Fintech App Development | Cost, Types and Process


    Last Updated on April 19, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    Financial technology, or fintech, is a rapidly growing industry. It has revolutionized the way people manage their finances and has enabled individuals to access products and services that were once out of reach. 

    At the same time, there is a huge opportunity for businesses to develop applications that will make banking and financial services more accessible and efficient. 

    Globally, 5000+ FinTech companies have emerged since the global pandemic, with Business and Finance apps booming. Market Data Forecast predicts that the market will grow by 23.41% between 2021 and 2026 and reach about $324 billion by 2026.

    This blog post looks at the cost, types and process of developing a fintech app – so if you’re considering taking your business into this lucrative market, read on to find out more!

    What is Fintech App Development?

    Fintech App Development is a term used to describe the process of creating, implementing and maintaining financial technology (fintech) applications. It includes the development of mobile, web and desktop applications that provide a variety of services to clients in the financial industry. 

    Overview of Cost, Types and Process

    Fintech app development is a rapidly growing sector, offering businesses a range of opportunities to develop innovative solutions and expand their customer base. Cost, Types, and Process are all key aspects of fintech app development that need to be taken into consideration. 

    Cost will vary depending on the type of features and functionalities required, while Types refer to the different types of fintech apps that can be developed. Finally, the Process of fintech app development involves a range of activities, from design and development to deployment and maintenance. 

    Cost of Fintech App Development

    Cost of Fintech App Development

    Are you looking to develop a Fintech App? The cost of developing a Fintech App depends on several factors. We will discuss the key factors that determine the cost of Fintech App Development and provide some tips for estimating the cost.

    First, let’s look at the essential components of Fintech App Development. This includes the design phase, which includes user experience research, wireframing, prototyping, and user interface design. The development phase includes the coding of features and functions, as well as integration with existing systems or third-party services. Finally, the deployment phase includes testing and deployment to the chosen app store.

    Estimating the Cost

    Estimating the cost of Fintech App Development can be daunting. However, by understanding the key factors that determine the cost, you can get a better idea of what to expect. When considering the cost of Fintech App Development, consider the complexity of the project, the type of customization required, the cost of the development team, and the platform you plan to launch your App on. By taking all of these factors into account, you can get a better idea of the cost of Fintech App Development.

    If you are looking for professional Fintech App Development Services, consider working with a company that specializes in custom Fintech App Development. These companies can provide you with the expertise to create the perfect App for your business, as well as help you estimate the cost. With the right Fintech App Development company, you can create a powerful App that meets your exact needs and fits within your budget.

    Also Read: How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App?

    Based on location, the following graph compares the costs of different Fintech apps:

    Type of AppAmericaEuropeIndia
    Banking App$500,000$175,000$105,000
    Investment App$180,000$60,000$30,000
    Consumer finance$240,000$80,000$50,000
    Insurance App$300,000$100,000$75,000
    Lending App$270,000$90,000$65,000

    Business owners should be mindful of these factors when considering a fintech app development company, as they will have a significant impact on the overall success of the project.

    The following is a rough estimate of how much it costs to build a FinTech app

    Type Of Fintech AppAverage Costs
    Basic$30,000 to $50,000
    Average$50,000 to $80,000
    Complex$80,000 to $100,000+

    Types of Fintech Apps

    Types of Fintech Apps

    Fintech app development services are revolutionizing the way we finance and manage our assets. With the emergence of new technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, financial technology apps have become a necessity in order to keep up with the ever-evolving financial services industry.

    Today, there are a range of different types of Fintech apps that have been developed with the aim of streamlining processes, enhancing customer experience, and improving the overall efficiency of the financial industry. Here, we take a look at the different types of Fintech apps and their key features.

    ✅ Cryptocurrency Apps 

    Cryptocurrency apps provide users with a convenient way to buy and sell digital assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. These apps also offer users the ability to store, transfer, and manage their cryptocurrencies securely.

    Example:- CoinDCX, WazirX, Binance, Coinbase

    ✅ Digital Banking Apps 

    Banking apps are designed to provide customers with access to their banking accounts. They typically include features such as the ability to transfer funds, check balances, and pay bills.

    Example:- Indusmobile, Monzo mobile banking , Space – Digital banking , yono SBI

    ✅ Payment Apps 

    Payment apps allow users to make payments using their mobile phones. These apps are also designed to make it easier for customers to send money to family and friends.

