5 Super Tips from Experts of Mobile App Development Company to Build All-New Mobile Website


    Last Updated on December 21, 2022 by myadmin

    Back in the time, having a mobile-friendly website used to be considered a good benefit of web development, but it is now essential. People are so addicted to mobile devices that if they browse a website on their mobile devices and it does not open properly, they will quickly leave that website and visit one that is mobile-friendly. Data from ComScore shows that 156 million Americans owned a smartphone in December 2013, a more than 3% rise from September 2013. This figure is expected to rise in the future.

    Top 5 tips for creating a mobile-friendly website

    1. Focus on simple designs

    Keep the website template simple when choosing one. Because mobile devices have smaller screens, only a few components can be displayed. Not every image on a desktop must be visible on a mobile device. However, if you select a responsive website template, you may edit the template for both the website and mobile devices, making it mobile-friendly.

    2. Use a simple, short navigation menu

    If your website does have a complicated navigation menu with many pages and subpages if you choose the same navigation menu for all types of screens then mobile consumers find it difficult to navigate and they don’t know what they need to do quickly. Make sure your site can be navigated with one thumb. Standard website menus do not work well on mobile devices. You do not want to display the normal menu because it will clutter your website on a mobile device. Instead, a mobile menu will hide all of the items in a widget that will only appear when the user taps on the menu icon.

    3. Use standard fonts

    Fonts are “heavy,” something many beginners are unaware of. Loading non-standard fonts on your site will cause mobile users to wait longer and make it less user-friendly. To use a website comfortably, people using mobile devices require larger text and call-to-action buttons that are in front of their eyes. Use standard fonts to make your site look attractive and load quickly.

    4. Optimize image files

    Image optimization is one of the most significant positive changes you can make to your website. The mobile Web is significantly slower. Reduce the size of the large media files on your desktop site. Reduce the image size to less than 40 kb. Use Webp images for your mobile website this help compress images while maintaining quality.

    5. Take care of Core Web Vitals

    Google introduced a list of critical user experience characteristics. When running a website, three aspects must be considered.
    Largest Contentful Paint: How long does it take for your site’s largest element to load?
    First Input Delay: How long does it take your site to respond to the first user interaction?
    Cumulative Layout Shift: Do your site’s parts migrate while loading? The better the site, the more stable it is.

    These things will remain in mind when designing and developing a website for mobile. It will improve the user experience.

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