Video-On-Demand: Are Movie Streaming Apps going to Overweigh Movie Theaters?


    Last Updated on August 17, 2022 by myadmin

    No doubt, a night out at the movies is very expensive especially when you factor into concessions traffic and parking. It all adds up to people binge-watching Netflix and other apps with a myriad of reality shows, TV series, and movies. This is far more convenient, less expensive and less of a hassle to just Netflix and chill. As a result, the best mobile app development companies in India, focusing on video-on-demand apps such as Netflix, Amazon prime, etc.

    There was a time when everyone used to sit in their TV halls to watch their favorite movie or go out in cinemas every weekend. Today, everyone just steps into his or her bed and binge watch on Netflix.

    This is how apps like Netflix have changed the industry. They have given a 180-degree transformation to the industry and have made it accessible for everyone to enjoy entertainment anytime, anywhere.

    Theatre chains are obliged to fill empty seats, for which they are making every effort to impress. Entice people for luxurious reclining seats, full-service restaurant-quality food and drinks – but fail to fill entire seats. So what does it take to get movie lovers off their couches and into the theater?

    Something that can be gauged in these statistics –

    • The video streaming industry is predicted by the year 2020 to hit $70B.
    • By 2020, Netflix will be available in around 114M households.
    • The time users view traditional TVs has dropped, with those in between 18 and 24 now spending just 25 minutes a day.
    • Around 60% of Millennials and Generation Z watch streaming videos daily. In addition, when it comes to baby boomers, 30% of them consume streaming videos.

    What is Video-On-Demand App?

    VOD or video-on-demand service allows users to select and view videos when they want instead of watching them when they are broadcasted. An IPTV (internet protocol television) system is used to stream videos to the customers’ TV and personal computers.

    IPTV is a system that allows the delivery of video content using IP (internet protocol) suite over a packet-switched network such as the internet or LAN, rather than satellite or cable. Unlike traditional video broadcast methods, IPTV allows the streaming of videos in small batches directly from the source. Due to this, the client can start playing the movie before it is fully transferred. This process is known as streaming video.

    IPTV is distinguished from Internet television through its preferential deployment scenarios in subscriber-based telecommunication networks using high-speed access channels. The video is transmitted using a set-top box or other equipment installed at the customer’s end.

    Why Video-On-Demand Apps are popular?

    People of all demographics are aware of movie streaming apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube, Disney+, AppleTV+, Popcornflix SonyCrackle, Showbox and Hulu, etc. These players have brought video on demand at convenience. Users need to have a stable internet connection, must pay some prescribed subscription amount and enjoy at their convenience. You can consult the top mobile app development company to develop similar apps.

    People have a choice to select from multiple video streaming services available. Users looking for an entrepreneurial venture might want to consider building a video streaming app that targets a specific audience. They have plenty of opportunities to deliver quality and original content that people love and cannot find anywhere else. 

    Marketers are obliged to look forward to up-and-coming streaming apps. People love original content this gives a chance to monetize with strategic marketing partnerships and target audiences based on their needs. 

    The main business model subcategories of streaming video-on-demand service

    • Freemium 
    • Pay-per-view 
    • In-app advertising 
    • Subscription 

    – Transactional video on demand (TVOD) 

    – Subscription video on demand (SVOD) 

    – Advertisement video on demand (AVOD) 

    How to Start a Streaming App?

    The most basic type of movie streaming app like Netflix depends on the SVOD model – people always wish to watch quality programs at the lowest possible costs. Basic modules required to create such an app: 

    • Save money. It helps to get investors on board, regulate the startup cost, generate a minimum workable product and adjust the code for your personalized platform. 
    • Examine and study your target audience to release your app. This platform must be tuned to what the audience wants to engage your audience through social media 
    • To attract the paid subscribers it  develops a tiered payment system
    • Readily adaptable content required by the audience. 
    • Deliver fresh, new, amazing content regularly. 

    Things to consider while developing Video-on-Demand

    People should have good experience in digitalization with the help of experienced technological advancements. With a range of content available online, people have switched from the television content to the videos that are available online.  These video streaming platforms enable users to watch their favorite videos even while traveling. This convenience has raised the standards of online videos, especially in the youth.  

