Mobile App Design Best Practices – All You Need to Know


    Last Updated on March 29, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    The use of mobile apps has become a part of our everyday lives. In fact, according to Statista, in 2020, mobile apps accounted for over 90% of internet users worldwide. With such a vast number of mobile apps available on the market, creating a mobile app that stands out and provides an outstanding user experience is crucial.

    The design of your mobile app plays a significant role in drawing and retaining users. A well-designed mobile app enhances user experience and can grow customer engagement and business growth. However, designing a mobile app that delivers on all these fronts is more comfortable said than done.

    That’s why following best practices for mobile app design is crucial. This blog will examine the best mobile app design approaches every designer should consider. From designing a smooth user experience to optimizing mobile app performance and delivering accessibility, we will cover everything you require to know to develop an exceptional mobile app. Whether you’re a mobile app designer or a business owner, this guide will deliver valuable insights to create an app that users will love.

    Top 10 Best Mobile App Design Best Practices 

    Top 10 Best Mobile App Design Best Practices 

    Mobile app design is essential to the app development approach. A well-designed mobile app can enable businesses to engage users, improve customer satisfaction, and increase revenue. Here, we will discuss the top 10 best mobile app design best practices and their advantages.

    1. Keep it Simple and Intuitive. 

    A simple and intuitive design is one of the most critical factors of mobile app design. It helps users easily navigate the app and find what they want. A simple design also reduces the chances of errors and enhances the overall user experience.

    Improved user experience: A simple and intuitive app design makes it easier for users to navigate and complete tasks within the app, resulting in a better overall user experience.

    Increased user engagement: When an app is easy to use, users are more likely to engage with and continue using it, which can help increase user retention rates.

    Faster app adoption: When designed with simplicity and intuitiveness in mind, it’s easier for users to understand its features and how to use it. It can increase adoption rates, as users are likely to try out an app they feel is approachable and easy to use.

    Cost savings: A simple and intuitive design can also help save costs associated with training and support, as users are less likely to require assistance when using the app.

    Brand reputation: A well-designed app can help enhance a company’s brand reputation by providing a positive user experience that reflects well on the company. A simple and intuitive design can also convey a sense of professionalism and attention to detail, which can help build trust with users.

    2. Use Consistent Design Elements 

    Consistency is critical in mobile app design. Using consistent design elements such as fonts, colors, and icons helps to create a cohesive look and feel throughout the app. It makes the app easier to use and decreases the cognitive load on users.

    Benefits of Consistent Design

    Better User Experience:
    Consistent design elements such as fonts, colors, and buttons make it easier for users to navigate the app and find what they are looking for. It creates a positive user experience and helps users achieve their goals quickly.

    Brand Recognition: Using consistent design elements in the app, such as brand colors and logos, helps to reinforce the brand identity and increases brand recognition. It also helps to create a cohesive experience across all touchpoints.

    Easy Maintenance: Consistent design elements make it easier for developers to maintain the app. Changes can be made quickly and efficiently without updating every screen individually.

    Improved Accessibility: Using consistent design elements can also enhance Accessibility for users with disabilities. For example, using a consistent button style and placement makes navigating the app more accessible for visually impaired users.

    Cost Savings: Consistent design elements can save time and money in the long run. Once a design system is established, it can be reused across different products or features, reducing the time and effort required for future projects.

    3. Optimize for Different Devices 

    Mobile app design should be optimized for smartphones, tablets, and wearables. It means an app should be responsive and adjust to different screen sizes and resolutions.

    Enhanced User Experience: By optimizing app design for different devices, you can ensure that users have a consistent and enjoyable experience across all platforms. It can help to improve user satisfaction, increase engagement, and boost retention rates.

    Increased Reach: Optimizing your app design for different devices can help to expand your reach and make your app accessible to a broader audience. It is particularly crucial in today’s mobile-centric world, where users access apps from various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and wearables.

    Improved Performance: When you optimize your app design for different devices, you can ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently on each platform. It can reduce crashes and other performance issues and make your app more reliable and user-friendly.

