How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Fitness App


    Last Updated on August 18, 2022 by RanjitPal Singh

    Nowadays, more and more people are enticed by technological elements to stay fit and healthy. This is usually undertaken with the help of various Fitness mobile apps. The wide range of health & fitness apps allows its users to learn how to exercise and what to eat and motivates them to work out and eat the right food to stay fit & healthy.

    We all are aware of the fact that the health and fitness industry is a leading industry that has existed for a long time in this world. As more and more people are becoming health-conscious, they are adopting new techniques to improve their fitness but are still in trend. So with the introduction of the Fitness and health industry in the technology sector, a race began amongst entrepreneurs in the genre of fitness app development.

    If you are also among those entrepreneurs who have this burning question;

    Factors Affecting the Cost of Building a Fitness App

    Being a premier mobile app development company, we know many variables affect how much it will cost to design a fitness app. However, there is no need to worry about whether you have a proper plan for undertaking your fitness app development process. The cost of doing so majorly depends upon factors such as; type, a framework to be used, a platform for releasing the app (Android or IOS) and even updating & maintaining the app when creating the budget for your fitness app. Furthermore, the location of your app development company is also essential, but let’s look at some significant factors affecting the cost of fitness app development.

    The cost of app development majorly depends on the location of the company. For instance, if you are hiring a fitness app developer, the cost of developing the app will be significantly lower compared to a company that falls in developed nations like the USA or Australia.

    Some most common factors responsible for fitness app development are given below: 

    Choosing the Right Platform for your Fitness App Development 

    Deciding the platform on which you want to launch your app is essential to fitness app development. You need to choose between Android and IOS, two of the most popular mobile app platforms, and their domination in the entire mobile app market is the primary reason they are so popular. You should generally choose cross-platform app development solutions if you are not working on large-scale development solutions. 

    Fitness App Development 

    Type of Fitness App you want to build 

    Various types of fitness apps exist in the market, and the need is to know what kind of fitness app you want to build. The reason behind doing this is that it would help you understand the estimated cost of developing a fitness app. In all, we can say that the cost of a fitness app also depends upon the type of app and the category it falls in.

    Type of Fitness App

    Acquiring an Ideal App Development Team 

    A qualified mobile app development team is essential to your fitness app development. Let’s look at what your crew needs to have to build an excellent team for building a fitness app. 

    • Team managers
    • UI & UX designers 
    • Project manager
    • Quality Analysts
    • Business Analysts 
    • Technical experts 
    • Backend developers

    Development Phases for Fitness App Development 

    It is known that building any kind of app development phase also plays an important role. So the same is the case with fitness app development.

    Types of Fitness and Health Apps

    Fitness and Health apps are categorized into various segments, and various types are present in the market. You must decide the kind of app you want to build based on your requirements.

    Types of Fitness apps

    Given below are some ideas for a Fitness app:

    1. Workout /Fitness tracking apps

    These workout apps are further classified into 3 different categories.

    (A) Competitive fitness apps

    Competitive fitness apps allow numerous users to compete with each other in a workout match (mainly a competition-type match undertaken based on workouts). These fitness apps are known to be successful due to the native affinity of humans to compete. Examples of these fitness apps can be categorized as running trackers, cycling trackers, and yoga & gym trackers. Also, Fitness+ is one of the most famous competitive fitness apps designed by Apple.

    (B) Altruistic Apps

    The Altruistic app is responsible for paying users to register their workouts in exchange for reward points. However, when a sufficient amount of reward points are collected, the user can convert them into credits and donate them to their favorite charity. These apps can be categorized as donating, or volunteering apps.

    (C) Customized Workout Training Apps 

    In today’s world, many fitness apps have been introduced in the industry, and many of them come with features that let users sync the app with/her fitness tracker. Furthermore, these apps will let you build customized training plans efficiently and allow them to learn precisely. 

    Nike training club is a good example of a customized workout training app.

    2. Personal Trainer Apps

    Personal trainer apps are nothing but Custom Fitness apps with a higher level of customization within this kind of app segment. Additionally, these apps are extensively used or operated by personal trainers or large gym chains for their customers. Using them will help them initiate or cancel the training plan or make changes. These personal trainer apps are further divided into subcategories that are used for various training purposes like; Yoga, Running & cycling, etc. 

    iPhone health can be a good example of this category. 