    With an increasing demand for such platforms, companies are coming up with ideas to invest in a video streaming app. Before proceeding ahead with such apps, companies should consider reading the below-listed points so that they stay ahead of the rest in developing Video-On-Demand Apps. 

    1. Easy Screen Sharing

    A mobile app has changed the way that people used to gather information, watch movies, play or series. It has become easier for people to watch movies without downloading them on their systems with the help of video-on-demand applications.  Therefore, the video streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu also provides a screen-mirroring option with which users are able to watch their favorite movies on the television screens. 

    Screen Mirroring

    Thus, while developing a video-streaming mobile application, it is important for the app developers to add a screen-sharing feature so that people feel convenient for using that application on repeat.

    2. Integrate Real-Time Analytics

    A successful application demands constant assessment.  The software developers who regularly verify the analytics of the applications they have designed and that will help prevent the apps from downtime or any invalid activities. With a quick assessment, the admin will be able to check the viewer’s graph and the video has generated maximum traffic on their video streaming platform.

     3. Easy to Register

    To access any mobile app, you need to register on that app. It is important for mobile application developers to provide users with a registration facility. Registration helps the admin and the users to get time to provide information about the renewal of the app. It updates the customers about new videos or movies that are frequently added to that app.

    4. Search and Watch List

     Users are not app developers, therefore, providing an easy interface to operate an application is important. Various video streaming platforms hide the watch list that makes it difficult for users to access all the videos easily. Including the watch list will help app users of different age groups to easily access the applications anytime, anywhere.

    Many times, it is observed that app developers do not include a watch list on the first page, which makes it difficult for some users to check what all videos are running live. Also adding a search bar probably on top of the first page of a video streaming app helps customers easily search videos in a short.

    5. Payment Gateway Integration

     Some video streaming platforms like YouTube charge its customers a fixed amount for playing certain videos or movies. Paying for one movie at a time is an expensive deal for the users to avail of this facility of movies on demand. Amazon Prime Video and Netflix have started charging customers a subscription amount that is comparatively cheaper for the users to avail.

    Also, while offering subscription facilities; developers should integrate apps with smooth payment gateways like wallet apps, debit/credit cards, PayPal and more. Additionally, mobile app developers must not forget to offer multi-currency support in these video-on-demand apps.

    6. Local Storage

    Many times, we see a live stream or a video in streaming apps and want to watch it repeatedly. However, these videos take a little bit of time to stream each time we play it. Alternatively, sometimes, there may be a connectivity issue that keeps the video from playing. This is where local storage could be helpful.

    With local storage functionality, you can let your users save any video into their device memory to replay anytime without any buffering. A recent example of this is Youtube. It has recently launched an Offline video feature that does the same.

     7. Subscriptions

    The subscription feature is mainly for informing users about new videos that come up on their favorite channels. This is not any high-tech feature nor it requires much time to implement, but it is one of the must-have features. In addition to subscriptions, push notification is also one of the best ways to inform users about every new video or channel update.

    While all these features are must-to-have, but you can always add your unique spin to the app. Now, let us move forward to another important part of this blog.

    Reasons to Develop a Live Video Streaming App

    The main reasons to develop a Live Video Streaming Apps are:

    Reason 1

    The main quantity of the video content that is being streamed by the top video streaming apps is significantly higher as compared to the old television.  Nowadays, you can watch 4K resolution video through a video stream app, but it is impossible for cable television to achieve that quality.

    Reason 2

    The second reason is that a cable television user cannot choose what to watch, of course, the user can choose which channel to watch, but not the show. However, with a live video streaming application, the user is in control. The user can choose what to watch and when to watch.

    Reason 3

    The third and another most important reason to build a video streaming app is that cable television lacks its mobility.  According to the Forbes survey, more than half of the videos are watched on a smartphone. This trend is not going to stop growing. Similarly, according to the Ericsson Mobility Report, the traffic of live video streaming apps will continue to grow over by 50% each year until 2020.

    How much does an app like Netflix cost?

    If you are willing to build a movie-streaming app, do not step ahead without studying and knowing about top-rated players in the market. The journey will be easy and well-informed. Therefore, before calculating the cost, we should focus on the feature of Netflix that you can include in your movie app development.

