MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack: Which Tech Stack to Choose in 2023?


    Last Updated on June 8, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    In the dynamic realm of web development, selecting an appropriate technology stack is paramount when embarking on a project. Two prominent contenders that have garnered significant popularity over the years are the MEAN stack VS MERN stack. These stacks have found widespread adoption and possess distinctive advantages and characteristics. 

    Before selecting an option for 2023, it is prime to consider each stack’s advantages and disadvantages in-depth. It is essential to consider aspects including the project’s needs, team competence, scalability, achievement, and support from the public. 

    By thoroughly understanding the MEAN stack and MERN stack’s components and characteristics, developers can make an informed choice that aligns with their project objectives. This thoughtful consideration sets the stage for successful web application development in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

    This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the MEAN stack and the MERN stack, elucidating their essential components and assisting readers in making an informed choice for the year 2023.

    What is the MEAN Stack?

    The MEAN stack encompasses MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js, forming a comprehensive full-stack JavaScript framework that empowers developers to create dynamic and scalable web applications. Each constituent of the MEAN stack fulfills a specific role:

    Essential Components of MEAN stack

    MongoDB: MongoDB is a NoSQL database that uses an adaptable document format akin to JSON to simplify storing and retrieving information.

    Express.js: provides a web app framework that provides programmers with the resources to create APIs and efficiently handle HTTP requests and responses.

    The Model-View-Control (MVC) organizing paradigm, which Angular uses, allows the development of responsive and client-friendly user interfaces.

    JavaScript code may be performed on a computer using Node.js, a browser-side JavaScript implementation system. It’s dependent on events, and non-blocking I/O methods increase scalability.

    The MEAN stack endows developers with a seamless end-to-end JavaScript experience, given that all components are implemented using JavaScript. This aspect proves advantageous for those well-versed in JavaScript who favor working with a unified language throughout the development workflow. Furthermore, the MEAN stack is recognized for its flexibility and performance, rendering it suitable for constructing real-time and single-page applications (SPAs) applications.

    What is the MERN Stack?

    The MERN stack comprises MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, constituting another prominent JavaScript-based technology stack for web application development. The following breakdown outlines the purpose of each component:

    MongoDB: Similar to its presence in the MEAN stack, MongoDB operates as the NoSQL database for storing and retrieving data.

    Express.js: Analogous to its role in the MEAN stack, Express.js functions as the web application framework, adeptly managing HTTP requests and responses.

    React: As a JavaScript library. React is tailored for building user interfaces, emphasizing creating reusable UI components and optimizing view updates when data changes occur.

    Node.js: Consistent with its utilization in the MEAN stack, Node.js assumes the server-side runtime environment, enabling the execution of JavaScript code on the server.

    The MERN stack has garnered significant adoption in the development of modern web applications that necessitate highly interactive and dynamic user interfaces. Leveraging React’s component-based architecture and virtual DOM, developers benefit from a more efficient approach to UI creation. Moreover, the MERN stack’s unified reliance on JavaScript throughout the app development process ensures code reusability and streamlines the learning curve for developers already proficient in JavaScript.

    MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack: Head-to-Head Comparison

    MERN Stack vs MEAN Stack: Head-to-Head Comparison

    A more thorough evaluation of the MERN stack, along with the MEAN stack, is provided in the following explanation and amplification of the information in the table:

