Stripe Zapier Integrations – What You Need to Know


    Last Updated on March 17, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    If you run an online business, you use Stripe for payment processing. If you use Stripe, you may also use Zapier to automate your workflow. But what if you could combine the two?

    With Stripe Zapier integrations, you can automatically trigger Zaps whenever new payments are processed in Stripe. That means no more manual data entry or exporting and importing CSV files—Zapier will handle it all for you.

    First, sign up for a free Zapier account and connect it to your Stripe account. Then, choose the trigger event “New Payment” from the list of options.

    Next, choose the action you want Zapier to take—for example, sending an email notification or creating a new customer record in your CRM. Finally, relax, as Zapier does all the work for you!

    Benefits of Stripe Zapier integrations

    Benefits of Stripe Zapier integrations

    When you integrate Stripe with Zapier, you can automate your payment processing so that it happens automatically and seamlessly. It can save you a lot of time and hassle and provide a smoother experience for your customers.

     There are several benefits to using this Stripe Zapier integration:-

    You can automate your payment processing: Payments happen automatically and seamlessly when integrating Stripe with Zapier. It can save you a lot of time and hassle and provide a smoother experience for your customers.

    You can set up automatic payments: You can configure Zapier to automatically process payments through Stripe on a schedule that works for you. You do not have to process payments manually each time someone purchases on your site. 

    You can streamline your accounting: With Stripe and Zapier working together, your payment data is collected in one place. It makes it easy to track and manage your finances and generate reports on income and spending. 

    You can reduce errors: Automating your payment processing with Stripe and Zapier can help to reduce errors and mistakes. The system handles most of the work for you, so there is less room for human error.  

    You can offer a better customer experience: When everything is automated, your customers will enjoy a smoother purchase experience without delays or hiccups. It can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    What Is the Importance of Stripe and Zapier Integrations?

    Importance of Stripe and Zapier Integrations

    The Stripe and Zapier integration is essential because it allows businesses to automate their payment processing. 

    • It can save businesses time and money, as they no longer have to process payments manually. 
    • The integration also allows businesses to track their payments and determine successful ones. 
    • It can help businesses identify any issues with their payment processing and take corrective action. 
    • Overall, the Stripe and Zapier integration is a valuable tool for businesses that want to automate their payment processing and improve efficiency.

    Steps to Connecting Stripe with Zapier

    Connecting Stripe with Zapier

    1. Log in to your Stripe account and navigate to the API keys section.

    2. Copy and paste the Secret Key into the Zapier “Authentication” field.

    3. In Zapier, select “Stripe” as your trigger app and choose the “New Charge” trigger.

    4. Set up your action step in Zapier and select “Stripe” as the action app.

    5. Select “Create Customer” as your action and paste in the customer’s email address from your Stripe account.

    6. Select the stripe_account ID from your Stripe account that you want to use for this customer and click “Continue.” 

    7. Test your zap!

    10 Ways to Speed Your Business Process by Automating Stripe with Zapier

    Let us look at what Stripe and Zapier can accomplish together while we are on the subject. You may find some of the most popular automation for these two tools in the list below.

    1. Update Google Sheets with fresh Stripe sales

    This approach makes it simple to stay organized because it allows you to log your Stripe transactions directly on a Google Sheet. Sheets has what you require, whether you want to keep track of sales, need a complete record of all your transactions, or seek to generate some data for helpful analytics. Put the trigger in place, and based on the rules you provide, once a sale occurs in Stripe, it will instantly transfer to the appropriate Sheets row. Then you will not ever need someone to share the information manually.

    2. Send Stripe sales notifications via Slack

    Informing your team is a crucial component of teamwork. Whether you are a remote team or have an in-house staff, how you communicate will likely change thanks to platforms like Slack. Slack makes communicating and setting up alerts simple to ensure the team is on the same page. When a sale or payment is performed in Stripe, you can use this workflow to construct a trigger that will notify your team via Slack. To ensure that the next step is completed without a hitch and to save everyone time and hassle, you can select to message particular individuals or even post to a channel.

    3. Integrate Stripe customers with Mailchimp subscription lists

    Your spare time will change forever as a result of contact transfer automation. It is one industry where AI can be helpful. Your staff should not devote numerous hours to data entry and mailing list subscriptions. Necessary solutions, like this Zapier integration, can carry out every task for you. This routine will cause the information about any new or modified Stripe customers to be added to the appropriate Mailchimp list so they can begin receiving emails immediately. It all occurs in the background as you attend to other matters.

    4. Include new Stripe transactions when adding or updating contacts in Active Campaign.

    To handle your marketing campaigns and CRM information, use ActiveCampaign. It comes with a wide range of tools and functions, and you can combine it with Zapier’s strength to further automate and streamline processes. With the help of this specific automation, you can easily import all of your Stripe contacts into ActiveCampaign. Set up so that your AC database receives an update or new contact information whenever a Stripe transaction occurs. It keeps information organized across platforms and saves your team time.