    Better Brand Image: A well-designed and optimized mobile app can help to improve your brand image and reputation. By providing a seamless and consistent user experience across all devices, you can show that you care about your users and are committed to delivering high-quality products.

    Competitive Edge: Optimizing your app design for different devices in a crowded app marketplace can help you stand out from the competition. By offering a superior user experience, you can attract more users, increase engagement, and outperform your competitors.

    4. Prioritize Content Hierarchy 

    Content hierarchy refers to the arrangement of content on the app screen. The major content should be given to the most prominent placement on the screen.

    Benefits of Prioritize Content Hierarchy

    Higher User Experience: Prioritizing content hierarchy helps users quickly and easily find the essential information on the app, making their experience more efficient and enjoyable.

    Improved Engagement: By presenting information in a clear and organized manner, users are more likely to engage with the content, leading to increased time spent on the app and improved engagement metrics.

    Enhanced Navigation: Content hierarchy helps guide users through the app, making it easier to find what they want and navigate to different sections.

    Improved Accessibility: Prioritizing content hierarchy can also improve Accessibility for users with disabilities or visual impairments, as it allows them to locate and interact with important information on the app more easily.

    Increased Conversion Rates: When content is organized and prioritized effectively, users are more likely to take action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase, leading to increased conversion rates and revenue for the app.

    5. Use Visual Cues 

    Visual cues such as icons, images, and animations help to guide users through the app and make the experience more engaging.

    Improved User Navigation: Visual cues such as icons, symbols, and images help users quickly identify and understand the purpose and function of different elements within the app, allowing them to navigate and interact with it easily.

    Enhanced User Experience: Visual cues make the app more appealing and engaging, leading to a better overall user experience. They also help users quickly and easily find what they seek, reducing frustration and increasing satisfaction.

    Increased User Retention: Using visual cues makes the app more intuitive and easy to use, leading to increased user retention. Users are more likely to return to an app that is visually appealing, easy to use, and provides a good user experience.

    Consistency Across Platforms: Visual cues help maintain stability in the app’s design across different platforms, such as iOS and Android, making it easier for users to switch between devices and continue using the app seamlessly.

    Faster Learning Curve: Visual cues make it easier for users to learn how to use the app, reducing the learning curve and increasing the speed at which users can become proficient. It can lead to increased engagement and usage of the app over time.

    6. Use White Space Effectively 

    White space refers to the space around design elements. Effective use of white space can help reduce clutter and improve the app’s readability.

    Benefits of White Space

    Improved readability: By breaking up text and images with white space, the content becomes easier to read and understand. It can lead to improved user engagement and increased time spent on the app.

    Increased focus: Using white space can help draw attention to the leading design elements, such as calls to action or important information. It can improve the user’s overall experience and make it easier for them to navigate through the app.

    Better organization: White space can also create a visual hierarchy, allowing users to identify the most critical information or content. It helps keep the app organized and makes it more user-friendly.

    Aesthetically pleasing design: White space can help create a clean and uncluttered design that is often more visually appealing to users. It can improve the app’s overall look and feel and help establish a strong brand identity.

    Improved performance: Using white space effectively can also help to improve the app’s performance, particularly on mobile devices with smaller screens. By reducing the content on the screen and using white space to guide users through the design, the app can load faster and operate more smoothly.

    7. Test and Iterate 

    Mobile app design is an iterative process. Testing the app design with real users and gathering feedback to make improvements is essential.

    Identifying and resolving issues: By testing and iterating, you can identify and fix any problems or bugs that may arise in the app. It can improve the user experience and prevent negative feedback.

    Understanding user behavior: Testing and iterating allow you to track user behavior and preferences, which can inform future design decisions and feature updates.

    Improved usability: You can fine-tune the user interface and experience by testing and iterating, making the app more intuitive and easier to use.

    Increased engagement: Regularly testing and iterating the app can keep users engaged and interested. Improving the app with new features and updates can increase usage and retention.

