Mobile App Performance Testing – Types, Common Challenges and Tools


    Last Updated on September 26, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    As mobile usage persists skyrocketing, having a high-quality mobile app is crucial for businesses to succeed in today’s demand. In fact, according to the latest research, 79% of smartphone users have left an app due to unsatisfactory performance, highlighting the significance of providing your mobile app that is speedy, reliable, user-friendly, and high performing.

    That’s where mobile app performance testing comes in. Testing your mobile app’s performance across various techniques and devices authorizes you to pinpoint and fix problems before they affect your users.

    This blog will examine the main elements of mobile app performance testing, including why it’s important, the testing types, and best practices for guaranteeing your app performs at its best.

    Whether you are a business owner, app developer, app development company or software tester, this blog will provide valuable insights and actionable tips for optimizing your mobile app’s performance and providing a seamless user experience.

    What is Mobile App Performance Testing?

    Mobile app performance testing evaluates a mobile application’s performance under various conditions to identify and resolve performance problems before the app goes live. Studies have shown that slow and unresponsive mobile apps result in a higher uninstallation rate, with 21.8% of users uninstalling an app after one use due to poor performance (Statista). 

    Thus, app developers must conduct app performance testing to confirm their app fulfills user expectations and executes seamlessly under different conditions. By completing various types of mobile app performance testing, app developers can improve the app’s reputation and user experience, eventually leading to the success of the mobile app.

    Benefits of Mobile App Performance Testing

    Mobile phones have become a compulsory part of our lives, authorizing us to access services, information, and entertainment on the go. However, mobile app performance problems such as slow loading times, crashes, and freezing can significantly impact user experience and lead to unfavorable reviews and loss of business. It is crucial to conduct app performance testing to avoid such problems. Here are some significant advantages of mobile app performance testing and why it is necessary for the success of your mobile application.

    Advantages of Mobile App Performance Testing

    Enhances User Experience

    App performance testing helps identify problems such as unresponsive buttons, slow loading times, and crashes. By identifying and resolving these problems before releasing the app to the public, you can significantly enhance the user experience. A smooth and responsive app will draw and retain users, leading to favourable reviews and boosting business.

    It saves Money and Time.

    Fixing performance issues after the mobile app has been released can be time-consuming and expensive. Identifying and resolving these issues during the development phase through performance testing is more cost-effective. Performance testing can assist in identifying problems that may not be apparent during normal usage, guaranteeing the app is robust and reliable.

    Improves Overall App Performance

    App performance testing can assist in identifying areas of the app that can be optimized for better performance. It could include decreasing the app’s size, optimizing images, or enhancing the code. Optimizing the app’s performance will load quickly, use less battery, and improve the overall user experience.

    Boosts User Engagement

    A poorly functioning app can lead to frustration and disengagement from users. App performance testing helps confirm that the mobile app performs at optimal levels, which can boost user engagement. It can improve user retention, frequent use, and revenue generation.

    Enhances App Security

    App performance testing can also assist in determining security susceptibilities in the mobile app. By identifying and correcting these vulnerabilities before releasing the mobile app, you can confirm that user data is secure and thwart breaches. It will help make trust with users, which is essential for the success of your mobile app.

    Types of Mobile App Performance Tests

    Types of Mobile App Performance Tests

    The use of mobile applications has become an integral part of our daily lives. With millions of mobile apps available in app stores, it is essential for app developers to ensure that their applications perform optimally. The performance of a mobile app can significantly affect user experience, customer satisfaction, and, finally, the app’s success. Here we will examine the different types of mobile app performance tests developers can use to ensure their app performs optimally.

    ➡️ Load Testing 

    Load testing is performance testing that involves testing the mobile app’s ability to manage many users simultaneously. This type of testing is crucial for apps that are estimated to have a high traffic volume. Load testing helps specify the maximum number of users an app can handle without crashing or experiencing performance problems.

    ➡️ Stress Testing 

    Stress testing is another type of performance testing that involves testing a mobile app’s ability to manage extreme conditions such as high traffic or low memory. Stress testing helps app developers identify potential performance problems that may arise under these extreme conditions.

    ➡️ Endurance Testing 

    Endurance testing, or soak testing, involves testing the mobile app’s ability to handle prolonged usage. This type of testing helps app developers identify any performance issues that may occur after prolonged usage. Endurance testing is essential for mobile apps, such as mobile games, that are supposed to be used for extended periods.

