How To Make An App Like Practo?


    Last Updated on February 9, 2024 by RanjitPal Singh

    How To Make An App Like Practo? In the fast-evolving landscape of healthcare, the demand for efficient and accessible medical services has driven the development of innovative solutions like Practo. Practo is a comprehensive healthcare platform that seamlessly connects patients with healthcare providers, offering a spectrum of services from online doctor consultations to appointment scheduling and health record management. 

    If you’re aspiring to create an app akin to Practo, understanding the key elements and functionalities is crucial. This involves meticulous planning, robust backend infrastructure, user-friendly interfaces, and adherence to healthcare regulations. From user authentication and appointment booking features to integrating telemedicine capabilities, the process encompasses various stages. 

    This introduction will guide you through the fundamental steps, highlighting the importance of user experience, data security, and collaboration with healthcare professionals. Embarking on the journey of healthcare app development demands a strategic approach and a commitment to delivering a reliable, user-centric platform that addresses the dynamic needs of both patients and healthcare practitioners.

    Practo App Revenue Breakdown

    Practo App Revenue Breakdown | Richestsoft

    Why Should Invest In Building An App Like Practo?

    Rising Demand for Digital Healthcare

    The global shift towards digital healthcare solutions is evident, with an increasing number of users seeking convenient and accessible ways to manage their health. Investing in an app like Practo allows you to tap into this growing demand and cater to the evolving needs of health-conscious individuals.

    Streamlined Healthcare Access

    An app like Practo provides a centralized platform for users to effortlessly access various healthcare services, from scheduling appointments to consulting with healthcare professionals online. By investing in such an app, you contribute to creating a more efficient and user-friendly healthcare ecosystem.

    Telemedicine’s Growing Popularity

    Telemedicine has become a mainstream method of healthcare delivery, especially in the wake of global events that emphasize the importance of remote services. Investing in an app with telemedicine capabilities positions your platform at the forefront of this rapidly expanding market.

    Enhanced Patient Engagement

    Building an app similar to Practo allows for improved patient engagement by offering features like personalized health records, medication reminders, and health tracking. These engagement tools contribute to better health outcomes and create a more involved and informed user base.

    Market Potential and Monetization

    The healthcare technology market has significant growth potential, and an app like Practo provides various avenues for monetization, such as subscription models, in-app purchases, and partnerships with healthcare providers. This presents a lucrative opportunity for investors seeking a return on their investment.

    Competitive Edge in Healthcare Technology

    Investing in the development of a healthcare app positions your business at the forefront of technological advancements in the healthcare sector. It allows you to stay competitive by offering innovative solutions that meet the needs of both healthcare providers and consumers.

    Data-Driven Insights and Analytics

    Apps like Practo gather valuable health data that can be used to generate insights, contributing to advancements in personalized medicine and population health management. Investing in such an app not only provides immediate benefits but also positions your business as a contributor to the future of data-driven healthcare.

    Investing in building an app like Practo aligns with the current trends in digital healthcare, presents numerous monetization opportunities, and positions your business as a key player in the evolving landscape of healthcare technology.

    What Features Should You Keep In An App Like Practo?

    What Features Should You Keep In An App Like Practo?

    Features of any of the applications help it make it more successful as compared to any other thing. Here is the list of must have features of apps like Practo. If you are planning to build an app similar to Prcato, having the mentioned below features would make the application more reliable and user-friendly for the user. 

    Registration and Profile Creation

    Ensure a seamless onboarding process with easy registration and profile creation, allowing users to input their personal information, medical history, and preferences effortlessly.

    Doctor Directory

    Include a comprehensive directory of healthcare professionals, clinics, and hospitals. Implement filters for specialties, locations, and user reviews to help patients find suitable healthcare providers.

    Appointment Scheduling 

    Integrate a robust appointment scheduling system, allowing users to book appointments with healthcare professionals based on their availability. Implement reminder features to keep users informed about upcoming appointments.