    3. Diet and Nutrition Apps

    Many fitness apps exist in the market, but we cannot skip this one too. Diet and nutrition apps allow users or even trainers to track and make necessary changes within the diet plan of a particular user. However, tons of advanced fitness apps also enable users to track their water balance and intake of other vitamins or nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, etc. Some examples of these apps are Calorie counter apps, recipe applications, wager apps, etc. 

    Features of Fitness Apps –Advanced & Basic

    What are the Basic features of Fitness apps development

    1. Sign-In/Sign-Up Options (just as all other apps)

    Another essential feature of fitness app development is setting your goals and Tracking your activity status. This is because you can keep a deep check on how much and what you have done so far. Not only this, but a user can even review the amount of output they got.

    2. Entering Details of the Workout you Wish

    This is the most common but one of the most critical features of any app development. With this feature, the user and the trainer can stay notified and updated with workout plans and several other upgrades within the segment.

    3. Making use of Social Networks for the Integration Process

    These Fitness apps also consist of a geolocation tracking feature that allows both users & trainers to track their workout progress outdoors using a GPS tracking system. With the help of this feature, users can keep a check on their fitness plan and work according to that.

    4. Setting goals and Tracking Activity Status

    Tracking your activity status

    The apps also provide barcodes and payment integration features that allow users to make in-app purchases quite easily without any risk of fraud. Features like barcode scanners help users transact using online payment gateways with QRs etc.

    5. Push Notification for you to Stay Updated Every Time.

    You’ll also be provided with online customer support and chat options that will help you find solutions for your app issues and queries. This option also helps the company track the bugs or errors existing within the app and resolve them in subsequent updates.

    6. Geolocation Option (mainly used for running and other outdoor fitness apps)

    These Fitness apps also consist of a geolocation tracking feature that allows both users & trainers to track their workout progress outdoors using a GPS tracking system. With the help of this feature, users can keep a check on their fitness plan and work according to that. 

    7. Barcode Scanner and Payment Integration

    The apps also provide barcodes and payment integration features that allow users to make in-app purchases quite easily without any risk of fraud. Features like barcode scanners help users transact using online payment gateways with QRs etc.

    8. Online Customer Support and Chat Options

    You’ll also be provided with online customer support and chat options that will help you find solutions for your app issues and queries. This option also helps the company track the bugs or errors existing within the app and resolve them in subsequent updates.

    Advanced Features

    Additional and more advanced features of Fitness app development 

    After understanding the basic features of fitness apps, it’s time to know some advanced features in fitness app development.

    1. Tracking Different Physical as Well as Vital Signs of the User

    The need is that your app should be able to integrate with various or specified fitness trackers. This is to help users count the number of steps or monitor their pulse while workout and even when sleeping.

    2. Gaming Element

    If you successfully gamify your software, your user engagement levels will aviate. You might consider giving the user conditional levels of progress. Users receive particular reward points when they complete a level.

    3. Community Integration

    By this, your users will have a platform to share their attainments if you integrate your fitness app with social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Additionally, you can provide your app users with a fitness community where they can support one another and stay inspired.

    Bonus Material: Social Media App Development – A Complete Guide

    Steps Involved in Creating a Fitness App

    Steps that are involved in Fitness app development

    So if you have made up your mind to develop a fitness app, you surely need to know the steps involved in getting started with your fitness app development.

    1. Undertaking a Competitive Market search

    Undertaking tangled or complicated market research proves to be a crucial aspect for the development of an innovative fitness app that turns out to be of value to your business. Moreover, when you are about to do market research followings things are essential to understand;

    • The primary purpose of building your fitness app
    • The app should provide value to your business 
    • Your targeted audience or the niche you are working in (type of fitness app they are looking for)
    •  Your competition so to make it stand out in the crowd

    2. Never Skipping the Discovery Phase

    So talking about the most crucial step of any mobile app development. The discovery phase of the mobile app development process can be considered the primary step for making your fitness app develop and run successfully. At the same time, undergoing the discovery phase, a person needs to analyze the individual project requirements and figure out all limitations, error risks, and ways to improve further development. 

