3 Vs of Big Data and How They Sum Up The Whole Big Data Schematic


    Last Updated on August 8, 2022 by myadmin

    Big Data – the term itself is scary for the uninitiated ones. A lot of heavy word definitions are echoing all over the internet. But to simply things, Big Data is the same the data that smart marketers have been using it for quite a long time and the generic marketers have been missing. Seeing the success of using it, now more and more marketers are using it, hence the word got the publicity.

    A Large volume of data is exchanged in the day to day business transactions of sales and marketing. The concept of using this data for better future predictions and making more effective marketing and sales plans made this big data “The Big Data” that we know today.

    Th Bid Data Trend escalated so quickly that even marketing automation softwares such as Marketo, HubSpot, Pardot, InfusionSoft, Act-On were designed on the basis of the use of this data. This evolution made marketers more serious about the Big Data.

    The whole Big Data schematic can be defined using the 3 Vs, which are even the pillars of Big Data:

    Volume: One big volume of data is collected which includes website contact form submissions, landing page form submissions, social media interactions, newsletter signups, PPC ad conversions, Linkedin connections, feedback. The collected data is segmented and a contact list is prepared based on the generated lead’s interest, demographics, position in the sales cycle, their personas, etc.

    Velocity: One miss and your competitor will get the prospect in its corner. So, hitting the deal at the right time makes or breaks your sales. That’s why velocity with which the content flows matters. Here’s where marketing automation software come into play. These softwares predict the position of the prospect in the sales cycle. The user can prepare the pitch message for the prospect based on the prospect’s position in the sales cycle.

    Variety: Data could be structured or unstructured, it depends on the marketer how he uses it. There could be disarranged text documents, video, email, data from transactions. The unstructured data becomes structured and valuable once it is segmented on various parameters decided by the marketers to make the data flow easily.

    Where RichestSoft comes in?

    RichestSoft’s internet marketing experts and marketing automation consultants are here to assist the unique big data managing requirements of the clients.
    Our Marketing Automation Consultants know how to utilize the enormous data generated via various platforms. From single query generated via social media to handling multi-level email contact list, we can do it all.

    Call : +1 315 210 4488
    Email : info@richestsoft.com

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