10 Mistakes In React Native App Development Process: How to Fix Them


    Last Updated on August 28, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    Mobile app development industry is getting sanctioned with customers’ demands every single day. According to Data Report:

    • There are 92.1% of active internet users in the world
    • Mobile phones make up about 55.7% of our online time

    Such mind-bending stats clearly indicate the insane pace with which mobile technology is growing. Better the apps, the better the percentage of satisfied customers. Economical, user-friendly, and compatible with Android iOS, and Windows, these are a few reasons why developers around the world love working with React Native. React Native developers have a strong base in the USA closely followed by India, Brazil, and China. Clearly, React Native developers are quite high in demand.

    The cross-platform software’s reusable components and shareable code repository have made the task much easier to develop a user-friendly app. React Native has a similar syntax configuration as CSS, but it doesn’t use CSS or HTML to function.

    React Native is based on JavaScript and is easily one of the most loved app development frameworks. React Native app developers have to stay at par in their fields to quench the market demands. But as we know, perfection is a myth. Here are 10 common mistakes that not only the beginners React Native developers fall for but also the experienced developers get enmeshed into. What’s more? We will also tell you how to fix them!

    Here is the twist. If you fully read this list of ten mistakes, you will get one more and how to fix it as a bonus, a total of eleven mistakes. Sounds cool?

    Without any further ado, let technology, for once, improve the quality of our life.

    Also Read: Why Choose React Native App Development for Your Business?

    Top 10 Common React Native App Development Mistakes

    10 Mistakes to Avoid When Developing React Native Apps

    1. Lack of Native Image Optimization

    Native image optimization is one of the surest ways to make sure your React Native app and website are working properly. But sometimes, the technical requirement hog too much of the developer’s time so they, unknowingly though, end up ignoring the crucial task of image optimization.

    When you optimize images using React Native, they get resized locally. Then they get uploaded to cloud storage which is an S3 server. You will then retrieve the CDN link from the server that returns using API.

    With misaligned images or broken images, images that fail to load properly, or images with poor display can wreak havoc on all the efforts.

    How to Fix:

    This goes without saying. Pay complete attention to Native image optimization. Downloading images becomes quicker and easier, helping your visitors to browse through the content of your website or app with greater satisfaction.

    Also Read: Future Scope of React Native for Mobile App Development

    2. Faulty Redux Store Arrangement

    Do you know why Redux was invented? It was specially designed for large apps to store data as well as manage and debug their app states.

    React Native is extremely handy for large projects so when a business starts deploying it for small projects, the developers are bound to write a ginormous number of codes for even the smallest of changes. This is time-consuming and unnecessary.

    Also, developers are usually of the opinion that redux helps with performance. It doesn’t! Redux actually doesn’t affect the performance of the app at all.

    How to fix:

    • Configure the store
    • Organize files by maintaining a store hierarchy
    • Combine reducers. Add more reducers.
    • Have an option of adding middleware
    • Not using React Native for small projects

    3. Lack of Attention to Details

    React Native developers must pay attention to the details while developing apps on any platform such as the exact estimation of the project. Avoiding this aspect prima facie can get you in trouble early on.

    React Native reusable components cannot be used for all platforms viz. iOS, Windows, and Android. The three musketeers come with their own types of interfaces, structures, and layouts. So, assuming what Android needs is suitable for iOS and so on is a huge mistake.

    How to fix:

    Poor estimation is one of the common mistakes which can be fixed by taking the correct estimation of the project.

    4. Poor Coding Practice

    Poor Coding Practice

    Creating an app requires coding, a lot of coding. If done right, the app runs smoothly. If done wrong, say goodbye to the smooth experience.

    Poor coding practice is one mistake that React Native developers end up doing. While it’s true that coding requires immaculate attention and not everyone is perfect yet the coding practice has to be set and straightened because when you fail to focus on coding, you will then have to scribble a massive number of codes again and again, and for every change happening. Result? It will annoyingly hamper the readability of the codes.

    How to Fix:

    • Use proper names for the variables
    • De-structure the property
    • Create a readable helper function by slicing render elements Define prop-types
    • Keep lifecycle, methods, and render elements separate in the components

    5. Using Stateless Components to Boost Performance

    Boost Performance

    Stateless components were helpful in boosting performance but it was before React 16.