    3. Hiring a Well-Experienced Development Team

    In the case of hiring a dedicated developers team for your fitness application development, you have two options to choose from that are; 

    • Assembling or hiring an in-house developers team 
    • Put your trust and faith in a highly qualified mobile app development company. 

    However, going for the second option is best as you can get your work done by the most experienced and skilled developers within your city or even worldwide. Whereas if you still wish to assemble an in-house dedicated developer team for your fitness app development, it would be pretty expensive.

    4. Building a Fitness Application

    If you are building a fitness app, you need to understand the steps involved. When developing a fitness application, the entire development process is divided into different phases to make the process easier and smoother.

    Hire a Highly Experienced and Skilled Fitness App Development Team

    A qualified mobile app development team is essential to your fitness app development. Furthermore, suppose you are hiring an in-house team of designers and developers to build your fitness app. In that case, it might cost you much more than what you can get by hiring a professional app development company. Choosing professional app development companies to serve you with everything from planning to testing and maintenance.

    Let’s have a look at some key points or tips to hire a highly experienced Fitness app development team: 

    • Before hiring an app development team, the foremost and the most important thing to do is to look over their previous work experience and portfolio. 
    • Check reviews from past works and what clients say about their work. This is to get an idea of how good they are at their work. 
    • Finding a good app developer for your project requires matching your development needs or methodologies. 
    • You are interviewing with the technical team to clear all the doubts that you have in your mind. 
    • Proper transparency and timely reports should be there for you to build trust in whatever the professionals are doing are great. 


    Q. How does building fitness applications bring profits to clients’ businesses?

    These fitness apps are designed and structured in such a way that it profits both the user and the company owning them. For instance, if a person operates the app then he/she will be provided with exceptional features for workouts. But the fact is 

    Q. On What factors does the cost of developing a fitness app depend? 

    In fact cost of fitness app development depends on numerous aspects but picking out some major ones we get; 

    • The type of fitness app you want to develop 
    • The framework was chosen for undergoing the development process 
    • Platform selection over which it is going to be released 
    • The location of the company
    • Amount of features you wish to add to your fitness app

    However, these are some of the major ones commonly considered while designing and developing a fitness app. Also, there are many more factors on which the app development process depends. 

    Q. Why should I hire an app developer from RichestSoft for my fitness app? 

    Hiring a fitness app developer from RichestSoft will help your business procure a better standing in the market. Considering designing, developing, and deploying fitness apps, we may conclude that our professionals work dedicated to what they are meant for. So that’s how we can serve you with exclusive and the most efficient fitness app development solutions. 

    Q. Do you Develop Both Native and Cross-Platform Applications? 

    There is no longer a need to worry if you want to create a fitness app for your company but are unsure about which platform to choose. Our primary goal is to create excellent Native apps for iOS and Android. The developers are also experienced in creating apps using cross-platform technology when needed, typically as proof of concepts or MVPs before moving on to complete development.

    Q. Do I get Maintenance Support Options Even After the Development Process is Completed? 

    A clear answer to this question is “ YES.” We provide our clients and customers with 24/7 support facilities and even ensure remarkable management and maintenance services. There might be a case where you get stuck at any point while operating the app, so our support service comes into play. Our highly qualified professionals serve you with the best solution possible for your issues. Furthermore, they keep a check on every single activity to solve any error or bugs existing within the app portal. 


    If you have a professional app development team, it will surely help you build a game-changing and exceptionally innovative fitness app. The most important thing you need to do is hire an innovative and worthwhile app development company. Doing this will help you get the most remarkable and efficient fitness app development solutions, making your app the finest mobile app in the industry. This blog concludes with the exact meaning of fitness apps and how the development process takes place. You also learned about the key features, factors, and types of building an unrivaled fitness app using miraculous app development solutions. 

    Our team has a lot of expertise in creating cross-platform iOS and Android apps. RichestSoft provides a strong development team with the potential to create excellent fitness applications. They can work with in-trend mobile app development businesses. A qualified team of programmers ensures top-notch quality, efficiency, and reliability. 

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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