    Competitive advantage: By regularly testing and iterating the app, you can stay ahead by delivering a better user experience and more innovative features. It can help differentiate your app in a crowded market and attract more users.

    8. Use High-Quality Graphics 

    High-quality graphics such as images and videos help to create a visually appealing app and improve the user experience.

    Benefits of High-Quality Graphics

    Enhances User Experience: High-quality graphics provide a more visually appealing and engaging user experience. It helps to grab their attention, keeps them interested, and promotes a positive emotional connection with the app.

    Builds Brand Image: Using high-quality graphics consistent with your brand identity can build a strong brand image and recognition in users’ minds. It can help to differentiate your app from competitors and increase brand loyalty.

    Improves App Performance: When graphics are appropriately optimized and compressed, it can improve app performance by reducing load times and minimizing the impact on device resources such as memory and battery life.

    Facilitates User Understanding: Graphics can convey complex information in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. It is especially useful for apps that require users to process information quickly, such as financial or medical apps.

    Increases App Downloads: High-quality graphics can make a great first impression on users browsing app stores, leading to increased downloads and installs. Users are likely to choose apps with visually appealing graphics and design over those that need to be updated or better designed.

    9. Ensure Accessibility 

    Mobile app design should be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. It means designing the app with features such as high contrast, large fonts, and screen readers.

    Widens the User Base: Designing apps with accessibility in mind ensures that a broader audience can use the app, including people with disabilities, the elderly, and people with limited access to technology. It widens the app’s user base and potential customer pool.

    Avoids Legal Issues: In many countries, some laws require apps to be accessible to all users. By incorporating accessibility features, app developers can avoid potential legal issues and ensure their app complies with regulations.

    Improves User Experience: Accessible app design enhances the user experience for all users, not just those with disabilities. By designing an app that is easy to navigate and understand, users are likely to continue using it and recommending it to others.

    Builds a Positive Reputation: When a company prioritizes accessibility in its app design, they demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity and diversity. It can help make a positive reputation for the company, which can attract and retain customers.

    Increases Engagement and Retention: Developers can increase engagement and retention rates by ensuring that all users can access and use the app. Users are more likely to use an app that is accessible and easy to use, leading to increased engagement and retention rates.

    10. Discover the latest trends in design

    Mobile app design trends constantly evolve. Remaining current with the latest trends can help create a modern and relevant app design.

    User Engagement: Keeping up with the latest design trends can help you create visually appealing and engaging mobile apps. It can help you design an app that is aesthetically pleasing and easy to use, leading to increased user engagement.

    Competitive Benefits: Staying prevailing with design trends can give you a competitive advantage in the market. If your app has a modern and attractive design, it can stand out from the competition and attract more users.

    Improved User Experience: Design trends are often based on the latest user behavior and preferences. By incorporating these trends into your mobile app design, you can create an intuitive, user-friendly interface that improves the overall user experience.

    Brand Perception: Your app’s design can impact how users perceive your brand. By staying updated with design trends, you can create a design that reflects your brand’s personality and values and make a positive impression on users.

    Future-Proofing: The mobile app design landscape is constantly evolving. Staying up to date with the latest design trends can help you future-proof your app by ensuring that it remains relevant and up-to-date with the newest user expectations and design trends.

    Mobile App Design Elements

    Mobile App Design Elements

    Mobile app design is crucial to building an engaging and user-friendly mobile app. As a business owner or App Developer, it’s essential to comprehend the dominant design elements that go into creating a successful mobile app. Here we will guide you through the crucial mobile app design elements and how they contribute to a positive user experience.

    User Interface 

    The user interface(UI) is the graphic design of your mobile app. It possesses the typography, layout, buttons, and color scheme. A well-designed user interface with a clear information hierarchy should be intuitive and straightforward.

    User Experience 

    The user experience(UX) is a user’s overall experience when using your app. It includes how easy it is to navigate the app, how engaging it is, and how well it performs. A positive user experience is crucial for the success of your app.

