Why WordPress is a better CMS for SEO?


    Last Updated on March 21, 2023 by myadmin

    No doubt, WordPress is released in 2003 but it never stopped growing.  In fact, it now powers 34% of the web. The latest version of WordPress 5.3 is launched on November 12, 2019, which already has 8,088,611 downloads!  Nowadays, the best web development companies mainly work on this platform to provide better services to their users.

    So what are the reasons behind Word Press’s popularity?

    There are numbers of  reasons behind it but as a marketer, there is one that stands out:

    WordPress is the best CMS for SEO.

    Here are 10 reasons why:

    1. WordPress Focuses on User Experience

    Word Press’s themes and plugins work together to make websites more professional, user-friendly, and attractive.

    Final output?

    Visitors enjoy the experience they get on a WordPress site.

    They stay longer, decreasing your overall site bounce rate.

    The inappropriate web-designing experts are frequently focused on developing something, which is pretty apart from functional. It is essential to know that the intriguing and unique designs can win awards. The users always expect to find some elements in particular places. If the website fails to have the elements incorrect position, the users get frustrated and confused.

    A Web Developer is a professional who creates an excellent design with beautiful typography and bold colors. Additionally, they make your website look simple and clean, yet beautiful and striking. It represents a perfect balance between function and form. It is precisely what business owners are seeking to improve WordPress to Increase User Experience. The top web development companies in India always give high priority to their customer to deliver the top-notch classes.

    2. WordPress Allows You to Create Attractive Permalinks

    It is very easy to edit the website permalink on WordPress. Instead of having a URL full of ugly-looking character, you get


    The beauty of being able to edit your article’s permalink is you can plug your keyword into the URL.

    This means your permalink does not only look pretty and informative, but it can also help with your search ranking as well.

    3. WordPress Makes Metadata Easy to Manage

     WordPress is highly useful in the SEO sector.  SEO titles and Metadata improve how search engines to interpret the relevance of your website. Metadata tells how search engine crawlers help to understand what your webpages are all about.  Thus, when you add relevant keywords to your metadata, your site becomes more likely to rank for those keywords.

    So how does WordPress help you with metadata?

    When you use WordPress, you can get a plugin such as Yoast SEO. This plugin allows you to add metadata to all your posts in a few minutes.

    4. Optimizing Images for SEO Is Simple on WordPress

    Images are essential to your blog posts. One or two of them, used in a timely way, breaks up your blog into interesting, readable sections.

    The images do not only lead readers into the heart of your text.

    They are also powerful tools for SEO, especially when you use WordPress.

    SEO Image Optimization

    Here are three ways WordPress can optimize your images for better SEO ranking:

    • WordPress allows you to “create alternative text” for each image, you use. This means you can plug in your keywords as image descriptions that will be noticed by search engine crawlers.
    • You can resize your descriptions so they do not slow your page’s load speed down.
    • With WordPress, you can use a plugin that automatically creates alt text for your images.

    5. Fast Loading Process

    Page speed is a Google ranking factor in mobile search. Therefore, if your site is slow, it’ll not only frustrate users but push you lower on Google’s SERPs.

    The good news is WordPress has amazing plugins that help with site speed.

    ShortPixel Image Optimizer is one of its best examples. This plugin compresses your PDF documents and past images to speed up your site’s load time.

    Another amazing plugin for site speed optimization is WPOptimize. This plugin caches your site clears your database and compresses your images for faster loading.

    6. WordPress Is Optimized for Mobile Users

    Mobile usage is growing rapidly day-by-day in the past few years.  According to the survey, mobile traffic went up 222% in five years.

    If you are a marketer trying to gain traction online, this means that your website must be optimized for mobile usage.

    The great news is if you are already using WordPress to power your site, you do not need anything extra to make your website accessible on mobile devices.

    Well, most of the WordPress themes are already optimized for mobile users.

    7. WordPress Helps You Integrate Your Campaign with Social Media

    Social media is enormous today, and it is one of the best stages for advertising your brand. What’s more, success in your social media campaign will ultimately increase your SEO ranking.

