Which Language is Best For iOS App Development?


    Last Updated on January 4, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    Almost every online business now requires mobile applications. According to StatCounter data, 59% of online connections occur via mobile devices, which is higher than tablet and computer connections.

    Today, more than 1 billion iPhones are in use worldwide, representing 17.22% of the global smartphone market. In the Apple App Store, there are more than 2.23 million iPhone apps, which continue to grow. It should come as no surprise then that quality iOS programmers remain in high demand.

    Number of apps availbale in app store stats

    It is clear – iOS app development is something worth investing in. If you are wondering which iOS development language is best, then you are in the right place. In this blog, you will discover everything you need to know.

    What is an iOS App?

    An iOS app is a mobile application that runs on the iOS operating system. Apple has released multiple versions of the iOS operating system, which have different capabilities and requirements.

    Apple and Android Nation Stats

    Apple’s iOS platform offers a lot of advantages for app development. With more than 1 billion active devices in use, iOS is one of the most popular mobile platforms on the planet.

    What is a programming language?

    Programming languages are the building blocks of computer programs. They describe how a computer will execute an instruction. There are many different programming languages, but only a few are used for app development on iOS devices. Apple’s own Objective-C is the most popular language for developing iOS apps. Other popular languages include C++ and Swift.


    Most developers start out with one of these three languages, but there is no one best language for every project. It’s important to choose a language that will fit the specific needs of your app. For example, if you’re designing an app that needs to interact with external services, then you’ll need to use a more high-level language like Objective-C or C++. If all you need is a simple front-end interface, then Swift might be a better choice.

    Ultimately, the best way to learn which language is right for you is to try each one out and see what works best for the specific project you’re working on.

    Which Language is Best for iOS App Development?

    There are many languages that can be used to create iOS apps, but which one is the best? The language that you choose will largely depend on your own personal preferences and the type of app you’re creating. However, there are a few general factors to consider when choosing a language for iOS app development.

    [Also Read: Top 10 iOS App Development Companies in India]

    Firstly, the language should have a robust ecosystem of libraries and tools available to help developers build their apps quickly and easily. Additionally, the language should be relatively easy to learn for beginners, making it possible for even non-technical people to create quality apps. Finally, the language should support various device platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone), making it easier for developers to create cross-platform apps.

    So which language is best for iOS app development? That depends on your own needs and preferences as a developer, but generally speaking Swift or Objective C are popular choices due to their wide range of supported features and robust ecosystems.

    However, some key factors to consider when choosing a language include:

    key factors to consider when choosing a language

    • Performance: When it comes to performance, Objective-C is typically considered to be the fastest language option for developing iOS apps. However, Swift has been shown to be faster in some cases, so it’s worth considering if you have specific requirements that need to be met.
    • Platform compatibility: Regardless of which language you choose, your app will need to be platform compatible – meaning it will need to work on both iPhone and iPad devices.
    • Community support: Finally, make sure that the language you choose has a strong community behind it – this will ensure that you can rely on help when needed if something goes wrong during development.

    What is Swift?

    Apple introduce Swift in 2014 as a replacement for Objective-C, it’s earlier official programming language, becoming an open-source programming language in 2015. Swift is compatible with iOS7, OSX10.9, and higher. Some believe Swift will become the best programming language for iOS as the official language.

    [Also Read: React Native or Swift]

    The Swift programming language is known for its safety, speed, and expressiveness, making it a good choice for developing iPhone, desktop, and server applications.

    Swift’s market popularity

    • Based on Statistics Time’s PYPL Index (worldwide), Swift ranked second among thousands of programming languages in 2022 at 2.17% (Source).
    • The TIOBE index shows that it has a 1.55% market share, and the market share is steadily increasing.
    • The Swift programming language is used by 2.1 million iOS developers.

    What are the Advantages of Swift for iOS App Development?

    Advantages of Swift for iOS App Development

    Swift is a powerful language that has a number of advantages for iOS app development. Some of the benefits include:

    [Also Read: Why You Need To Develop Apps in Swift Platform]

    • Swift provides automatic memory management, which makes development faster and more manageable.
    • Swift is designed for safety, performance, and reliability.
    • Swift supports a variety of features and platforms, including both iPhone and iPad.
    • Swift is open source, so developers can be sure they are getting the most up-to-date features and code quality.
    • Swift has features that make it easier to work with than other languages, such as Objective-C.
    • Swift also has a strong community of developers who can help you get started if you’re new to the language.

    What is Objective-C?

    The Objective-C programming language was introduced in 1984, and it was famous for building iOS applications before Swift. It is derived from the C programming language, with added object-oriented and dynamic run-time features.

    Objective-C’s market popularity

    What are the Advantages of Objective-C for iOS App Development?