    Colour Scheme

    The color scheme of your mobile app can have a powerful effect on the user experience. Selecting a color scheme that aligns with your brand and conveys the right emotions can help make an engaging and memorable app. Use colors that are easy on the eyes and contrast well to improve the readability of text.


    Typography refers to the style, size, and arrangement of text in your app. Using the right typography can significantly impact the user experience. Select a font that is comfortable to read and consistent throughout the app. Use headings, subheadings, and body text to break up content and make reading more comfortable.


    Navigation is an essential element of mobile app design. A well-designed navigation system can make it easy for users to find what they want and move through the app seamlessly. Use a clear and concise navigation menu to ensure it is smoothly accessible from every screen.

    Images and Graphics

    Images and graphics can make a visually appealing app and convey important information to the user. Use relevant graphics that align with your brand and are high quality. Use them to improve the user experience, but avoid cluttering the app with too many images.


    Buttons are an essential element of mobile app design. They help users to perform actions like submitting a form or navigating to another screen. Use clear and straightforward button labels, and confirm they are easily accessible and clickable on any device.

    White Space

    White space refers to the distance between design elements. It helps enhance the readability of text, separates design elements, and makes a visually appealing layout. Use white space strategically to create a balanced and clean design.


    Consistency is essential in mobile app design. Use consistent fonts, colors, and design elements throughout your app to make a cohesive and professional look. Texture also makes it more comfortable for users to navigate and use your app.

    User Feedback

    User feedback is an essential element of mobile app design. It helps you comprehend what works and what needs modification in your app. Provide users with feedback, such as confirmation messages or error messages, to enhance the user experience.

    Understanding the fundamental mobile app design elements is necessary for building an engaging and user-friendly app. By incorporating UI, UX, color schemes, typography, navigation, images and graphics, buttons, white space, and user feedback, you can build a mobile app that stands out and provides a perfect user experience.


    Q1: What are the best practices for designing a mobile app? 

    Ans: The best practices for designing a mobile app are keeping it simple, providing straightforward navigation, maintaining stability, using legible typography and a good color scheme, giving feedback, assuring fast loading times, designing for accessibility, user testing, and keeping the app up-to-date.

    Q2: How can I make sure my mobile app is user-friendly? 

    Ans: To ensure your mobile app is user-friendly, consider your user’s requirements, and design your mobile app with those necessities in mind. Use clear and concise language, provide an intuitive interface, and ensure your mobile app is easy to navigate.

    Q3: How do I choose an appropriate color scheme for my mobile app? 

    Ans: Select a color scheme that aligns with your brand and conveys the right emotions. Use contrasting colors to enhance readability and create visual interest.

    Q4: What should I consider when designing for accessibility? 

    Ans: When designing for availability, consider using legible fonts, providing alternative text for images, and confirming that the app is easy for users with disabilities. It includes planning for users with visual, hearing, and motor impairments.

    Q5: How do I know if my mobile app is loading fast enough? 

    Ans: Mobile users require more patience when waiting for a mobile app to load. Aim for a loading time of two seconds or less to avoid user frustration.

    Q6: Why is user testing necessary in mobile app design? 

    Ans: User testing is crucial in mobile app design because it allows you to get usability, navigation, and overall experience feedback. This feedback can help you identify areas for advancement and guarantee that your mobile app meets the requirements of your users.

    Q7: How often should I update my mobile app? 

    Ans: Regularly update your app to enhance functionality and enhance the user experience. How often you update your app depends on your mobile app’s objective and users’ necessities.


    A well-designed mobile app can be a splendid investment to any business, but unquestionably best approaches should be followed when designing it. In this blog, we have examined the most important factors for mobile app design, such as functionality, user experience, and aesthetics, to guarantee a successful launch of your mobile app. Considering all these aspects, you will confirm that your mobile app is visually appealing and easy to use. With this understanding, you are ready to build an excellent mobile application!

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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