    ➡️ Network Testing 

    Network testing involves testing the mobile app’s performance under different network conditions. This type of testing allows app developers to specify any performance issues that may arise when users switch between various networks, such as from 4G and 5G to Wi-Fi. Network testing also enables app developers to identify potential security problems when users connect to public Wi-Fi networks.

    ➡️ Memory Testing 

    Memory testing involves testing the mobile app’s memory usage under different conditions. This type of testing enables app developers to identify any potential memory leaks or excessive memory usage that may cause the mobile app to crash or experience performance issues.

    App performance testing is essential to guarantee an app performs optimally and provides a positive user experience. App developers can use different performance tests to determine potential performance problems and confirm their mobile app performs optimally under other conditions. Using these tests, app developers can prove that their mobile app is responsive, trustworthy, and provides a positive user experience.

    How to Perform Mobile App Performance Testing?

    How to Perform Mobile App Performance Testing?

    App performance testing is an essential step in the app development process. It helps developers identify potential performance issues and confirm their app performs optimally under different conditions. Here we will discuss how to perform mobile app testing.

    Set Performance Metrics 

    Before performing App performance testing, it is essential to define performance metrics. These metrics should be specific, measurable, and relevant to the app’s goals. Performance metrics may include loading time, stability, app responsiveness, and memory usage. Defining performance metrics enables app developers to identify potential performance issues and measure the app’s performance against these metrics.

    Use Performance Testing Tools 

    There are several performance testing tools available for App performance testing. These tools simulate real-world usage techniques and help app developers identify potential performance issues. Some popular performance testing tools for mobile apps include Appium, Apache JMeter, and LoadRunner.

    Test Under Different Network Conditions 

    Mobile apps are used under different network conditions, including 3G, 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, and low bandwidth. Testing mobile apps under unusual network conditions is essential to ensure that the app performs optimally under all conditions. Network testing tools such as Network Link Conditioner (iOS) and Network Connection Emulator (Android) can simulate different network conditions to test app performance.

    Test on Different Devices

    Mobile apps are used on different devices, including smartphones, tablets, and wearables. Testing mobile apps on other devices is essential to guarantee the app performs optimally on all devices. Trying on different devices also helps app developers identify any compatibility issues that may arise on different devices.

    Monitor App Performance 

    App developers should continuously monitor app performance to identify potential performance issues. App performance monitoring tools such as Firebase Performance Monitoring (Android and iOS) and New Relic (Android and iOS) can help developers monitor app performance and identify potential performance issues.

    Common Challenges and Pitfalls 

    Performing mobile app testing can be challenging, and there are common pitfalls that app developers should be aware of. Here, we will discuss the common challenges and pitfalls of performing app performance testing.

    Common Challenges and Pitfalls of App Performance Testing

    ➡️ Limited Access to Devices 

    One of the main challenges of performing app performance testing is limited device access. Various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and wearables, use mobile apps. App developers must test their app on various devices to ensure it performs optimally on all devices. However, acquiring different devices can be costly, and it may only be possible for app developers to test their apps on some devices.

    ➡️ Emulator Limitations 

    Another challenge of performing app performance testing is emulator limitations. Emulators are software tools that simulate different mobile devices and operating systems. However, emulator testing may not accurately reflect real-world usage scenarios. Emulators may have network connectivity, hardware limitations, and user behavior limitations.

    ➡️ Limited Network Conditions 

    In order to ensure an app performs optimally, it needs to be tested under a variety of network conditions, including 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, and low bandwidth. However, testing under different network conditions can be challenging, and trying under some network conditions may only be possible.

    ➡️ Time Constraints 

    App developers often need time constraints when developing mobile apps. Performance testing can be time-consuming, and app developers may need more time to perform thorough performance testing. App developers may need to prioritize performance testing based on the app’s most critical features and functions.

    ➡️ Lack of Performance Metrics 

    Defining performance metrics is essential for app performance testing. Performance metrics help app developers identify potential performance issues and measure the app’s performance against these metrics. However, app developers may have yet to define performance metrics, making it challenging to identify potential performance issues.

    App performance testing is a crucial step in the app development cycle. However, app developers may need help performing app performance testing, including limited device access, emulator limitations, network conditions, time constraints, and lack of performance metrics. App developers should be aware of these challenges and pitfalls and take steps to address them to ensure that their app performs optimally and provides a positive user experience.