    Tech StacksMERN StackMEAN Stack
    MongoDBA popular NoSQL database, MongoDB, provides a versatile document structure for storing and retrieving data similar to JSON. It offers excellent performance, expansion, and simplicity for interacting with the other elements of the stack.Within the MEAN stack, MongoDB acts as a database using NoSQL and provides comparable advantages for processing data, such as mobility and speed. It enables programmers to store and access data employing an informational structure akin to JSON.
    Express.jsA robust, lightweight mobile application framework called Express.js makes creating APIs and managing HTTP requests and answers easier. It offers flexible and basic web development procedures, making and using server-side logic straightforwardly.The MEAN stack also uses Express.js as a web development technology. For managing routing, middleware, which is HTTP exchanges, offers well-built functionality and a simple API. It facilitates efficient interaction among clients and the server’s parts and makes the creation of logic on the server side easier.
    React.React is a popular JavaScript library for making user experiences. Its component-based design enables developers to make reusable user interface (UI) components and quickly change the UI as information changes. The virtual DOM in React streamlines the rendering procedure, improving users’ speed and experience. Its extensive network of tools and libraries speeds up and enhances the efficiency of creation.The MEAN stack includes Angular, an entire client-side framework, instead of React. Angular provides a feature-rich ecosystem for creating intricate and scalable graphical interfaces. It uses the Model-View-Controller, or MVC, architecture paradigm, which offers an organized method for developing user interfaces. Although Angular has a challenging learning curve, it includes strong capabilities like data binding in two directions and dependency injection, making it easier to create complex apps.
    Node.jsDevelopers may run JavaScript scripts on a web server using Node.js, a server-side JavaScript execution context. It is incredibly scalable and effective for developing server-side applications since it is driven by events and non-blocking I/O processes. The extensive community of libraries and modules for Node.js offers developers a wide range of tools and resources.Similar to how JavaScript functions server-side within the MEAN stack, Node.js is the running environment. It makes it possible for JavaScript code to be executed on the server, which makes it easier to create scalable and practical applications that run on the server. Node.js enables the development of applications in real-time and provides fast processing of concurrent requests thanks to its driven-by events and autonomous I/O paradigm.
    AdvantagesCompletely seamless JavaScript interface.Real-time and single-page apps may be built with excellent efficiency and versatility.Angular has many frameworks and modules accessible in a rich environment.Strong community backing and a wealth of educational resources.Experiences for users employing React’s component-based design that are very interactive and reactive.UI changes that are effective in applying React’s virtual DOM.JavaScript-based programming throughout the stack allows for code reuse.JavaScript developers’ process of learning will be made simpler.A sizable and engaged community.
    Disadvantages.Angular has a more demanding learning curve than React.The MVC architectural paradigm Angular uses allows for more sophisticated syntax and organization.Updates to Angular may need extensive code reworking.Minimal server-side rendering functionality.Developers learning JavaScript will have a steeper learning curve.React, which is associated with components that demand regular changes. Therefore, it’s essential to keep current.Rendering for complicated apps is comparatively slower because of the virtual DOM.Providing capabilities on the server side is reduced.
    Skill Sets Necessary for Success.The ability to use JavaScript and other related tools such as HTML/CSS, Angular.js, and Node.js.Understanding NoSQL databases and MongoDB.The capacity to develop adaptable, efficient code.Knowledge of internet services and RESTful APIs.Knowledge of applications such as Git and npm.Strong understanding of JavaScript, then there is the programming language Node React.js, and HTML/CSS.Knowledge of Express.js and other server-side language programs.Knowledge of databases with no relationships, such as MongoDB.Code writing skills that are scalable and effective.Know about programs like Git or npm.Comprehension of web-based services and APIs that are RESTful.Excellent problem-solving and interpersonal abilities are required.

    Which of the MERN and MEAN Stacks is More in Demand from Consumers?

    Rising Popularity of MERN in the Market

    The MERN stack and the MEAN stack have emerged as prominent contenders in the market, yet the MERN stack has notably gained more excellent traction and consumer demand recently.

    • React, the MERN stack’s pivotal component, has viewed a surge in popularity due to its exceptional capacity for rendering highly efficient and visually captivating user interfaces. This surge is further fueled by React’s expansive and vibrant developer community, which actively contributes to its continuous advancement and evolution.
    • A key contributing factor to the MERN stack’s popularity lies in the extensive ecosystem of libraries and components that revolve around React. These resources provide developers with various tools and functionalities, expediting the development process and elevating the quality of web applications.
    • The MERN stack’s pronounced emphasis on user interface development aligns seamlessly with the enduring market demand for dynamic, interactive, and visually compelling web experiences.
    • In contrast, the MEAN stack, which incorporates Angular for user interface development, still maintains a notable presence in the industry. Angular provides an in-depth framework to make building scalable, feature-rich apps easier. React’s market leadership, however, may be credited to its greater functionality, user-friendliness, and the substantial support it gets from its sizable community.
    • As businesses and consumers increasingly seek immersive web experiences, the MERN stack’s specialization in user interface development has positioned it as the preferred choice for numerous developers and organizations.
    • Its capability to deliver highly interactive and dynamic user interfaces, combined with the inherent advantages of React and the thriving community support, establishes the MERN stack as a formidable technology stack for constructing modern web applications.

    Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge that the selection between the MERN stack and the MEAN stack ultimately hinges upon the specific requirements of each project and the web and app development team’s expertise. While the MERN stack currently boasts a more robust market presence, the MEAN stack remains a viable option for ventures requiring a comprehensive JavaScript-based ecosystem and utilizing a proven framework such as Angular.

    MEAN Stack vs MERN stack? Which One to Choose?

    When considering the choice between the MEAN stack and the MERN stack, it is essential to carefully evaluate your project requirements, team expertise, and each stack’s unique advantages. Here’s a breakdown of critical factors to guide you toward an informed decision:

    Project Requirements:

    • MEAN Stack: If your project necessitates a robust, scalable, and real-time application, the MEAN stack presents a suitable option. Its integration of MongoDB as a NoSQL database allows for flexible data storage and retrieval.
    • MERN Stack: If your focus depends on crafting highly interactive and dynamic user interfaces, the MERN stack, emphasizing React, provides a comprehensive solution. React’s efficient UI rendering and component-based architecture are well-suited for developing responsive web applications.

    Team Expertise:

    • MEAN Stack: If your app development team possesses a strong foundation in Angular, Node.js, and MongoDB, opting for the MEAN stack allows you to leverage your existing skills and knowledge.
    • MERN Stack: If your team exhibits proficiency in React, Node.js, and MongoDB, embracing the MERN stack empowers them to maximize their expertise and create feature-rich user interfaces.

    MEAN Stack:

    Perks over MERN: Robust real-time capabilities, seamless integration with third-party libraries, an extensive Angular ecosystem, and comprehensive testing support.

    Cons: Steeper learning curve for beginners, potential lack of certain advanced features in Angular, and the likelihood of performance issues when handling heavy data processing.

    MERN Stack:

    Perks over MEAN: Efficient UI updates facilitated by React’s virtual DOM, a vast ecosystem surrounding React, code reusability throughout the stack, a simplified learning curve for JavaScript developers, and a large and supportive community.

    Cons: It is comparatively newer than the MEAN stack, has potential challenges in managing complex real-time applications, and has a less mature ecosystem for specific functionalities.

    In conclusion, when choosing between the MEAN stack and the MERN stack, it is crucial to carefully assess your project’s requirements, leverage your team’s expertise, and consider each stack’s distinctive advantages and limitations. Doing so lets you make an informed decision that aligns with your project goals and enables you to develop robust and innovative web applications.


    Q1: Which stack is more in demand from consumers?

    Ans: The MERN stack has experienced a surge in consumer demand in recent years, primarily driven by React’s widespread popularity and its remarkable ability to deliver highly interactive user interfaces. React’s efficient UI rendering and its extensive ecosystem of libraries and components have contributed to the MERN stack’s growing preference among consumers.

    Q2: Can I mix components of both the MEAN stack VS the MERN stack?

    Ans: In fact, you can combine components from the MEAN stack VS the MERN stack based on your project requirements. However, verifying compliance and fully comprehending potential effects on the application’s general performance and reliability is crucial. Easy integration and ideal application performance depend on thoroughly understanding how the parts connect and are compatible.

    Q3: Are there any specific industries where one stack is preferred over the other?

    Ans: The MEAN stack VS MERN stack offers versatility and can be enforced to various industries based on specific needs. However, the MEAN stack’s real-time capabilities make it a favored choice for industries that require collaborative tools, chat applications, and IoT platforms, where real-time data processing and communication are crucial. On the other hand, the MERN stack’s strong focus on UI development aligns well with industries such as e-commerce platforms, social media applications, and content-driven websites, where creating visually engaging and dynamic user interfaces is paramount.

    Q4: Which stack offers superior performance?

