Kotlin vs React Native: Which is Best for Cross-Platform App Development?


    Last Updated on April 26, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    React Native and Kotlin are quickly becoming two of the most popular development languages on the market. And for good reason: they’re powerful, fast, and easy to use. But which one should you use for your next project?

    In this blog, we’ll compare React Native and Kotlin and help you decide which language is right for you. We’ll also cover some common scenarios where each language would be advantageous, as well as some tips to keep in mind if you decide to choose one over the other.


    What is React Native?

    What is React Native?

    React Native is a mobile development framework created by Meta (Facebook). It allows developers to create single-file apps using JavaScript and React. React Native can be used to build Android and iOS applications, as well as web applications. 

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    The Benefits of React Native in Mobile App Development

    React Native is rapidly becoming the most popular choice for mobile app development. It allows developers to build apps using React, a JavaScript library, and Native, an open-source platform that lets Android and iOS developers write code in the same language. React Native is also cross-platform, so it can be used to create apps for both Android and iOS.

    Here are some of the benefits of using React Native:

    Benefits of React Native


    React Native is incredibly fast compared to other mobile app development platforms. This is because it uses a JSX syntax that compiles down to native code on each platform.


    React Native allows you to tailor your app to look and feel unique on each platform. You can use different colors and fonts, for example, depending on which platform your app is being developed for.


    Because React Native works with both Android and iOS devices, you can target a wider audience than you would with traditional mobile app development platforms.


    Thanks to its built-in touchscreen support, react native makes it easy to add interactivity to your apps. This means that users can control elements within your app directly from their devices.

    Cross-platform development:

    If you need to develop your app for multiple platforms, React Native is a great choice because it can be used to create apps for both Android and iOS.

    Also Read: Future Scope of React Native for Mobile App Development

    What is Kotlin?

    What is Kotlin?

    Kotlin is a modern programming language created by JetBrains. Kotlin is statically typed and compiled. Kotlin is interoperable with Java and JavaScript. Kotlin has several advantages over other languages, including a strong type system, nullability guarantees, lambdas, extension functions, and the ability to omit entire lines of code when creating expressions.

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    The Benefits of Kotlin in Mobile App Development

    Kotlin is a statically typed, interoperable programming language created by JetBrains. It has been designed to address some of the common problems with Java, such as its high verbosity and the lack of type inference. Kotlin also has a fast compiler and an efficient garbage collector.

    Some of the major benefits of using Kotlin in mobile app development include

    Benefits of Kotlin
    • Increased Productivity: Kotlin is a concise and readable language that helps to improve developer productivity.
    • Reduced Complexity: Kotlin code is easy to read, maintain, and refactor due to its strong typing system and automatic type-checking. This results in fewer errors and more reliable code.
    • Increased Flexibility: Kotlin allows you to write codes that are highly adaptable and can be easily ported from one platform to another. This makes it a great choice for cross-platform development.
    • Reduced Development Costs: Because Kotlin code is less complex, it generally takes less time to develop a mobile app in Kotlin than in Java. Additionally, because Kotlin is an open-source language, you can use various libraries and frameworks written in Kotlin without having to pay for them separately.

    What are the Differences between React Native and Kotlin?

    React Native and Kotlin are two different programming languages that are used to create mobile apps. React Native is a platform-agnostic JavaScript library that lets you create UIs in React, while Kotlin is a statically typed programming language developed by JetBrains.

    Here are some of the key differences between React Native and Kotlin:

    Differences between React Native and Kotlin

    1. React Native is Platform-Agnostic:

    React Native lets you build UIs in JavaScript, which makes it easy to put your app cross-platform. You can use React Native on Android, iOS, and Windows platforms.

    2. Kotlin Is Static Typed:

    Kotlin is a statically typed programming language which means you don’t have to worry about type errors when you code. This makes coding in Kotlin much easier than coding in other languages like JavaScript.

    3. React Native Supports Multi-Platform Development:

    React Native supports all the major mobile platforms such as Android, iOS, and Windows. However, there are some differences between how these platforms work which you need to take into account while coding in React Native.

    4. Kotlin Is Faster Than React Native:

    According to the JetBrains research team, Kotlin is up to 70% faster than react native when it comes to performance on typical workloads such as number crunching and text rendering.

    5. React Native Is Flexible:

    React Native is very flexible and lets you use the same codebase to create Android and iOS apps, for example. This makes it easier to develop your app and keep consistency across platforms.

    6. React Native Supports Native Components:

    React Native supports the use of native components which lets you create apps that look and feel like they are built in a native environment.