    Tools and Resources for Mobile App Performance Testing 

    Tools and Resources for Mobile App Performance Testing 

    Mobile app developers can use various tools and resources to achieve mobile app performance testing. Here, we will examine some famous tools and resources for app performance testing.

    ➡️ Apache JMeter 

    Apache JMeter is an open-source performance testing tool used for app performance testing. It can simulate real-world usage techniques and generate load on the app to test its performance. Apache JMeter can test mobile apps on different devices and network conditions.

    ➡️ LoadRunner 

    LoadRunner is a famous performance testing tool used for mobile app testing. It can emulate real-world usage scenarios and generate load on the app to test its performance. LoadRunner can test mobile apps on iOS, Android, and network conditions.

    ➡️ Appium 

    Appium is an open-source mobile app automation testing tool used for mobile app performance testing. It supports automation testing for web, native, and hybrid apps across different devices and operating systems.

    ➡️ Firebase Performance Monitoring 

    Firebase Performance Monitoring is a mobile app performance monitoring tool used for monitoring app performance in real time. It can follow app performance metrics, including responsiveness, loading time, and stability. Firebase Performance Monitoring supports both Android and iOS.

    ➡️ New Relic 

    New Relic is a mobile app performance monitoring tool that can monitor mobile app performance in real-time. It can track app performance metrics, including responsiveness, loading time, and stability. New Relic supports both Android and iOS.

    ➡️ Network Link Conditioner (for iOS) 

    Network Link Conditioner is a tool that is used to simulate different network conditions for iOS devices. It can impact other network conditions, including 3G, 4G, and personal Wi-Fi, to test mobile app performance under various network conditions.

    ➡️ Network Connection Emulator (for Android) 

    Network Connection Emulator is a tool that can be used to simulate different network conditions for Android devices. The app can be tested under various network conditions, including 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi.

    To perform mobile app performance testing, app developers can use various tools and resources, including Firebase Performance Monitoring, New Relic, Network Link Conditioner (for iOS), Apache JMeter, LoadRunner, Appium, and Network Connection Emulator (for Android). These tools and resources can assist mobile app developers in ensuring that their app fulfills optimally and provides a positive user experience.


    Q1: What is mobile app performance testing? 

    Ans: Mobile app performance testing is testing the performance of mobile apps under different conditions, including various devices, user loads, and network conditions. It allows developers to guarantee that their app is responsive and long-lasting and provides a good user experience.

    Q2: Why is mobile app performance testing important? 

    Ans: Mobile app performance testing is essential because it allows developers to pinpoint performance problems before release. It guarantees that the mobile app provides a good user experience and fulfills user expectations. It also enables mobile app developers to avoid unfavorable reviews and low ratings, which can damage the app’s reputation and decrease its adoption rate.

    Q3: What are some common performance issues that mobile apps face? 

    Ans: Some standard performance issues that mobile apps face include crashes, memory leaks, slow loading times, unresponsive UI, and poor battery performance.

    Q4: How do you measure mobile app performance? 

    Ans: Mobile app performance can be uniformed using different metrics, including responsiveness, stability, loading time, and battery usage. Mobile App developers can use tools and resources like Apache JMeter,  Firebase Performance Monitoring, LoadRunner, Appium, and New Relic to measure mobile app performance.

    Q5: How do you simulate different network conditions for mobile app performance testing? 

    Ans: Different network conditions can be assumed using tools and resources like Network Connection Emulator (Android) and Network Link Conditioner (iOS). To test mobile app performance under different network conditions, these tools can simulate different network speeds, including 3G, 4G, and personal or public Wi-Fi.

    Q6: What is the best time to perform mobile app performance testing? 

    Ans: Mobile app performance testing should be performed throughout the development cycle, starting from the early phases of development. It confirms that performance issues are recognized and addressed early, saving time and resources in the long run.


    Mobile app performance testing is essential in ensuring any mobile application’s quality and reliability. It facilitates the identification of potential issues before they are released, which can help save time and money down the road. From load testing to device compatibility tests, various tools can help you test your app’s performance and guarantee it fulfills customer expectations. With the right approach and preparation, you can leverage these tools to create a successful mobile application experience for your users.

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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