    What this means for you as a marketer is you should use social media to go hand-in-hand with your online marketing campaign.

    In addition, WordPress is there to help you do that.

    On WordPress, you can create customized social media buttons for your blog so it is easier for readers to share your content.

    You can add a social media feed to your site. You can even automate your social media campaigns!

    8.  Special Plugin for the SEO Process

    When you use WordPress, optimizing for the higher ranking becomes simple. All you need is to install the right plugins.

    Let’s discuss three of the best SEO Plugins for WordPress:

    1. Yoast SEO

    Yoast SEO has had millions of downloads worldwide because it makes website optimization simple even for the least tech-savvy person on the planet.

    So, how can Yoast SEO help you?

    1. It helps you optimize the content you write with your focus keyword.

    2. It assists you in creating content that is readable for both humans and search engine spiders.

    3. It provides SEO title and Meta description templating.

    Yoast SEO also offers Premium users full support whenever needed.

    2. Google XML Site Maps

     With the help of this plugin, creating complex XML site maps becomes simple. These maps make your site’s structure easy for search engine crawlers to understand. 

    1. Google Analytics by Monster Insights

    2. WordPress’s Google Analytics plugin is described as both “easy” and “powerful.”

    Here are three reasons this plugin stands out:

    You do not need to leave your WordPress dashboard to see your Google Analytics reports. You can study which pages stand out on your site with detailed stats. You can see how many clicks your banner ads, affiliate links and outbound links get.

    The beautiful thing about SEO plugins for WordPress? You never have to touch even a line of code.

    9.  WordPress is easy to Integrate

    You already know how easy it is to integrate WordPress with Google Analytics and Yoast. However, they’re not the only software tools you can use seamlessly with WordPress.

    WordPress Integration

    Here are some others:

    1. ConvertKit (for email campaigns, landing pages, and forms).

    2. Sucuri (one of the best security software).

    3. G Suite (for your documents, spreadsheets, and emails).

    For most browsers, look to see if a site’s URL begins with “https,” which indicates it has an SSL certificate. If not, then don’t worry, hire the best SSL certificate providers and secure your website.

    With these software tools running smoothly with your site, you can boost engagement that will further increase your SEO rank.

    10. WordPress Has SEO-Friendly Themes

    Keywords and metadata are the not only components that search engine spiders examine for relevance.

    Another hugely important thing they look for is a good webpage design.

    When you use WordPress, you never have to worry about to optimize your site design for SEO yourself. Simply Choose an SEO-friendly theme and you are on the way to attract those spiders to your site.

    11. Easy content creation

    No doubt, Content has become the tool to stand apart in the search engines. Thankfully, as a former blogging platform, WordPress makes creating high-quality content that is as easy as using a word processor. Multimedia content like videos and images that are not any problem.  You can post as much content as you want according to your requirements.

    The main thing is content should be unique. Content is one of the most important aspects of SEO and WordPress makes the publishing of content ridiculously easy. For the most part, you can use the visual editor and copy and paste a formatted Google doc and you are ready! Easily add any media, images or video, and hit publish. If you want to take it a step further, optimize the images and the Meta tags per tool mentioned earlier. If your article is edited, it can take you just a few minutes.

    12.  Open- Source

    No matter how big your IT budget is, you cannot beat free. You can just download it free and install it without having to pay anything.

    WordPress is also open source, which means that you are free to modify, edit, and tweak the code to suit your needs. There are only a few features that require payment and have to do with highly technical modifications, such as CSS editing. It means you do not need any certification to download it.

    Apart from this, WordPress is completely free and has no premium model or advanced paid features.

    13. Customizable

    Between themes, plugins, and your own content, WordPress allows you complete freedom to customize each aspect of your website. Every part of the code is open to editing. Combining this with a professional theme and a unique combination of plugins allows you to create every type of website in existence.

    You can control the size, the appearance, the layout, and the functionality of your website all from the WordPress admin platform without having to dig deep into the code of your website. Just with some basic HTML, you or your IT expert will be able to create every functionality you may need from your website.