    Example:- Amazon pay, Cash pay , Phone pe

    ✅ Investment Apps 

    Investment apps provide users with the ability to track their investments and make better decisions. These apps also offer users insights into the markets and the performance of their investments.

    Example:- Robinhood, Betterment, Wealthfront, Kite @ Zerodha

    ✅ Insurance Apps 

    Insurance apps are designed to provide customers with access to the insurance plans they need. These apps can provide users with quotes on different types of insurance policies, as well as the ability to manage their policies.

    Example:- Jerry, Singlife, LIC Customer

    ✅ Budgeting Apps 

    Budgeting apps are designed to help users manage their finances, track their spending, and plan their budget. These apps also provide users with insights into their financial health and can help them make informed decisions.

    Example:- Mint, EveryDollar, Budget tracker

    Fintech app development is a rapidly growing industry. Companies are leveraging technology to deliver innovative financial services that help businesses and consumers simplify their financial lives. If you are looking for a comprehensive, secure, and reliable solution for managing your finances, fintech app development services can help. With the right app, you can make the most of your financial opportunities.

    Fintech App Development Process

    Fintech App Development Process

    When it comes to developing Fintech apps, the process is complex and multifaceted. As such, it is important to be well-prepared when beginning a project. The planning, design, development, testing, and launch of the app must all be carefully planned and managed.

    At RichestSoft, we provide comprehensive Fintech app development services to help you create an app that meets your specific needs. Our experienced team of professionals can assist with every step of the process.

    Planning and Design

    Planning and Design of Fintech App

    When it comes to the fintech app development process, the planning and design phases are crucial. This is where you’ll map out the functionality of your app and come up with a user-friendly interface.

    The first step is to determine the purpose of your app. What problem are you solving for your users? Once you know this, you can start sketching out the user flow and use tools like Figma or Adobe XD for wireframing the screens.

    It’s important to keep the user experience in mind throughout the process. Your app should be easy to use and understand. The navigation should be intuitive and the overall design should be visually appealing.

    Your fintech app development team will help bring your vision to life. They will take care of the technical aspects and ensure that everything works seamlessly. With their help, you can create an amazing fintech app that your users will love.


    Once the design phase is complete, our team will move into the development and testing phase. This involves the actual coding of the app and the creation of any necessary databases or APIs. We will also perform extensive testing to ensure the app is functioning properly before launch.

    (a) Technology Used in Fintech Development 

    It is crucial for Fintech founders to choose the right programming languages and frameworks, since they determine how the application will work and the whole development process will go. 

    The tech stack consists of the front end, back end, databases, API integrations, and other tools needed for a fintech application.

    In order to build a fintech app, there will be a certain tech stack. Here are some general recommendations:

    Technology Used in Fintech Development 

    Technology Used in Fintech Development 
    • Front end:- Swift, Angular, Vue. js, React Native, Ember. Js
    • Back end:- Java, C++, Ruby, Python, Node.js, kotlin, Laravel
    • Database:- MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
    • API integrations:- Plaid API, Syncfy Connect API, Apex, Twilio API, ShuftiPro
    • Server:- AWS

    (B) Choose Right Development Company 

    FinTech app development is best outsourced because it not only saves time and money, but also provides you with a highly skilled development team. Depending on the technology stack, the type of app and duration, the choice of platform, etc., the team size would vary.

    For the development of an app, the following technical skills are required


    The testing process is a critical part of fintech app development. It helps ensure that the app works as intended and meets the needs of users. There are various types of tests that can be performed, including functional, performance, security, and usability testing. 

    • Functional testing ensures that the app functions properly.
    • Performance testing assesses how well the app performs under different conditions. 
    • Security testing checks for vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to access sensitive data or take control of the app. 
    • Usability testing assesses the user experience to ensure that the app is easy to use and understand.

    Bonus Material: Complete Functional Testing Guide With Its Types And Example

    Launch and Maintenance

    Launch and Maintenance of  Fintech App

    Once the fintech app development process is complete, the next step is to launch and maintain the app. This includes making sure the app is compatible with all devices, submitting it to app stores, and monitoring user feedback.

    To ensure a smooth launch, it is important to test the app thoroughly on all devices before making it available to the public. This includes testing for bugs and crashes, as well as making sure all features are working properly.

    After launching the app, it is important to monitor user feedback and address any issues that arise. This includes responding to reviews and ratings, as well as addressing any technical issues that may come up.

