ratings. So, the movie podcast guys have a raffle all month for a yearlong Netflix Membership. Users come in by posting a straightforward review through iTunes. In a game, gamification has to do with turning the review procedure. As a result, when users make reviews for your application, you may incorporate some sort of content, raffle, or reward program.

    Keep Negative Reviews and Ratings Away from the Stores:

    Addressing only the connected users to leave feedback is essential. But you need to give the users excellent consumer support in order to create a strong positive relationship with your users. If your users are experiencing problems, ensure that your users know where to go. Create a dedicated message center that is easily accessible from the inside of the application and this will save you from hours of replying to complaints from unhappy users.

    Give the users an option to direct to the consumer support in case they having problems and are not satisfied. The Best mobile app company in Dubai take ideas from negative reviews and sort out the app’s previous problems. You can avoid negative reviews and ratings leaking to your store listing and the user whose concerns you solve in the past; will be more probably to leave you positive feedback in the future.

    Time the Prompt:

    Whereas review prompts are a good method to remind users to leave a review, it’s also significant to time the prompts accurately within the user experience. A lot of applications make the mistake of asking for reviews upon the user launching the application. Unfortunately, it makes for a poor user experience, and users are less probably to leave a review since the application is disrupting the usual user flow.

    A better way to ask for the review is to wait unless the user has completed something within your application or finished with his/her planned task. Build a theory and begin testing through the diverse options of your rating prompt, an action as easy as viewing the five stars that can show the way towards an important improvement in average rating score and response rate. Prompting for a review when users are feeling good about the application is a win-win condition for both the end-user and app developer.

    Showcase the Benefit of Users’ Ratings:

    Users enjoy the feeling of being a part of something big and helpful. Remind the users how crucial it is for you to get their feedback, and show the advantages that this can bring to the game or application and even to themselves: updates, new levels, more content, or even new products.

    Remember About Email Marketing And Social Marketing:

    Some of your most important consumers are following places such that Twitter and Facebook. However, your email is also the best option for marketing. Make sure to cut out as several steps as possible because no one is going to click through once then search around for the write review key. Ensure that you complete all of the work for users.

    Make use of this power to grow the number of installs and thus, ratings if you have a strong community made around your product. Ask your users about reviews and rates to your application throughout email newsletters and social media accounts.

    Make the most of word-of-mouth marketing by creating a path for social media sharing. Encouraging your users to share their ratings on social media accounts will assist you to make trust between the networks of these users and thus make wider your viewers’ reach.

    Ask for Feedback Through a Push Notification:

    The only real human beings who are going to write a review are the ones who have installed your application. You can send them a push notification if users have your application installed. Ask users to take a rapid moment of their time. I also suggest containing an alternative push notification for those users who may submit a feedback survey with ways through that you can get better the application. So, during building an app the mobile app developers should insert this feature in an app.

    Start a Contest:

    Start a contest on multiple forums is another good way to increase application reviews. You can provide away a gift card or you can give money to the winner when running a contest. Users will leave their usernames of app stores as replies within your thread and after that, you can choose the winner randomly.

    It is crucial to highlight to be completely transparent who the contestants are and how you have chosen a winner. You can associate a number for each user and put all usernames into a spreadsheet. After that make use of any website to produce a number and show the screenshot to prove you were not favoring any one reviewer.

    Checking app stores and validating the reviews to choosing a winner during running a contest does need you to manually manage the whole procedure. It can jumpstart your application’s important and early ratings and reviews.

    Run a Blogger Outreach Program:

    A genuine blogger review can influence your users in an immense way within the tech world. Reaching out to these influencers is the only hurdle. Locating a successful blogger and after that start with collecting relevant data about human beings who matter in your business. The second step is contacting these human beings and landing a review or a guest post that blends users. Considering that users get such emails every day as writing an e-mail to an established blogger is an art.

    Ask Yourself: Is It Soon Enough?

    The most important lesson that developers can be trained here is the fact that no one likes to be interrupted. Unluckily application ratings are likely to follow the same pattern. It is compulsory to take feedback. Although, developers don’t try it till the reviewer has to spend adequate time with the application. Here are some tactics that all developer can follow:

    Chances are that it will be better if developers align rating prompts immediately after a wow moment. When the reviewer has crossed a certain milestone, a gaming application can send the prompt. In the same way, after the user has purchased a discount product, the eCommerce platform can send rating prompts.

    • If the user asking simple questions instead of complex ones, several bits of advice also touches.
    • Set a goal that should be based on your user. For instance, when the user has spent a lot of time with the application, we will send application review prompts.

    Make It Simple for App Users to Reach You:

    The psychology of the user does influence a positive and negative review. A displeased user is more probably to rate you one or two stars while a happy customer may rate you five stars. The question is raised what can be caused that a dissatisfied user chose so? Was this shortage of timely updates or something else? When the application customer is not able to contact the developers in the first place, it occurs. Before rating your application negatively, intelligent users will try to reach you. Here are the ideas on how to make it easier for the application users:

    • If you insert contact info in the application description. This can be linked to social media channels or support email ID where a user can contact the developers.
    • Try to make an exclusive platform for application users. It means either an exclusive website landing page or a dedicated toll-free number. A frequently asked question section is also able to limit a lot of complaints.
    • To chat with your support team directly, have a two-way chat option that permits your users. There are multiple platforms that assist you to get to this feature live within a minute. The best part about it that you can ask users to rate the app inside the chat.

    Final Words

    By reading the above-written points, you must have understood how to get better user ratings on mobile apps. To make a successful strategy, user feedback is essential. That’s why the Best mobile app company in Dubai always give preference to user feedback. It has to influence store ranking algorithms for top charts and search.

    Moreover, reviews and ratings can discourage or convince them to install and try your application and have a direct impact on product page visitors. That is the reason why it is crucial to work hard on collecting more and take care of ratings and better feedback. If you want to know more regarding mobile Apps, get in touch with us. In the future, we will provide you more informative articles/blogs regarding mobile apps.

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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