    While stateless components are easy to test, quick to apply, and don’t use local variables, they still, it doesn’t extend any class. It’s good for the argument in DOM display and props. Some developers also think that stateless components boost the app performance which isn’t true.

    There are basically 3 types of defined components in React Native:

    • Stateless components
    • Pure components
    • Component extends the component class

    How to Fix:

    Using pure components in your apps can do the trick. Here are a few reasons why it is better:

    • More preferred way to optimize react/React Native apps
    • It helps with boosting the app’s performance. It decreases the render operations making it a favorable choice for complicated UI apps.
    • As opposed to a stateless component which re-renders when the parent component re-renders itself, a pure component only re-renders when there is any change in states or props.
    • Performing side effects can also be done. All you have to do is either provoke componentDidmount with Ajax request or initiate DOM operations.

    6. Not identifying the key properly

    Another most common mistake React Native app developers are at fault to commit. They fail to identify the key properly.

    In the absence of a proper key for the list items, whenever those items are going through any kind of change, React Native will re-render each time. It is not advisable because as a React Native developer, you’d want to avoid happening it every time.

    How to Fix:

    To ignore the issue of re-rendering, assign a special key to every list item. It will avoid receiving any warning from the system as a result.

    7. Ignoring to Document Unit Test

    Imagine your app is about to be launched. The thrill and excitement of getting it out in the world are unparalleled! But shortly before the main event, you notice a glitch. You contact your React Native developer and as it turns out, it is a bug. You ask how did it happen? Your developer, while avoiding looking at you directly, reveals that they failed to document the unit test.

    Down goes your planning to have a big bash during the launch. Let that naïve person not be you.

    You do not want your visitors to come to your app only to find it bogged down with bugs and issues. Won’t it play with your reputation?

    How to Fix:

    During the mobile app development, ask your React Native developer to write unit tests from the beginning. It is good practice to write unit tests for each part of the app and keep testing it at every stage. A well-documented unit test will also boost the reputation of your app.

    Properly written unit test also helps with giving a red signal whenever there is an issue. The developers can fix it at the same time as developing the app.

    8. Left Console.log statements

    Debugging. This is the primary function of console.log statements.

    But they tend to jam the JavaScript thread when left inside, especially if they are asynchronous and the rendering logic and methods. The issue can have a field day with slowing down your app.

    How to Fix:

    Simple. Don’t leave console.log statements inside the app.

    9. Unattended External Modules Codes

    External modules make the developers’ tasks easy since they come with documentation. They help with:

    • Time-saving
    • Faster work performance, and
    • Simplification of the app development

    But if the developers fail to read the codes properly, modules can break down causing the app to slow down.

    How to Fix:

    As a React Native developer, paying attention to reading external module codes is extremely important. If done right, it can also help with the rectification of potential issues.

    10. Not Following The protocols

    What happens when you stop following the protocols as React Native developer? The app refuses to follow your protocols too in return. This is not how technology should improve our daily life.

    When the React Native developers and designers do not follow the protocols while developing the app, it can create a list of hazardous issues later on.

    How to Fix:

    To state the obvious, follow the protocols to have a well-serving smooth functioning app right from the beginning. For example, as a React Native developer and designer, do follow the naming convention. It enhances the code’s readability.

    Congratulations! Now that you’ve made it here, let us fulfill our promise too. Here is the 11th mistake and how to fix it.

    Bonus Point: Ignoring the Project Structure

    A building is made of bricks. Lay one brick wrong and sooner or later, the building is promised to crumble into dust. As a React Native developer, ignoring the project structure can result in the exact same situation.

    Every project is different. It has demands suitable to its uniqueness. Failing to understand those demands, app development will become a cranky process to tackle with.

    How to Fix:

    As a React Native developer, you already know that the project can be structured in a number of ways. Have an idea of the structure of the project since the beginning. It will help you to come up with the correct procedures such as creating an organized system of files and folders.

    Two Ways to Become A React Native Developer

    two ways to become react native developers

    Above are mentioned the mistakes that beginners, as well as advanced React Native developers, make. Aside from learning about them and fixing them, here are a couple of ways in leading the field:

    Get Involved with an Organization for React Native Training:

    This advice is for beginners who have just graduated and are looking for some hands-on experience.

