How to Set Up HomListi WordPress?


    Last Updated on October 14, 2022 by RanjitPal Singh

    WordPress is a phenomenal CMS (content management system) and nowadays HomListi is providing a lot of beneficial features to its users to develop an efficient and effective website. HomListi is designed specifically for real estate agents. HomListi consists of everything that you want for building a professional-looking website, consisting of one custom header and footer section, plugin and widget support, and many more. For everybody who wants to build a high-quality, top real estate website, the HomListi WordPress theme is ideal for them.

    HomListi consists of a Child theme, which enables you to make substantial changes to the parent theme avoiding losing the original or custom layouts. You can adjust theme parameters using powerful redux admin panels that influence the entire website from a single location. With HomListi WordPress you can have control over the fields for all the advertisement’s listing and detail views.

    Here is a look at what the theme will look like:

    Best real estate company wordpress theme

    As you can show up your innovative and unique ad features in list view or with a powerful search function for even more user-friendly displays by using HomListi.

    HomListi WordPress Theme for Real Estate.

    HomListi is a stylish WordPress classified advertising theme that is beautiful, clean, and contemporary. Gutenberg’s optimization enables the submission and publication of material rapidly. HomListi enables you to personalize your website using a drag-and-drop interface as this theme is developed by using Elementor page builder The theme is ideal for you if you desire to create a classified information site and directory. As we already mentioned, it is Gutenberg ready which means users can edit and change the content and design of their page by using a drag-and-drop interface. This nature is suitable for website building using Elemenator Page Creator.

    It includes features of four lovely multi- page homepage layouts that can be fully customized using the attractive page builder. You can import any of the homepage demos effortlessly by requesting a one-click demo import. These four header styles give a total of five alternative looks. By using a HomListi, you can reconstruct the colors of each block on your website. You can also modify the picture size for galleries and thumbnails if you desire to change it.

    Features of HomListi Theme

    Features of homlisti theme

    1. Custom Fields with No Limits:

    There are different types of an ad available and if you have a huge base of users then it requires a limitless custom fields option the HomListi WordPress theme gives you this option you may have as many categories you want. It enables users to display different forms of HomListi, depending on what they want to achieve from their ads. You can control whether they are selling, purchasing, or to-let advertisements from the admin side.

    Custom fields and logic
    Custom fields

    2. Dashboard For the User:

    Apart from the admin side, there is a front-end user dashboard that users can manage from their end. There are a lot of things that are important such as posting new advertisements, promoting single advertising, checking payments, deleting ads, checking preferred ads, and editing ads.

    3. Earn Money by Posting Advertising:

    Site owners can make money by showing multiple ad promotion alternatives with the help of HomListi. Users may pay extra for top advertisements, bump-up ads, and highlighted ads.

    4. Option for Membership:

    HomListi offers an agent program that provides the facility of making additional money from your site membership and subscription. You may also give access to all categories to your members or the whole site, as well as a larger quantity of advertisements.

    5. Facility for Agency and Agent:

    By using HomListi, every user may establish their independent store. They can add agency page’s opening and closing times and large banners associated with business information. This gives clear and concise information about all the stores and advertisements to the visitors.

    6. Gateways for Payment:

    Payment gateway

    Several payment gateways such as offline, PayPal, stripe, and are preloaded in HomListi. Woocommerce Integration is the most recent version of this theme. Resulting in support of all WooCommerce payment gateways, coupons, and invoices.

    7. LIVE Chat:

    HomListi provides a function of live chat to its users. So that buyers and sellers can speak with one another in real-time.

    Bonus Material: Best Open Source CMS Platforms for Small Business Website

    What things are Required for Setting Up HomListi?

    Things required for setting up homlisti

    The HomListi theme requires WordPress version 5.4.2 or above to function correctly. We recommend that you use the most latest and stable WordPress that confirms that all bugs and security problems have been addressed.