    Video Consultations

    Incorporate telemedicine capabilities, enabling users to consult with healthcare professionals remotely through secure video calls. Ensure a user-friendly interface for virtual consultations and maintain compliance with telemedicine regulations.

    EHR Management

    Provide users with a secure platform to manage their electronic health records, including medical history, prescriptions, and test results. Implement features for easy sharing of EHRs with healthcare providers.

    Medication Tracking 

    Include a medication tracking system that allows users to set reminders for medication intake. Provide features for recording dosage, frequency, and any side effects experienced.

    Health Tracker

    Integrate tools for users to track and monitor their health and wellness, including features for fitness tracking, nutrition logging, and personalized health goals. This enhances user engagement and promotes a holistic approach to healthcare.

    Secured Communication 

    Implement a secure messaging system for communication between patients and healthcare providers. Ensure that the platform complies with healthcare data privacy regulations to protect sensitive information.

    These features collectively contribute to creating a comprehensive healthcare platform similar to Practo, offering users a one-stop solution for their healthcare needs while maintaining a user-friendly and secure environment.

    How To Generate Revenue From Application Like Practo

    Generating revenue from an application like Practo involves implementing various monetization strategies. Here are several ways to generate income from your healthcare app:

    Subscription Models

    Offer subscription plans for users to access premium features or services. This could include exclusive access to certain healthcare providers, faster appointment scheduling, or additional telemedicine features.

    In-App Purchases

    Provide in-app purchases for specific features or services. This could include one-time purchases for extended telemedicine consultations, priority appointment booking, or access to premium health content.

    Freemium Model

    Adopt a freemium model, where the basic app is free to download and use, but users can pay for premium features or an ad-free experience. This allows users to experience the app’s basic functionalities before deciding to invest in additional features.

    Partnerships with Healthcare Providers

    Collaborate with healthcare professionals, clinics, and hospitals for a fee. Offer them a platform to connect with patients, schedule appointments, and provide telemedicine services. Charge a commission for each appointment booked or consultation conducted through your app.

    Advertising and Promotions

    Integrate targeted advertising within the app, promoting healthcare-related products and services. Ensure that the advertisements are relevant to users and align with their healthcare needs. Charge advertisers based on impressions, clicks, or a flat fee.

    Data Monetization

    Aggregate and anonymize health data (while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations) to generate valuable insights for pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, or insurance providers. Monetize this data through partnerships or by selling aggregated insights.

    Affiliate Marketing

    Partner with pharmaceutical companies, health and wellness brands, or medical equipment providers. Promote their products or services within your app and earn a commission for each sale or lead generated through your platform.

    Corporate Partnerships

    Forge partnerships with corporate entities interested in offering healthcare benefits to their employees. Provide a customized version of your app with additional features tailored to corporate wellness programs, and charge companies a subscription or usage fee.

    Premium Listings for Healthcare Providers

    Allow healthcare providers to enhance their visibility on your platform through premium listings. Charge providers for featured placements, detailed profiles, and additional promotional features.

    It’s crucial to choose a revenue model or a combination of models that align with your target audience, the value your app provides, and the competitive landscape in the healthcare technology sector. Regularly assess and adapt your monetization strategy based on user feedback and industry trends.

    How To Develop An App Like Practo 

    Developing an app like Practo involves a systematic process that combines technical expertise, healthcare knowledge, and user-centric design. Here are six essential steps to guide you through the development process:

    Market Research and Planning

    Conduct thorough market research to understand the healthcare industry’s dynamics, user needs, and existing competitors. Identify the unique features and functionalities that will set your app apart. Define your target audience, create user personas, and develop a comprehensive business plan outlining the app’s scope, features, and monetization strategy.

    Regulatory Compliance and Security Measures

    Familiarize yourself with healthcare regulations and standards to ensure compliance with data protection laws like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) if operating in the United States. Implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive user health data. Prioritize the development of a secure backend infrastructure and employ encryption techniques to protect user information.