    • Watch Anywhere: You can watch Netflix on any device, on any platform, and on any screen. Netflix’s idea of supporting everything anything-including TVs, set-top boxes, dongles, consoles, tablets, and smartphones- is a far more proactive move.
    • Launch on stores: You should plan to launch your app on all the stores such as Apple App Store and Google Play for all the new and old versions, whether you choose native or cross-platform app development. 
    • Paid Subscription: Netflix’s subscription service paid off a great ROI to the owners. Proposing various plans for viewers can help you monetize your movie app. In fact, this is the best way Netflix is making great dollars, and so can you. Go for monthly, quarterly or yearly fees, after a free trial version.
    • High-quality Videos: To achieve the target to achieve the highest quality videos, Netflix has started to offer High Dynamic Range video (HDR), rendering more realistic, peak brightness. To include an HDR feature, you have to anyway go beyond your budget. However, these will definitely reward you with more download, more conversions, and high ROI and maximum profits.

    The total cost on an average will be $15-$20K. With each of the above advancements in the app, the cost may vary from minimum to maximum, and if your business demands more breakthrough elements, it may go beyond the said average cost.

    Benefits of Video-on-Demand Apps

    The major benefits on-demand video streaming apps are:

    1. Accessibility

    It is a proper and simple approach to publicize on the web. Clients can buy in the same number of recordings as they have enthusiasm with no confusion. On-demand videos give friendliness and easy to understand support for the best client encounters. VOD lets you stream videos as well irrespective of geographic locations.

    2. Connectivity

    An online video advertisement just needs the best speed broadband association and a gadget.  It limits the availability issues when using another method of notices. Different TV promotions you can watch online video advertisements whenever from anywhere with best web availability.

    3.  Budget

    Online video promotions make more benefits and can have a wide reach contrasted with TV advertisements. Cost shrewd VOD motion pictures and TV indicates take part of second and pay is likewise a portion of sum like what you pay for your digital TV administrators. Clients can observe every different sort of substance with no confinements. Clients can choose a premium bundle also to observe the wide scope of video substance at lesser cost by means of video on interest.

    4. Diversity

    Video on interest is progressively popular since it gives a wide variety of TV shows and motion pictures. The clients are provided with access for watching a huge number of various kinds of motion pictures, news, sports, and so forth.., online video on interest took video substance to various dimension with more up to date advancements and fast broadband innovations. The viewers can see a different cluster of substance from various countries at whenever as their desire and exceptional intrigue.

    5. Devices

    Online videos are made appealing to contact the massive gathering of people with various gadgets on a go. It is effectively accessible and helpful to watch online recordings anywhere whenever. The client can watch ordinarily ever they need to watch their required and amiable recordings. It likewise gives a decision to stream your recordings; it offers video gushing on a wide assortment of gadgets like HD TVs or PC, iPad and cell phones and so forth.

    6.  More screen share options

     In the past, it was difficult to contact individuals was extraordinary trouble. The unrivaled simple method for the commercial was through TV promotions, the watchers can watch notices just when they are before TV. Contacting individuals is made simple as of late with different online procedures; with internet advertising, you can achieve a large portion of the gathering of people by offering access to a lot more screens.

    Clients can see ads on a pass by utilizing numerous gadgets like Smartphones, tablets, PCs and furthermore on brilliant TVs. This is a standout amongst the best and modest online systems pursued by each key advertiser nowadays to contact a huge group of onlookers around the world.

    7. Easier Sales Conversion

    Online video advertising gives an immediate stage for a simpler increment in deals. Online video promoting has a capacity for unexpected deals transformation. Internet promotion is the best strategy to accomplish your business target. In the Olden days group of onlookers used to sit in front of the TV promotions, they have to call toll free numbers to get more data on specific items or administrations.


    These moving streaming apps help to bring new, original personalized digital content to people across various locations, anytime and anywhere. Online video-on-demand streaming will open up new methods of entertainment for consumers with equal business possibilities. Music directors, moviemakers, independent pop artists and corporate houses are also joining the video-on-demand rush to strike gold. If you are looking for the video-on-demand apps, then consult the best mobile app development companies in India for the top-class services.

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