    Additional requirements: 

    • PHP version 5.6 or above is required. However, we recommend that you use PHP version 7.4 for the best performance.
    • Version 5,6 or above of MySQL
    • Version 10.0 or higher of Maria DB
    • A 128 MB memory restriction or more is imposed by WordPress

    Things to Keep in Mind Before Installing the Theme:

    Let’s understand what to keep in mind before installing a new theme for your website:

    • Choose the right theme: There are a lot of themes available free on the internet but all free themes are not appropriate for your site. So, choosing the right theme is a must.
    • Selecting the right type of theme: Many users don’t know what kind of theme is appropriate according to their site as there are different types of themes for different sites such as business themes, medical site themes, photography themes, and many more. You name it and there will be a theme for it.

    Tips that you should keep in mind during the installation of the theme:

    1.  Always install themes from trusted sites. For example, Themegrill, Themeforest, etc.
    2. Opt for the theme according to your site content.
    3. If you are confused after also then you will take advantage of a high-quality multipurpose theme. For example Zakra.

    How to set up HomListi WordPress Theme?

    HomListi WordPress is easy to use and it is adjustable which makes it ideal for any real estate broker who wants to create an online presence as it is designed for real estate brokers especially. For developing a successful company, from setting up site content to structure including features like social network integration and lead collecting forms, HomListi plays a key role to make them simple. There is no need to search for anything else if you are seeking a flexible WordPress theme for building a professional real estate website.

    When you have decided to install the HomListi WordPress theme you must upload the files first and then the WordPress theme will be activated automatically: you can upload the files in two ways:

    For installing a WordPress theme you need to upload the theme files and then these files will be activated automatically. There are two ways of uploading the theme files:

    • With the help of a theme Uploader
    • With the help of FTP clients

    Using a Theme Uploader:

    • First, log in to the WordPress theme dashboard.
    Wordpress login page
    • After that, you will see the ‘appearance’ button tap on it and you will come on the ‘Theme’ button on the left side of the dashboard. Just tap on it.
    Wordpress dashboard
    • When you click the Theme button it will take you to the Add new button. just click it
    • After that, you will find the Upload theme button. when you click on it you get the option of choose file /Zip file .tap on it.
    • After tapping on it. It gives you the option of Install now.
    • When you click on install now. It will navigate you to Activate button. Click on that.
    • When you click on Activate button It will show you Begin Installing plugin Button.
    Install wordpress plugin
    • There is an option of plugin all. Tap on it.
    how to add new theme
    • After plugin all, select install from the dropdown and hit apply after selecting install.
    Plugin install
    • When you are done click on select required plugin installed.
    Select plugin
    • Afterward select activate from the dropdown and click apply button.
    • And with following these steps your theme file will be uploaded.

    2. With the help of FTP clients:

    You can upload your theme files using FTP clients also. You have to follow some steps:By using FTP, go to your WordPress installation director.

    • Go to /wp-content/themes/folder and upload the theme folder there.
    • Then you need to login into WP Admin Dashboard and open the ‘Appearance/Theme’menu
    • There is a list of themes, now select HomListi Theme among the other themes
    • Click on activate and your uploading of the file will be done.

    Two Ways of Importing Demo Content

    1. Automatic
    2. Manual

    Automatic import: if you want to create your site like the demo then you can follow the following steps.

    1. Ensure that on your site homListi Parent theme is activated.
    2. Go to the Admin menu.
    3. Navigate to tools
    4. Hit the demo content Instal


    1. Go to plugins
    2. RT demo importer
    3. Install demo contents
    • Select the Install button on this page.
    • Wait for some time as it will take some time for importing the demo content.
    • Update Permalink after the completion of demo content.

    For updating the permalink follow the given steps: settings>permalink>save settings.

    Manual demo importing:

    1. You need to first install and activate the plugin and one-click demo import
    2. Admin menu > Appearance > import demo data.
    3. For installing any demo you need to tap on Import Demo Data. 
    4. After installing the demo data update permalink. By using the same steps you followed in the automatic demo importing Settings>permalink> save settings.

    Bonus Material: What to look in CMS Platform Components?

    How do Set Up Properties?

    For setting up properties of HomListi WordPress classified Listing Pro is used for real estate functionalities and classified Listing Store for members (Agency/Agent) functionalities. You can take help from the plugin website for the plugin documentation and tutorials.

    Five things are required to set up while setting up properties:

    1. Yelp settings: For getting a yelp review go to Classified Listing>Settings>general and navigate to the bottom to get the yelp section.