    Feature Definition and Design

    Clearly define the features and functionalities your app will offer, considering the needs of both patients and healthcare providers. Features may include user registration, doctor directories, appointment scheduling, telemedicine capabilities, health record management, and more. Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless user experience. Consider usability, accessibility, and responsiveness across various devices.

    Development and Technology Stack

    Choose a suitable technology stack for your app’s development. This includes selecting the programming language, frameworks, and tools that align with your project requirements. Implement a scalable and modular architecture to accommodate future updates and expansions. Develop both frontend and backend components, ensuring smooth communication between the user interface and the server.

    Integration of Telemedicine and APIs

    Incorporate telemedicine features, allowing users to consult with healthcare professionals through secure video calls. Integrate APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to connect with healthcare databases, appointment scheduling systems, and other external services. Ensure seamless communication between different components of the app to deliver a cohesive user experience.

    Testing, Launch, and Iteration

    Conduct rigorous testing to identify and address bugs, security vulnerabilities, and usability issues. Perform functional, integration, and user acceptance testing to ensure the app meets quality standards. Once satisfied with the testing results, launch the app on the intended platforms (iOS, Android, or both). Monitor user feedback and analytics post-launch, and iterate on the app to enhance features, address user concerns, and stay abreast of technological advancements.

    Remember, developing a healthcare app requires collaboration with healthcare professionals, adherence to ethical standards, and ongoing efforts to maintain regulatory compliance. Keep communication channels open with stakeholders, prioritize user privacy and security, and be prepared to adapt to evolving healthcare trends and technologies.

    Why Choose Richestsoft For Building An App Like Practo


    Proven Expertise in Healthcare App Development

    Richestsoft has a strong track record of developing successful healthcare applications, showcasing its expertise in the industry. With a dedicated team of experienced developers, they understand the unique challenges and requirements of healthcare app development. Choosing Richestsoft ensures that you partner with a company that has a deep understanding of healthcare processes, compliance standards, and user needs.

    Tailored Solutions 

    We are known for our innovative approach to app development. When building an app like Prcato, our team is adept at customizing solutions to meet specific client requirements. Whether it’s integrating advanced features, ensuring seamless user experience, or addressing unique functionalities, Our dedicated healthcare app developers excel in delivering tailored solutions that align with the client’s vision for a healthcare app.

    User-Centric Design 

    A key strength of Richestsoft lies in its commitment to build a user-centric design. For healthcare applications, user accessibility and experience are paramount. Richestsoft places a strong emphasis on creating apps that are intuitive, user-friendly, and accessible to a wide range of users. This ensures that the healthcare app developed by Richestsoft not only meets industry standards but also resonates well with end-users, contributing to better adoption rates.

    Data Security

    Healthcare apps deal with sensitive and confidential patient data, requiring strict adherence to industry regulations and robust security measures. Richestsoft is well-versed in compliance standards such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and understands the importance of data security in healthcare app development. Choosing Richestsoft guarantees that your app will be developed with a strong focus on privacy, compliance, and security, instilling trust among both healthcare providers and end-users.

    We stand out as a reliable choice for building a healthcare app like Prcato due to its proven expertise, innovative solutions, user-centric design, and commitment to industry standards and data security.


    Selecting Richestsoft for building an app like Prcato is a prudent choice for several compelling reasons. Their demonstrated proficiency in healthcare app development, coupled with a knack for innovative solutions tailored to client needs, ensures a project aligned with industry standards and user expectations. The company’s commitment to user-centric design fosters accessibility, guaranteeing an intuitive experience. 

    Moreover, Richestsoft’s unwavering focus on compliance with healthcare regulations and robust data security measures enhances the app’s reliability. By choosing Richestsoft, one not only gains a seasoned development partner but also ensures the delivery of a secure, user-friendly, and compliant healthcare application. Contact


    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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