How to Build a Taxi Booking App Like Uber


    Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by myadmin

    Uber or Ola is a ride-sharing taxi for fast, reliable rides that can be booked in a few minutes day and night.  There is no need to park or wait for a taxi or bus. With the help of this app, you just tap to request to book a ride and booked it in an easy way. It is an easy path with easy payment options such as cash or credit or other wallets app in selected cities. You can consult the best mobile app development companies in India to make an app like this.

    • Uber app serves a ride for those people who want a cab service at an affordable cost.
    • Uber app accepts payments through various payment options.

    With Uber grabbing the 2nd rank on the list of the most disruptive companies in the world in 2018 by CNBC, this ride-sharing app is currently operating in 84 countries across the globe. Bridging the gap between riders and drivers through its Android and iOS apps, it forms a 24-hour-per-day on-demand connection.

    Uber taxi app is an amazing and comfortable riding service provider in the local area. Uber drivers are reliable and well-trained by the company. Those people who are living in Metro cities face many problems like parking spaces and more traffic. Thus, they refuse to own cars in favor of rideshare which makes entrepreneurs think about how to make an app like Uber and successfully launch it in local markets or even worldwide.

    There are many taxi app service companies are available in marketing or worldwide. They all are transforming their business offline to online as Uber does. Those companies want to create an app like Uber. The first question comes to mind that “how much does it cost to build an app like Uber?”

    The average cost to build a taxi booking app will be $5,000 to $1,00,000. The cost of the app depends on App features, Application Platforms (iOS & Android), App Location (Country), Resource or Team Spending Time, etc.

    Indeed, Uber-like app development seems to be a reasonable move for not only entrepreneurs but transport companies as well. The market of ridesharing apps has never been as full as in recent years. New apps keep cropping up, heated by Uber and its tremendous success, in the desire to grab a piece of a pie. It is also one of the good options to start your business and earn goods. The top mobile app development companies make an app related to this.

    Things to Know About Uber-Like App Development

    Uber currently operating in operates in 84 countries and over 800 cities providing a 24-hour-per-day on-demand connection between riders and drivers through the Android and iOS apps. Both of these parties are attentive to each other’s location and worries over the car arrival time are no longer topical.

    Based on availability, there is a choice of various levels of Uber service:

    1. GO – the most cost-efficient option.

    2. XL – classy Uber with chic cars.

    3. Pool – when  you want to share

    Types of Uber

    As you see, this is a large company of a worldwide scale that, furthermore, has divided its core service ridesharing into several smaller parts in order to fit different customer needs. The secret of this trendy car-hailing service is concealed, but let us try to lift the veil a bit. When you think of taxi apps, the first one that probably comes to mind is Uber. Thanks to a sound business model and high customer demand, Uber has seen near-exponential growth in revenue and in its user base. Estimating the cost of an Uber-like app is somewhat moot unless you know specifically where it is going to be developed.

    How Does Uber Work?

    If you want to make an app like Uber, you should be aware of how the service works on the customer side. The general app performance can be shown in five simple steps:

    How Does Uber Work?
    How Does Uber Work?

    Step #1: Make a Request

    The customer requests a car instantly or on schedule via the app.  Nearby drivers receive Requests.

    Step #2: Matching

    The driver may either accept or reject the ride. If they reject it, the request is sent to another driver.

    Step #3 Booking Confirm

    When the request is accepted, the customer tracks the taxi approach and knows the estimated time of arrival.

    Step #4: Payment

    The cashless way of payment and the price estimated beforehand make this process smoother for both parties.

    Step #5: Rating

    It is an important component of Uber’s business logic that enhances service reliability.

    If you are striving to create your own Uber app or its counterpart) there is a need for two apps. The original platform consists of the Driver App designed for drivers collaborating with the company and the Passenger App meant for ordinary customers who book their rides. Apart from that, the platform should also come with an admin panel that is capable of managing and monitoring the platform’s work. Let us have a look at some of the key types and features of the app.

    1. Passenger app

    • Booking interface: It shows you the interface where you can book your cab according to the requirements.
    • Register page: The registration process in the app can be done through email, phone number, and Facebook with a confirmation.
    • Ride history: You can also check your past history along with travel, time, and cost estimation.
    • Payment page:  In this app, you can use multiple payment options to choose according to your comfort level.
    • Push notification: This feature informed the user even when they are not using the app. This feature also updates the user regarding the driver’s location, arrival time and cost, phone number, chat options, etc.
    • Fare calculator: You can choose any of the available options according to the fare display. If you feel the fare is high, opt for another option.
    • Rating & Review drivers: After completing your trip, you can give a review to the driver.

    2. The Driver app

    • Book a ride: The nearby drivers will get your request and the one who will accept it will be shown on your interface.
    • Driver profile & detail: verification and profile creation should be done from the admin side.  The status will let the admin know about the availability of the driver.
    • Pick up & drop location: It will inform the driver regarding the user’s pick up and drop location.
    • Booking alert (push notification): It will alert the driver to see a request by the user to accept or deny the same.
    • Navigation & mapping: It suggests the best route to the drivers using Google Maps.
    • Rate Drivers: Users can rate the driver, even though the driver can rate the user as well.

    3. Web Admin panel

    Web app/Dashboard to store, manage and review all the in-app activity.

    • It offers an overview of all the processes
    • Suggest the best navigation for drivers and trips
    • Manage revenue and payroll and collect data on clientele for further enhancements.

    How Much Does An Uber-Like App Cost?

    Certainly, Uber’s business model has led to a significant increase in the number of On-Demand Platforms. Being adopted across various verticals, the Uber clone app is highly in demand.

    If you have plans to create your own Uber-like app, firstly you need to understand you will require two apps.