    At RichestSoft, we understand the complexities of Fintech app development and strive to provide comprehensive services to ensure your success. With our experienced team of professionals, you can rest assured that your app will be developed and launched in a timely and efficient manner. Contact us today to learn more about our Fintech app development services.

    How Richestsoft can help you in Fintech App Development?

    RichestSoft can be a great partner in helping you develop a fintech app. By leveraging our professional expertise in the financial technology domain, we can provide you with comprehensive services that cover the whole process of development – from conception and design, to testing and deployment. With our experienced team, you can be sure that your fintech app will be built efficiently and cost-effectively. 

    Furthermore, RichestSoft guarantees quality service and timely delivery, ensuring that your fintech app will be delivered to you on time and to the highest standards.

    RichestSoft offers a comprehensive fintech app development solution that includes the following services:

    ✔︎ UI/UX design

    ✔︎ App design and development

    ✔︎ App testing and quality assurance

    ✔︎ App launch and support

    If you want to learn how to effectively design and develop a Fintech App then click on the given video link- 


    Q1. How to develop a Fintech app?

    Ans: Developing a fintech app requires a comprehensive approach and an in-depth understanding of the technology, regulations, and customer needs. First, it is important to decide which fintech services to provide. Then, you must research existing competitors and develop a strategy to differentiate yourself.

    Next, create a detailed product plan, listing features, design elements, and user experience objectives. From there, you can develop a prototype, bring together a team of experienced software developers, and begin the development process.

    It is also important to ensure that the app is compliant with all regulations, as any mistakes could lead to costly fines. Additionally, you must create a secure and reliable environment where customers can feel confident in their financial transactions.

    Finally, it is essential to launch the app with a comprehensive marketing plan. This will help you reach the right audience and increase your customer base.

    Q2. What does Fintech app development depend on?

    Ans: Fintech app development depends on a variety of factors, including the complexity of the financial services that are being offered, the user experience of the app, the security measures that must be in place, the regulatory requirements that must be met, and the technology used to develop the app. It also requires a deep understanding of the financial services industry and its associated regulations as well as a comprehensive understanding of the technology used to power the app. All of these elements must be taken into account to ensure successful Fintech app development.

    Q3. How do Fintech apps make money?

    Ans: Fintech apps make money by monetizing their services, such as through subscription fees, transaction fees, or through advertising. By charging users for access to their platforms, fintech apps are able to generate revenue while providing their customers with a valuable service. Additionally, fintech companies may offer additional services, such as financial advice, which can also be monetized.

    Q4. What coding is used in Fintech?

    Ans: Fintech coding typically uses a combination of languages such as Python, Java, and C++. Other languages such as JavaScript, Node.js, and Go may also be used depending on the specific application. It is important for developers to stay up to date on the latest technologies in order to ensure the highest level of security and compliance within the fintech industry.

    Q5. What is the most commonly used Fintech service?

    Ans: The most commonly used fintech service for business owners is accepting payments through digital wallets. This allows businesses to accept payments from customers quickly and securely, allowing for faster transaction processing and reduced costs. Digital wallets also provide customers with greater convenience, allowing them to make payments without having to carry cash or cards. This service is becoming increasingly popular among businesses of all sizes, as it helps them increase revenue, reduce costs, and provide a better customer experience.

    Q6. What are the features in a Fintech app?

    Ans: FinTech apps are designed to make financial services more accessible and efficient for consumers. Features can vary from app to app, but typically include the following:

    1. Personalized financial planning and budgeting tools. 

    2. Secure mobile banking and payments. 

    3. Access to financial markets. 

    4. Real-time alerts and notifications. 

    5. Automated savings and investments. 

    6. Credit score monitoring. 

    7. Robo-advisory services. 

    8. Fraud prevention and risk management. 

    FinTech apps offer a wide range of features to make financial services more convenient and secure. With these tools, users can easily manage their finances, make payments, access financial markets, and save money with automated investments.


    Fintech app development is a great way to expand your business and make money. It can be costly, depending on the types of apps you want to develop, but it’s worth the investment if done properly. With all the different types of fintech applications out there today, knowing which one best suits your needs will help ensure that you get the most value from your investments in this area. Lastly, understanding the process behind designing and creating these apps is essential for success in this industry. Knowing what each step entails will help put you on track to developing successful fintech applications that can take over an already crowded market.

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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