7 Video Promotion Strategies Because You Need Them


    Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by myadmin

    Facebook’s video uploading options and live streaming options have evolved the video marketing and video promotion strategies. Nowadays we see more live videos on Facebook, than on YouTube. Let’s face it, if we can make money based on the number of views on Facebook Video, we would never go to YouTube.

    This evolutionary change pointed at the importance of the video in today’s marketing ring. A lot of effort is put into compiling a video that people actually see and want to share. Once you solve the puzzle of making a video, the next puzzle is to promote the video.

    Video promotion strategies are same and not same as the written content promotion strategies. It’s a whole new game. Let’s break the ice!

    1. Thumbnail
    This step you get while uploading a video on any channel. So, be prepared with an attractive and relevant thumbnail that makes people click on the video. Write Text in Bold Letters, highlight the USP of the video in the thumbnail text. Believe this, one great thumbnail gives you many views. If you are featuring the video, have a snapshot of yourself smiling in the video thumbnail.

    2. Web Series / Video Campaign
    A series of blog on a similar topic is still an effective blog marketing strategy. Implement this in videos too. Have series of videos under one topic. Viewers will wait for your videos. It entices people to know what’s in the next video. This video marketing strategy works best on social media.

    3. Giveaways
    Giveaways are to lure the viewers to like, share the videos. A giveaway competition always works. As you know that only those people who viewed your videos will see the giveaway the offer. You can write the giveaway offer in the thumbnail or in the text post to attract the viewers.

    4. Openly Ask For a Share
    Words do Matter. By appealing to the audience to share your video, you are increasing your chances of more views. Don’t just write ‘share’. Add a personal touch to the message such as “share it to spread the knowledge”, “Share it and help someone with right knowledge”, “show your love and support, kindly share it”, “share it if you like it” etc.

    5. Stage to launch the video
    Pick an event that suits your video best to showcase it. Videos holding a strong personality with some valuable information, a product launch, a product update, work best in this case.

    6. Paid Advertising
    Divide the overall budget into two sections; production and promotion. A single paid advertisement for the targeted audience can fetch you a lot of views of the genuine relevant audience which will be very helpful for the future videos.

    7. Emails with Videos
    Till now, we have incorporated social media into video marketing. It’s time bring in the bigger guns and i.e. email marketing. Similar to paid advertising, email marketing also will hit your target audience increasing the chances of the most relevant audience for the longer run.

    RichestSoft’s internet marketing experts and SEO experts can guide you better for the video promotion strategies for 2017.

    Call : +1 315 210 4488
    Email : info@richestsoft.com

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