Almost every digital marketing asset demands spectacular content. That’s why the companies are putting a major investment in the content. To be in the ‘trending’ tab of the digital world, one digital marketing asset or content marketing asset is not, we need a bundle of it. And, that bundle needs content.
You can run your marketing campaign for a week, month, or a year, you need a constant supply of content to keep the campaign running. Seeing the demand and requirement, it is estimated that 1/4th of the total marketing budget spends only on content creation for digital marketing assets.
Unlike the hard copy marketing assets, the digital marketing assets need to be responsive in nature i.e. they need to be compatible with various devices. Content marketing assets are spread over the internet across the various channel to promote a business. Here are some of the most popular content marketing assets that marketers use.
1. Brochures:
Leaflets, pamphlets, or any copy that briefly describes your business/services/products in a textual and pictorial form are named as Brochures. Even if you want your hard copy brochures printed, they have to go through a digital creation phase. Until that stage, the brochure is your digital market asset. But, unlike your hard copy of the asset, the digital version of it contains social sharing buttons and they are hyperlinked to their social media pages.
2. E-books:
A content piece that is of book-length, generally contains 10,000 to 15,000 words or maybe more. Pictorial representation is minimal in the e-books. The e-book is a detailed content marketing asset that explains every topic in detail. What, How, Why all questions related to a product or services are answered in detail in an Ebook.
3. Infographics:
More graphical and minimal text, but there’s not hard and fast rule as the content requirement is based on the potential audience’s buying habits. Content is shared in the visual story format in the infographics. There’s a proper beginning where the problem is discussed, then there is mid-section where solutions are suggested and in the third act of the story ‘why to choose us for this service’ is pitched.
4. Email Template:
Probably the most difficult digital marketing asset to pitch. If you are getting 10% reply rate in your email campaigns, consider yourself lucky. The importance of email marketing shows when you see digital marketing courses focusing only on email marketing. Content and design wise there are several sections of the mail that are considered. Subject line, the title of the email, body text, call-to-action, all play the important part to get an email opened by the receiver and reply. As the user-base is on the mobile device responsiveness of an email is a must.
5. Landing Page:
Landing Page is a digital marketing asset that markets your service offer or a product and generates leads for the sales department. Read more about Landing Page Designing and Landing Page Writing.
6. Videos:
Whiteboard Videos, tutorial videos are a great way to engage the audience. People like to know about the product or service and they love a video of a couple of minutes that tells them everything. Now, it’s up to you how you put up the content in a minute’s video to explain the important stuff.
No matter which content marketing asset you plan to choose, but don’t invest the money, invest some time to plan out and make the best marketing assets otherwise, the 1/4th share will be wasted.
The good thing about RichestSoft is that it has inbound certified inbound professionals in the team who collaboratively work on the project to bring out the best ideas (design wise and content wise) to create the best marketing assets for the companies.
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