Beware! Your Messenger Apps May Contain Spy Software


    Last Updated on January 3, 2022 by myadmin

    If you are addicted to messengers, and you feel that your day is incomplete with them, then we have something shocking news for you. Cyber-security researchers found out that some of the messengers are vulnerable which steals your data in no time.


    SophosLabs which is an IT security product company which recently identified 3 cases of “Sonic Spy.” This spy software was found in Google Play Store apps which means if you are using Android then you need to read this news further to save yourself from stealing data.

    According to Bill Brenner Sonic Spy can make calls, access data from call logs and contact, take pictures, send text messages, and record audio.


    Mr. Brenner finds the apps which can hide their spying ability as Troy Chat, Soniac and Hulk Messenger. It is obvious that as soon Google knows about it company immediately took down the app.

    Mr. Brenner Said:

    Google gets criticism when these things were found on Google Play but when they are found they obviously take them down. They try to screen as much of this stuff as possible, but it’s difficult,

    Further, he added on how users come across such kind of app in the first place.

    When a person is downloading an app that turns out to be malicious, almost never are they aware that it’s malicious. Maybe they find an app that looks like a WhatsApp type of program and they decide that they want it, or they find an app that looks like a good delivery conduit for music . . . and it’s typically unbeknownst to the user that there’s code baked into some of these apps that allow the bad guys to go through their contacts, get access to their camera, go through their text messages and ultimately getting into banking apps.

    Now if you think you are safe because only three apps are malicious and that too is removed by Google, right? Don’t be in hurry SophosLabs listed total 3240 apps. That’s huge isn’t?

    How to Stay Safe

    According to experts, you need to stay away from apps which have a poor reputation. Before downloading any app read the reviews first. Now when you download the app, every Android app asks for some permissions like accessing your memory card, send text messages, access contacts and more.

    Such permissions are taken by the app so it can give you better output. Here you need to play smart. If you found any suspicious permission then it better to don’t install the app.

    You can take an example of WhatsApp. It is a messenger which ask for permission like receive and send text messages, modify your contacts, installs shortcuts etc. These permissions seem legit because a messenger needs all the permissions. Now think of a photo app which asks you same permissions mentioned above. It’s better to avoid the app.

    To get more news about apps stays updated with our blog. Apart from this if you are looking for mobile app development services then contact us.

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