    • The Service Provider (Driver) App: It will be designed for the partners (drivers) who want to work with your on-demand app.
    • The Consumer (Rider) App: This is meant for customers who book for different types of services (rides) being offered.
    How Much Does An Uber-Like App Cost?
    How Much Does An Uber-Like App Cost?

    Now when you know the features required, you might have got the hint that all of these contribute to the total development cost. To make it simple, we have illustrated the approximate budget estimate by breaking it into phases. Other factors are:

    1) Major Cost Components: It is essential to learn about the leading costing aspects of Uber-like app development that tend to be the most common cost drivers.

    • UI/UX Design
    • Web development
    • Backend development
    • Native experience qualities (Android/iOS)
    • Third-party service APIs integrations
    • Post-deployment maintenance & Quality assurance

    2) Tools and technologies to build the Uber clone app: While Uber has its unique API for developers, you just need original elements of server and map payments. In order to process thousands of driver routes, user requests, and everyday data. For all this purpose, you must have a viable server.

    For the programming languages, you can choose between OpenStreetMap API or iOS and Android for GPS. In the same consequence, for the backend, you can pick Node.js, Java, Python, or PHP.

    3) Platform-specific APIs:  You can trust Google maps and Google Location services API for the android version.   When working for iOS, you can switch to MapKit or CoreLocation framework.

    4) In-app Payment solutions: It is important to have robust In-app payment solutions for credit cards and Wallets. If you want to deploy for third-party gateway integrations, there can be options like Stripe, PayPal Mobile SDK, etc.

    5) Backend development: When it comes to a perfect architecture of an on-demand app, the backend plays a crucial role in the effective functioning of the app. simply stating, this is the phase where the story of success will be written and managed. As this tends to be the backbone for building immaculate poise and connections, it calls for extra efforts. Along with this, the total amount of time and resources required for creating the backend can vary drastically.

    On average, the process can take somewhere around 100-200 hours. But this strictly depends on the features and customization required.

    6) Platform choice (Native iOS/Android): It is generally advised to opt for iOS and Android apps separately. While this preference boosts the usability of your mobile app, it is said to curb the overall cost too. After all, you need an app like Uber that offers a seamless user experience and uninterrupted performance. Here you can simplify the process by choosing the right software development company, capable of building native apps. This means, that with the same backend and functionality, you will have both your iOS and Android versions performing well.

    Summarizing the factors influencing the cost of Uber-like app development, the total cost will depend greatly on hourly rates. Now, these vary according to the country’s respective economy and commerce practices.

    While in the USA, the rates are somewhere between $100-$200, you can consider Asian countries where it can be more affordable. You can easily get it done for a rate of $50 or $40 per hour. As usual, a portion of app development costs falls on design. Ridesharing services are client-oriented and so they have to come with beautiful and easy-to-use UI/UX. Correspondingly, the Uber-like app development cost should involve design expenses.

    Benefits of Uber Apps

    Uber and its contestants have made structural changes to an old industry that functioned much the same way it did decades ago. Initially, people have to call a taxi or local service provider if they reserve a car at least a few hours prior to the pickup time.

    Benefits of Uber Apps

     1. Reliable and Cashless

     Rather than chasing a taxi in the street or waiting for a long hour for a car service, Uber is the better option to book a cab immediately from any location.

    Because the passenger’s credit card or other payment options are linked to the Uber account, no cash changes hands. If you want to pay with cash, you can. Upon arrival at the destination, the driver brings the ride to a halt and the passenger can simply walk out of the car. A receipt is sent via email.

    2. Professional Service

    In major cities, where taxi services are highly on-demand, mostly use the latest car models that are well maintained and handled by professionals who have proper commercial insurance coverage.

    Once a driver accepts an assignment, passengers are able to track a driver’s location and route and interconnect with their driver if necessary. A driver only learns the passenger’s destination when the fare starts. This takes care of the problem of being refused access to a taxi because the passenger wishes to travel to undesirable parts of town.

    Unprofessional drivers are weeded out because passengers get to rate the driver’s performance. A reliably low rating will force a driver out of Uber or its competitors. In many cities, and states with less stringent regulations average citizens can provide the Uber service. This increases the number of drivers and makes more cars available. All of the above and more foster a positive experience for Uber customers.

    3. Safer and More Flexible for Drivers

    Safety is the most important advantage for drivers who are working with Uber.  Here transaction is cashless and with cash both. You do not need to worry about the payment. Rude, aggressive, and disruptive passengers are weeded out because drivers can also rate their customers. Consistently low ratings or reports of unsafe behavior toward drivers can cause the deactivation of an account. rivers can log in and out of the system anytime and choose their own hours.

    Drivers can avoid expensive taxi rental leases by acquiring their own vehicles. This means more profit for drivers, all else being equal. Drivers are also spared the stress caused by favoritism and office politics because the app renders dispatchers irrelevant. 

     4. Discount Offers

    Uber also give offers to their regular customers and to that customer who signs up for the first time. You will get past the facility also and get the discounted price for your Uber booking.

    5. Book a Ride for Other People

    The same as the beforehand ride scheduling, booking a ride for others is an advanced feature for Uber-like app development. It implies that a user can book a ride for a relative or friend through their own account.

    As soon as the booking is made, the friend or relative receives the ride details via SMS the same as the driver.

    Final Thoughts

    As app development and QA are the most time-consuming phases, you can expect the approximate cost range to create an Uber-like app will be somewhere between $25000 to $30000 for a single platform. Nevertheless, this totally depends on your needs, and the specifications you are looking forward to. Do you need some help in turning your dream to own an Uber-like app into reality? Want an exact quote for the same? Consult the best mobile app development company to get better and optimal results.

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