    Get involved with an organization that does not only focuses on its growth but its employees’ too. The best option might be start-ups or medium-sized organizations. They usually have the mindset of trial and error. They know mistakes can happen and that they can be fixed. They take the entire process of the React Native app development seriously right from the beginning and help the teams with enriching experiences. At these places, you will feel involved and progressive.

    Enroll in React Native Courses to Stay Updated:

    This advice is for beginners as well as seasoned app developers.

    Remember mistake #5 where we talked about using React Native for performance boost which was before React Native 16?

    Note: You can also read books to gather knowledge. For example, Learning React Native by Bonnie Eisenman and React Native for Mobile Development by Akshat Paul and Abhishek Nalwaya are two good choices.

    Technology gets outdated but not the clients and their projects. They keep coming up with fresh ideas and requests that often involves the knowledge of the latest update on the field. You have to bring your A-game every single time!

    If you continue enrolling for the courses, it will help you stay up-to-date with the latest technology updates. While you are getting hands-on experience working for an organization and clients, you will also be streaming ahead in the field. This also means that you will never go out of demand.


    1. Can existing apps migrate to React Native?

    Yes. Any React app can migrate to React Native.

    There are a few scenarios when businesses start leaning toward React Native apps:

    • When you already have a native app
    • You wish to create an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) to assess your product’s performance and potential in the market
    • When you have a website app, and
    • For a better-written app

    However, it’s always advisable to keep both sides of the coin in mind. Here are listed three concerns you should know before proceeding:

    • The integration for Android through React Root View and iOS through RCTR Root View stay as it is
    • Constant blinking of error messages during the update
    • iOS/SDK may take a longer time to amend with the React Native core library.

    2. What are different React Native technologies?

    React Native is an open-source UI software framework built and developed by Meta Platforms Inc.

    It helps with developing several technologies such as Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, Windows, and UWP. It is also used in VR (Virtual Reality) apps in Oculus.

    3. What are the best tools for React Native?

    Cross-platform editing, static code analysis, and text editing are some of the advantages that trigger React Native developers to opt for a React Native tool. Below is a comprehensive list of React Native tools that developers can use to initiate, scale and complete the projects:

    • Atom
    • Nuclide
    • Sublime Text
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Expo
    • ESLint
    • Flow 
    • Jest
    • NativeBase
    • Vim Editor
    • Reactotron
    • React Navigation

    4. Which types of apps can be developed in React Native?

    With React Native, you can develop Single-page application (SPA) apps that are high-quality, user-friendly, efficient, and cheap.

    Instagram, Bloomberg, Walmart, Uber Eats, Discord, Skype, Pinterest, Salesforce, and Facebook are a few examples of apps based on React Native technologies.

    5. How much does React Native Development cost?

    React Native-based apps make up for more than 14.85% of downloaded apps in the US which organically makes it a popular framework.

    The cost of developing a React Native app depends upon several factors such as the project requirements, planning, infrastructure designing, total work, the development company type, location of the project, distribution platform, etc. However, here is an estimation for you reference:

    React Native App TypeEstimated CostDuration
    Simple$15,000 to $35,0003-6 months
    Medium level complexity$35,000 to $80,0006-9 months
    Complex$80,000 to $300,0009-12 months

    You can also assimilate specific features in your app the estimation of which is listed below:

    FeaturesEstimated Cost
    Login Interface$2000 – $4000
    Admin panel$4000 – $6000
    API integrations$5000 – $5,500
    Notification panel$5000 – $7,500
    Geolocation$15,000 – $20,000
    IoT$25,000 – $30,000
    Streaming portal$5,000 – $10,000
    E-commerce$10,000 – $15,000


    Just to brush up some final thoughts, React Native came into existence when in 2012, Mark Zuckerberg regretted his company for “betting too much on HTML as opposed to native”. HTML5 was slow in extracting data which caused instability in Facebook mobile version. Soon enough and as promised, in 2015, he released the first version of React JavaScript Configuration. Fun fact: It happened over an internal Hackathon and after months of development.

    React Native is still a relevant and popular technology that is surely improving our lifestyle with some of the best-performing apps. But before it becomes outdated and goes out of demand, make sure you have learned all the mistakes that can happen while developing an app using this framework. There are more mistakes but for today, let’s wrap up at ten. Oh no! Eleven. For a special reader. Like you.

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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