    5. Add fresh customers and invoices to QuickBooks Online for Stripe payments.

    If you utilize QuickBooks Online, you already have a fantastic tool for billing and accounting. See what happens when you use Zapier to add to it. Stripe makes integration simple. You will not have to get your hands dirty, your accounting will be streamlined, and you will know your books are in order even though you are not doing the work.

    6. Deliver Gmail notifications when new Stripe transactions or other events occur.

    Maintaining billing compliance is crucial, but waiting for funds to come in all day is challenging. You should not need so much time and do not have it. You may use automation to set up notifications to inform you or the appropriate team members of all Stripe events, including transactions. You will not miss a beat since Zapier will notify Gmail whenever something in Stripe meets your criteria.

    7. For Stripe charges and payments, create invoices in Xero.

    One of the most widely used billing and invoicing programs nowadays is Xero. You can use this platform in various ways to keep your bookkeeping organized, and automating it with Zapier simplifies things. The method described here is for Xero users who also use Stripe. Configure it such that Zapier sends an automated to Xero to create an invoice whenever a Stripe charge occurs. You may streamline every invoicing part by adding a workflow that sends the invoice to the client and copies you.

    8. From Stripe customers, create or edit contacts in HubSpot.

    Once more, the main focus of this workflow is to streamline data transfers. Any Stripe customers and transactions may be imported as contacts into HubSpot using Zapier. The labor does not have to be done by you, either. Set up the workflow with the rules you choose. Whenever you accept payment in Stripe, the client information will be delivered directly to HubSpot, saving you the time and effort of manually entering all the required information.

    9. Integrate Stripe transactions with entries in Airtable

    With more features than a typical spreadsheet, Airtable is a fantastic tool for building and managing dynamic databases for tracking purposes. You can use Zapier to automate many activities and Airtable data transfers, including those involving your Stripe transactions. Start the routine, and anytime a sale happens through Stripe, Zapier will create a record in Airtable according to the rules you specify.

    10. Send Stripe charge notifications by SMS

    The proper people may always be informed when you get paid, thanks to the SMS by Zapier. SMS notification is a terrific method to let you and the rest of your team know that a sale has occurred and that the customer journey has to go on to the next stage. People may also receive updates when on the go using the SMS option, even if they cannot receive push or email messages. Put the procedure in place, and you can then observe as each Stripe charge sends an SMS.


    Q1: What is Stripe and zapier integration?

    Ans: Stripe and Zapier integration allows businesses to securely process payments, automate transactions and integrate with over 2000+ apps. By combining the power of Stripe’s payment processing capabilities with Zapier’s automation engine, businesses can enjoy faster transaction processing times and improved tracking and analytics. With Stripe and Zapier integration, firms can quickly connect various software solutions, streamline their workflow processes, and better understand customer data while protecting their customers’ private data.

    Q2: How can I integrate with Stripe?

    Ans: Integrating with Stripe is an easy process that can be done in just a few steps. First, you will need to create an account on the Stripe website. Then, follow the instructions provided on their website to connect your business with Stripe’s payment system. Once you have connected your business, you can start accepting payments immediately. That’s all there is to it!

    Q3: Is Stripe and zapier easy to integrate?

    Ans: Absolutely! Stripe and Zapier are incredibly easy to integrate, and you can get started in a few simple steps. Stripe can be integrated with various payment solutions, while Zapier allows you to connect Stripe and other apps to create complex automation. We provide detailed instructions in our documentation so you can smoothly start using both services without hassle.

    Q4: Is Stripe free to integrate?

    Ans: Yes, Stripe is free to integrate! We make it easy for your business to get up and running quickly with our incredibly low-cost fees and simple integration process. Whether new to business or a seasoned veteran, you can count on Stripe’s seamless setup and reliable support. Plus, we offer a generous free trial period so that you can test out our services before committing. Sign up today for our low-cost solution and start accepting payments instantly!

    Q5: Does Stripe have PayPal integration?

    Ans: Yes, Stripe supports PayPal integration. Setting up, signing in, and connecting your PayPal account to your Stripe framework is easy. Stripe’s intuitive interface makes it easy to manage the integration so you can start accepting payments quickly and securely. With Stripe, you get the advantage of powerful analytics and superior insights into customer behavior, giving your business added value. 


    Stripe and Zapier are powerful tools used together to automate payment processing for businesses of all sizes. By Stripe Zapier integrations, you can create a streamlined workflow that will save time and money while providing an improved customer experience. After reading this article, you should know how to utilize Stripe and Zapier to achieve your goals. Start automating your payments right away, then!

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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