    Ans: Both the MEAN stack VS MERN stack have the potential to deliver excellent performance when optimized and implemented effectively. However, leveraging React’s virtual DOM for efficient UI updates, the MERN stack holds an advantage in terms of rendering speed and responsiveness. React’s ability to selectively update only the necessary components of the user interface can result in enhanced performance compared to Angular in the MEAN stack.

    Q5: Which stack has more substantial community support?

    Ans: Both stacks benefit from active and vibrant communities that provide support and resources. The MERN stack, driven by React’s popularity, boasts a more extensive section. This broad community support ensures access to a wide range of tutorials, libraries, and solutions to common app development challenges.

    Q6: Which stack is more beginner-friendly?

    Ans: Individual tastes and past knowledge affect how easy something is to learn. The MEAN stack, with its use of Angular for UI development, presents a steeper learning curve than the MERN stack, which revolves around React. React’s simplicity, component-based architecture, and resemblance to JavaScript syntax make it relatively easier to grasp for developers already familiar with JavaScript.

    Q7: Is it possible to migrate between the stacks?

    Ans: Even if switching stacks is technically possible, the procedure might be demanding and depends on how big and complicated your application is. Significant chunks of the codebase would need to be improved and restructured to migrate between the MEAN stack across to the MERN system and the other way around. It is determined to evaluate migration’s benefits and trade-offs carefully, considering the potential impact on the overall project timeline and resource allocation.

    Q8: Which stack is more suitable for mobile app development?

    Ans: Although the MEAN stack VS MERN stack can be immersed in mobile app development, their primary focus lies in web development. For native mobile app development, frameworks like React Native or Ionic, which are built on top of the MERN stack, would be more suitable choices. These frameworks enable developers to leverage their existing MERN stack knowledge while targeting mobile platforms effectively.

    Q9: Are other databases compatible with the MEAN stack VS the MERN stack, or am I limited to MongoDB?

    Ans: MongoDB is the default choice in the MEAN stack VS MERN stack, but you’re not limited to it. These stacks are created with flexibility in mind, enabling you to incorporate alternative databases under the demands of your project. Even though MongoDB works well with the ecosystem and other components of stacks, you have the self-sufficiency to select an alternative database that better suits your requirements.

    Q10: Which stack is more SEO-friendly: MEAN or MERN?

    Ans: The MEAN stack VS MERN stack can deliver strong SEO performance, ensuring good visibility in search engine rankings. However, with its server-side rendering capabilities through Angular Universal, the MEAN stack may offer a slight advantage regarding initial page load times and search engine indexing. Server-side rendering allows search engines to crawl and index your content effectively, boosting your SEO efforts. Nonetheless, it’s worth noting that implementing proper SEO practices is possible in both stacks, ensuring optimal search engine visibility for your web applications.

    Ultimately, the choice between the MEAN stack VS the MERN stack should be guided by your project’s unique requirements and objectives, ensuring that you select the stack that best aligns with your specific industry needs and goals. By considering your project requirements, team expertise, and long-term goals, you can make an informed decision regarding whether the MEAN stack or the MERN stack aligns better with your specific needs and objectives.


    Deciding between the MEAN stack and the MERN stack necessitates a thorough evaluation of your project’s requirements, your team’s expertise, and the distinctive benefits provided by each stack.

    The MEAN stack VS MERN stack offers unique advantages and characteristics that cater to different project requirements. The MEAN stack is highly regarded for its robust real-time capabilities, extensive Angular ecosystem, and comprehensive testing support. It excels in developing applications that require real-time updates, such as collaborative tools, chat applications, and IoT platforms.

    On the other hand, the MERN stack strongly emphasizes user interface development, making it a favorable choice for building dynamic and interactive web applications. It is particularly well-suited for applications in e-commerce, social media, and content-driven websites where a visually engaging and responsive user interface is crucial.

    The MEAN stack stands out in its proficiency for real-time applications and boasts a robust Angular ecosystem.

    On the other hand, the MERN stack excels in crafting dynamic user interfaces using React. If you want to create internet applications that are both dependable and cutting-edge, it’s critical to recognize your specific requirements and utilize the benefits offered by each stack.

    You can make an informed choice that backs the objectives of your endeavor and improves the chance for achievement by carefully assessing these factors.

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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