    Advantages of Objective-C for iOS App Development

    Objective-C is a powerful and flexible language that allows for high-quality app development. Here are some Advantages of Objective-C for iOS App Development:

    1. Objective-C is well-known and respected among developers.
    2. Objective-C has a rich history and is supported by many major app development platforms, such as iOS, macOS, tvOS, Android, and Windows.
    3. Objective-C is designed specifically for developing apps for the iPhone and iPad platforms. This makes it more efficient than other languages when targeting these devices.
    4. Objective C offers a wider range of tools and libraries to help speed up development time. These include the Foundation Libraries, which provide essential functionality across various areas of iOS development, as well as the Cocoa Touch SDK, which provides more specific tools for building iOS apps.
    5. Objective C code can be easily ported to other platforms if needed, making it an ideal choice for cross-platform app development projects.

    What is Flutter?

    Flutter is a trending mobile development language that promises faster and smoother app development with flutter compared to other popular languages like Objective C and Java. With its use in platforms such as iOS and Android, it has quickly become a popular choice for developers.

    Flutter’s market popularity

    • Approximately 42% of developers who build cross-platform apps use Flutter, and it is expected to grow in the near future.
    • With 138k stars on Github, Flutter has a huge community of supporters
    • There are 60k members on the Meetup Network

    What are the Advantages of Flutter for iOS App Development?

    Advantages of Flutter for iOS App Development

    If you’re looking for an agile and efficient mobile development platform, then flutter may be the right choice for you. Here are some of the advantages of using this language for iOS app development:

    1. Flutter is incredibly fast. This makes it ideal if you want to create high-performance apps.
    2. It’s cross-platform. This means that you can use flutter to develop apps for both Android and iOS platforms.
    3. It has a rich library of features. This means that you can easily incorporate features from other languages into your flutter app without having to rewrite them entirely.
    4. It has built-in support for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). This means that you can easily create immersive and interactive apps.

    What are the key factors you look for when choosing iOS app development services?

    key factors you look for when choosing IOS app development services

    When choosing an iOS app development services provider, there are a number of key factors to consider. Below are some of the most important considerations:

    1. Cost/Benefit Analysis

    Before committing to any services, it’s important to estimate both the upfront and ongoing costs. Likewise, it’s essential to weigh the benefits of various iOS app development services against each other in order to get a better idea of what’s best for your business.

    2. Skill Level and Experience

    It’s important to choose a provider with a skilled team that has experience developing apps for iOS devices. Furthermore, make sure the provider has access to the latest technologies and tools necessary for successful app development.

    3. Development Process and Timeline

    You also want to make sure that the development process is timely and efficient—not to mention cost-effective. It’s also worth evaluating how clear the provider is about timelines and expected milestones throughout the project.

    4. Client Support and Feedback Mechanism

    Finally, it’s crucial to ensure that you have access to quality customer support should you need it during or after your app development project is complete. And, of course, it’s important that you have an easy way of providing feedback on the finished product – whether positive or negative!

    Why choose RichestSoft for the iOS App development company?

    Why you choose Richestsoft for IOS App development company

    RichestSoft is a top-notch iOS app development company that offers quality services at an affordable price. Their team of experienced developers has years of experience in the field and is passionate about providing quality apps for users.

    Some of the advantages RichestSoft offers its clients include:

    • Affordable pricing – RichestSoft’s rates are definitely reasonable when compared to other leading iOS app development companies.
    • Variety of services – If you need help with anything related to iOS app development, Richestsoft has you covered. They offer both full-fledged development services as well as customization and branding services. This means that you can be sure your app will look and feel exactly the way you want it to.
    • Expertise – Achieving high-quality apps isn’t easy, which is why Richestsoft boasts such expertise in the field. Their team has years of experience developing award-winning apps, so they know what they’re doing. If you’re looking for a top-notch iOS app development company, then look no further than RichestSoft!


    1. What is the best programming language to use when developing native iOS applications?

    Swift and Objective C are two of the most popular programming languages for iOS app development. However, you can use other programming languages, such as Java, Python, and C, as well.

    2. What is the most popular language for writing apple OSX applications?

    Due to its native development advantages, Swift is also the most popular language for writing OSX applications. Apple integrates the best functionality into its own systems.

    3. What is the best programming language to use for developing cross-platform iOS applications?

    It is predicted that there will be a variety of cross-platform programming languages for iOS in 2023. However, Flutter and ReactNative will dominate the race due to their simple coding style, faster performance, and attractive user interfaces.

    4. Can I write an iOS app in C++?

    It is possible to use C++ and your app will compile and run on any iOS device, but the view controllers of your app must be Swift or Objective-C. As a result, you cannot access the user interface from C++ in a real-world scenario, but you can only use it to build your app’s core.


    iOS app development is always in trend. For this, several languages are used and many different environments are employed. Take your time to decide on a programming language that’s most suitable for iPhone apps. They may be completely based on C, so knowing it will make it easier to learn and implement other languages.

    While Objective-C has been around for a long time and is fading into the background, Swift is becoming the most popular iOS programming language of modernity. It’s rapidly gaining popularity among developers. The two languages for creating iPhone applications both belong to object-oriented programming and successfully implement that model.

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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