    After enabling the yelp review, an option of adding a category ( Add category) for each property classified Listing>Add New.

    Add classified

    After adding a category to a property, the property details page will appear in front of you which looks like that :


    2. Panorama Settings: For experiencing a 360° virtual tour navigate to Classified listing>settings>general. Then go to the bottom to get the panorama section.

    Panorama settings

    After getting a virtual tour, the option of Add image for 360° view will appear for each property Classified listing>Add new

    add new image

    When that image is added to a property, it can be seen on the property details page.

    Add property to detail page

    3. Floor plan settings: if we want to change our floor plan then we have to go to Classified listing>settings>general. Then go to the bottom and reach the floor plan section.

    Floor plan settings

    You will get the option to add floor features and images for a specific floor after enabling the floor plan. when adding property Classified listing> Add new.

    Add new classified

    When you have done it once, you will see the details on the property details page.

    Floor plan

    4. Walkscore: Go to classified Appearance > Classified > Listing setting.

    Walk score

    5. Agent setup:

    •  The first and foremost step is to Log in with your Administrator account.
    • After login, tap on  My Account from the main site.
    • Then go to the Store>managers from the left menu bar and hit the Invite button.
    • In the Input, field enters your agent email and click on the Add button.
    • After adding the Agent, that agent gets an invitation link from an email.
    • The agent has to click on the invitation link from an email.

    For getting a clear view please observe the images shown below carefully

    Homlisti add property
    Store manager invitation request
    Membership report
    How to add new listing

    Setting Home and Blog Page

    For setting up your home and blog page (by default), you have to log in to Wp-admin and after that follow the steps:

    Setting up home and blog page


    Q: What is WordPress?

    Ans: WordPress is a very popular CMS ( content management system). Which enables you to create a blog, landing pages, and websites that are useful for users around the world.

    Q: What is the best WordPress theme for a real estate website

    Ans: we recommend the HomListi WordPress theme if you are looking for the best real estate website WordPress theme as it is a clean, contemporary, and stylish theme with a classy layout. It has multiple features that make it unique and perfect for showcasing your classified ads.

    Q: how to make money with homListi?

    Ans: Including Site membership and subscription, Homlisti has an agent facility that helps you in earning more. With Homlisti, the audience can create their separate stores. You can permit membership to all categories or the entire site and allow them numerous ads.

    Q: Is WordPress free?

    Ans: Yes! WordPress is a free and open-source web software. But for using it you have to invest in the web hosting plan. You can find hosting at affordable prices starting from $1 per month on a shared hosting plan.

    Q: Do I need to know how to code to use WordPress?

    Ans: No, there is no need to learn complicated PHP or CSS as many users are not developers. Moreover, there are some features rich themes, and plugins are there that can help you in making your website easier. 


    We tried our best to give you proper guidance that how can you set up your HomListi WordPress theme.  We hope that you find a fruitful guide from the above-mentioned information and you find all the answers to the questions for which you are looking. HomListi gives you freedom by providing the custom field with no limits, it also helps you in earning more by providing features of posting advertisements and membership. It gives facility not only to agents but also to the agencies  These features make it suitable and unique for users from other WordPress themes.

    HomListi WordPress is easy to install just by following some easy steps.  With these guidelines, you can able to set up every property of your theme in an appropriate manner. But for developing a WordPress theme following steps are not sufficient you have to consider some external factors also such as downloading the theme from trusted sites and also choosing the right type of theme according to your site. However, developing a HomListi WordPress theme is a complex process and requires proper guidance. Richestsoft is one of the leading companies that has been providing their services and support for more than 10 years and for developing an excellent, effective and efficient WordPress theme you can consider them as the best option.

    Richestsoft’s experienced and best mobile app developers provide the best possible solutions to your issues at affordable prices. They can help you in creating any kind of website such as educational, eCommerce, portfolio, blog, or personal websites. They not only provide you consultation but also provide customized design, they help you in improving your performance by giving proper guidance at every step of development and help you in making a website at affordable prices. Hence, we advise you to research a bit and then choose the best for acquiring the best results.

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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