    7. Kotlin Is Supported by More Repositories:

    Kotlin is supported by more repositories than React Native, including the Android and iOS platforms. This makes it easier to find resources for coding in Kotlin.

    Which is better for cross-platform app development?

    Kotlin vs React Native

    There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best cross-platform development framework for a particular project will vary depending on the specific needs of that project. However, in general, React Native is better suited for developing mobile apps while Kotlin is better suited for developing web apps.

    React Native

    React Native is a popular cross-platform development framework that helps developers build native mobile and desktop applications using the same codebase. React Native uses a JavaScript-based syntax instead of a hybrid Java/C++ approach, which makes it easier to learn and faster to develop. Additionally, React Native supports both iOS and Android platforms out of the box, making it a great option for cross-platform app development.

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    Pros and Cons of React Native


    • React Native is a fast and flexible mobile development platform that lets you build high-performance apps for Android and iOS.
    • React Native lets you use the same codebase to build your app for both platforms, so you can reduce development time and improve app quality.
    • React Native integrates well with other tools and frameworks, so it’s easy to use libraries and third-party APIs.
    • React Native is open source, so you can customize and extend the platform as needed.
    • React Native supports multiple languages, so you can build apps in any language that supports JavaScript.


    • React Native is complex and requires some knowledge of JavaScript to use effectively.
    • React Native can be difficult to learn for first-time developers, but the platform offers good documentation and supports forums.
    • Although React Native is fast, it may not be optimal for low-speed devices or older browsers.
    • React Native doesn’t work with Chrome or Safari yet, so some users may not be able to use it on these platforms.
    • Because React Native is open source, it may have vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

    Also Read: 10 Common Mistakes in React Native App Development


    Kotlin is another popular cross-platform development framework that was created by JetBrains. Kotlin is based on Java but has been designed with modern programming principles in mind, making it easy to learn and fast to develop. Kotlin also supports both Android and iOS platforms out of the box, making it a great option for cross-platform app development.

    Pros and Cons of Kotlin


    • Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the JVM.
    • Kotlin is concise and easy to read, making it perfect for coding short and simple applications.
    • Kotlin is fast and efficient, making it great for developing high-performance applications.
    • Kotlin integrates well with existing Java codebases, making it easy to migrate projects to Kotlin.
    • Kotlin has a large community of developers who can help you with any questions you have.


    • Kotlin does not have a default garbage collector, so developers need to use an external library to manage memory allocation.
    • Kotlin does not have native support for concurrency primitives such as locks or threads, so developers need to use libraries such as Java Concurrency Utilities (JCU) or APR’s Jetty 7 module to take advantage of concurrency features in their applications.
    • Kotlin may not be well suited for applications that need to handle large amounts of data or complex network interactions.

    Ultimately, the best cross-platform development framework for a particular project depends on the specific needs of that project. If you are just starting out in app development and don’t have any specific requirements yet, either React Native or Kotlin may be a good fit for you. If you are already familiar with one platform but want to develop an app using another platform, then React Native may be a better option.

    Which Platform Should I Choose for My App?

    Choose the right cross-platform for your app

    There are a lot of questions to answer when deciding which platform to use for cross-platform app development, but the following outline will help you make a decision.

    1. Is your app primarily used on mobile devices or desktop computers?

    React Native is best suited for mobile apps because it’s built specifically for that platform, while Kotlin is better suited for desktop apps because it can be compiled down to JavaScript. This makes it easier to share code between different platforms. However, if your app has a specific need on one platform over the other, choose the platform that best meets that need.

    2. Does your app have a large user base?

    If your app has a large user base and you need to support multiple platforms, React Native would be a better choice because it’s faster and more scalable than Kotlin. If your goal is to create a single cross-platform app with no limitations, then Kotlin would be best suited.

    3. Do you want to use popular libraries and tools?

    Kotlin supports many popular libraries and tools, such as react-native-vector-icons and react-native-router. React Native also supports many popular tools and libraries, such as Airbnb’s React Router Redux, Facebook’s React Native Starter Kit, and Google’s Material Design Lite. However, depending on the library or tool, they may not be available in every version of React Native or Kotlin.

    4. Do you have experience building cross-platform apps?

    If you have to experience building cross-platform apps, React Native would be a better choice because it’s faster and more scalable. However, if you don’t have experience building cross-platform apps, Kotlin would be a good option because it’s simpler and easier to learn than React Native.


    React Native and Kotlin are two popular options for cross-platform app development. They each have their own set of strengths and weaknesses, but in the end, it comes down to which one you feel most comfortable using. If you’re not sure which one to choose, read our guide on how to choose a cross-platform app development framework, then compare React Native and Kotlin against each other.

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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