How To Identify Which App For Companies Suits You


    Last Updated on February 19, 2022 by myadmin

    Each company is a world, and as such, each development is different. Also in the case of applications, it is possible that your business suits a specific type of business app. In each case, we will have to analyze the problems that we detect in our company. Later we will have to see how we can solve them and finally, if we can face the mobile solution.

    Of course, it is an issue that worries many businesses. Especially it is usually a good solution to improve the productivity of the company. Although this is not always the reason why we created an app for Android, iOS or even multiplatform.

    In that sense, so that as responsible you can make the best decision we have prepared a process to decide. A short method in 4 steps to detect which app for companies is best suited to your business.

    1. Detect the problem

    The first step before thinking about creating an app is to know why you need it. Detects the problem you have in your company and why it occurs. It is a process that you cannot define unilaterally. We will have to be in contact with the other departments of the company to know their needs and problems.

    A good example could be if the operators waste a lot of time filling out reports. Or if they need an effective way to organize the shifts and vacations of a large company. Or we could even detect the case that we have many visits from smartphone and tablet, but that 80% abandon the cart for an unusable website

    Investigate thoroughly the processes that your company carries out and how to improve them. Your goal can be both to improve productivity and increase sales. That depends on you, identify what is missing and how you can improve it with an app for your company.

    2. Investigate what the competition or similar businesses do

    Keep in mind that the problems that have come to you may have already happened to other businesses. It is a good tactic to investigate the solutions implemented by others. Surely you will get clear guidance on what to do, and even what not to do.

    Do not analyze only your sector, but also other, more different companies. This can even help you to put yourself at the level of your competition and overcome it.

    Related Searches: Why Should You Outsource The Development of Mobile Applications?

    3. Check the table and identify which business app is yours

    As we said, each company is a world, and depending on your problem you will have to choose one solution or another. That’s why we wanted to define a table in which we can group some solutions that can fit with your business.




    Slow report management

    Abandoned purchases and short visits on mobile devices

    Organization of shifts and holidays inefficient

    Slow internal communications and in different channels

    Few customers buy again a second time

    Generation of invoices to slow clients

    The brand is not perceived as modern or innovative

    Need to train workers continuously

    Another problem detected



    Management apps

    M-commerce apps

    Internal communication

    Instant messaging

    Loyalty of users

    Complementary service to clients

    Branding App

    Internal training app

    Consulting to find a customized solution



    Manage reports

    Increase sales from mobile devices

    Most effective organization

    Centralized and homogeneous communication

    Get recurring clients

    Automatically send invoices to customers

    Improve brand image, more innovative and mobile

    Short courses through the app to train workers

    Create a customized app or mobile project

    We remind you that these are only some examples, but they can be taken as a reference in many cases. That’s why we include the last row as an ‘indefinite problem’. Your problem may not fit these assumptions, but at least it is a starting point.

    We recommend that in any case, you request a consultancy to know how to proceed in each case.

    4. Ask for detailed budget

    Now that you have a rough idea of what kind of app for companies you may need, we only need to know an estimated budget. For this, we need to have all the possible details about our app. In case we need help to define it well you can count on RichestSoft in the process.

    If you have it very clear, you know the app project well, request a professional budget through our platform. We will find the professional that best suits your needs.

    From here, you carry the command. We encourage you to contact us or publish your mobile project on our platform to create that app to improve your company.


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