     14. User Friendliness

    All the stuff above is good, however, if you need the skills of a seasoned developer to put it all into practice, it will not do much good. Thankfully, quite the opposite is the case.

    WordPress is so user-friendly; pretty much anyone can implement what we mentioned on this list so far. We already talked about the simplicity of the WordPress editor; however, it extends to the rest of WordPress as well. Most of the things that are important for SEO and everything else can be configured with a few mice clicks and need absolutely no coding knowledge.

    15. Community Support

    Another best thing about this platform is that you will never be alone.  There are many people available for you if you run into problems in the support forums willing to help.  Due to the popularity of WordPress that is a huge group of people to draw resources and knowledge from. Moreover, the web is full of websites and articles such as this one that can teach you all you need to know about SEO.

    Finally, with the wide usage of WordPress, you can also find the developers and other specialists to help you out in case you stick you. The Internet is also full of websites and articles that can teach you all you need to know about WordPress SEO, such as the Yoast blog, WP Beginner, and others. Lastly, because WordPress is so popular, you can easily find developers to customize your site or digital marketers who are familiar with the platform.

    Ability to Build Quick-Loading Sites

    By now, it is well known that Google cares about how long websites take to load. Especially for mobile sites, more on that below, the time it takes for sites to appear on screen is an important indicator of quality.

    As anyone who has ever set up a WordPress website will attest, they tend to load rather quickly in their standard configuration.  At the same time, it is true that if used incorrectly, WordPress sites can get really slow.

    However, if you pick a high-quality theme, use good hosting, and follow best practices to speed up WordPress this really should not be an issue. Should you currently be dealing with a slow site, you can find help to remedy the situation in this case study.

    Top-notch Security

    One of the best ways to drain search rankings is for your site to be suspected of spamming, infecting others with viruses or being harmful in some other way.  The security of the website is important for the better ranking of your website.

    Unfortunately, that is not always up to you. Your site can still land itself on spam lists if it is hacked. Many shady individuals out there are just looking to compromise your website and use it for their own purposes. If that happens, you might find yourself on the receiving end of a Google penalty.

    Versatility and Accessibility

    CMS WordPress is suitable for any kind of website, including blogs, news portals, e-shops, and corporative pages.  For example, it is the best CMS for the landing pages or one-page sites. By using the existing themes, you can create the widest functionality that is essential for attracting your loyal and new customers to ensure an excellent experience for them.

    Additionally, everyday users: bloggers, writers or e-shop operators can renew the pages easily, adding new, updated content. No programming skills or special education is required so that every person can solve these tasks easily.

    Startups and Returns on Investment

    Starting a business, the owners commonly handle just a limited budget, being able to hire only a limited number of employees. Thus, only about 3-10 people may work in the office initially, handling everything: finances, resources, and sales.

    In Short, WordPress is an SEO Powerhouse

    No doubt, Search Engine has become the most important source of traffic for most websites, thus SEO is considered as am important discipline and topic. For that reason, if you to rank high in the search results, your best bet is to base your site on a platform that helps you to do so.

    WordPress has done a lot over the year to be search engine friendly. By now, it is a mature platform with extensive SEO capabilities. WordPress plays nice with Google and other search engines have loads of themes and plugins for advanced SEO optimization is fast and mobile-friendly, community-supported, secure and easy to learn.

    In short, WordPress is the perfect CMS for SEO and building websites that rank well. If your goal is to hit Google’s front page, the WordPress platform is your best bet.


    WordPress permits you to “make elective content” for each picture you use. This implies you can connect your catchphrases as picture depictions that will be seen via web search tool crawlers. If you are interested to make your website in WordPress, consult the best web development companies in India to get better services.

    With WordPress, you can utilize a module that naturally makes alt content for your pictures. You can resize your pictures so they do not slow your page’s heap speed down. You do not comprise the speed of the page. WordPress plays nice with Google and other search engines that have loads of themes and plugins for the advanced  SEO optimization are fast and mobile-friendly, community-supported, secure and easy to learn.  Do not forget to consult the best SEO companies to promote your website to the next level.

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