Mobile App-How to Build the First App


    Last Updated on February 22, 2024 by RanjitPal Singh

    Nowadays, a mobile app is more demanding than desktops. As a result, the number of mobile users and the time spent on mobile is growing day by day. Thus, mobile phones are providing an engaging and seamless experience that makes them more critical than ever. Moreover, it gives accurate and competitive benefits to the businesses that use them in the right way. Hence, the best mobile app development company in Dubai can assist you in a better way to get the best results.

    How Mobile Apps are Useful?

     Furthermore, there are various ways through which mobile apps are useful for everyone. These are:

    • Help you to increase your revenue by improving sales or introducing a new revenue system.
    • Provide resources for the audience to build up an engagement community
    • Helps to improve employee communication by being a core internal app for your business
    • Increase your brand awareness and enhance your mobile marketing strategy

    However, creating an app can be a frightening experience. Sometimes, you may be demotivated or discouraged by the high potential costs, months of work, complex project management, and many costly risks along the way.

    The main question is, why do you want to create a mobile app?

    Do you want something unique or follow the same and want to follow the same trend? Thus, The answer to this question will define the success of your business.

    In this blog, we will discuss a guide for custom mobile app development, and maybe it will not work for everyone. I hope this will help you build and market their mobile apps. Take from it what suits your strategy best, or follow it to the hilt. The important part is to get started.

     1. Define Your Objective

    You should have a great idea before starting any project. Thus, before you go through in-depth research, you must have a clear vision of the purpose and mission of your app Therefore, get to know, What is it going to do. What is its core appeal? Thus, defining a clear goal for the app is also going to help you get there faster.

    Define Objectives

    Your app should satisfy two goals:

    • Your ideal users’ goal
    • And your business goal

    How Does Mobile App Work?

    Moreover, if they try to interact with you online or offline, they may have many questions in what your app will offer the businesses. Thus, If they don’t see a benefit almost immediately, they will simply move on, which is true for your app. Moreover, an improvement for your business can store many things that depend upon your current situation.

    Furthermore, Some positive impacts of mobile apps are that they help to increase ROI, improve brand visibility, enhance productivity, reduce expenses, and improve social proof. Because, when you have covered all the in-depth topics, it’s time time to go deeper. Thus, do not forget that any app can have more than one purpose and any of them can be beneficial for your audience or maybe all

    So, start by asking yourself these questions:

    • What areas of your business need improvement?
    • How can a mobile app impact that problem?

    2. Functionality & Features

    Nowadays, you are clear with your goals, and what you want to achieve with your app. It is time to define the scope of your app. Therefore, this is to get creative and write down all the functionalities and app features that are compulsory to get fulfil the solution and outline its result according to the previous step.

    Mainly, Some of the features may include:

    • eCommerce integrations
    • Contact us
    • YouTube or Vimeo integration
    • Forms
    • Chat
    • Social sharing
    • Push Notification

    Main Points

    Moreover, write down the main features that will help bring value to your app and try this guidance throughout the entire development process.

    Furthermore, for our Workout+ mobile app, we want to have an appointment booking feature, RSS reader, events calendar, customer feedback, chat, team member’s directory of our trainers, and maps for directions.

    Thus, you can do it with the help of sketching for your future interface. In this step, you can find out the central concept visually based on the main features and the approximate layout and format of your application.

    Therefore, by making the sketch, you can get an idea of your future app. 

    Moreover, having a first rough sketch of your app helps everyone on your team understand the mission. Thus, these sketches should be used as a reference for the next phase of the project.

    3. Research

    Now, that you have a better idea about your app, it is time to look at your successful competitors who are also serving the same audience with the same goals.

    Therefore, This is not the time to focus on the local competition only, you also need to look at the companies in the same market around the nation and the globe as well. Hence, This will provide new ideas and points, according to the existing in the market.


    In addition, look at the features, app layout, and functionalities and make notes of everything that you feel is missing in your idea and prototype.

    • Check whether other apps are doing the same thing
    • Find design inspiration for your app
    • Collect information on the technical requirements for your app
    • Find out how you can market and monetize your app

    Plus, from your competitor research, you will get many good ideas, loyalty, and features for your app. Moreover, by analyzing those ideas, you can make an app that will fulfill all the requirements that are missing in the existing apps.

    More Points

    Thus, try to make wings to your idea if you think that you are planning something unique and extraordinary. Hence, there are more than 1 million apps for iOS and Android, so building something that hasn’t been done before is nearly impossible.

    Moreover, this is also the right time to look into the technical aspects of your app. Therefore, find out the list of your requirements and get a clear picture of whether your idea is appropriate or not from a technical point of view.

    Plus, In many cases, there are various alternative solutions to proceed on a slightly different route.

    4. Framework your App

    In addition, if you have defined the objectives of your app and figured out its functionalities, including your market and competitor research insights. Furthermore, This is the right time to give your app its first skeleton and piece that will together make a block with the help of wireframing.

    Wireframing is a visual guide that will represent the layout of your app and define the flow between the screen without any distractions from visual designs and graphic elements. Mainly, it is the bridge between your rough idea and a final product before any technical round. 


    Your wireframing will consist of use cases, the small and specific tasks that your user can achieve with the help of your app.

    It is your unique chance to:

    • Understand the use cases and the thought processes behind them
    • To enhance the number and order of screens to reach each goal.
    • Build multiple screens, and flows to find which one works best.
    • Save hundreds of development hours later on.

    However, there are two ways to create wireframes: offline and online. If you prefer offline, you can simply use a pen and blank paper, or you can also use the templates, which will help to deliver the best results.

    Also Read: How Much Does It Cost To Create An App In 2024

    What are the options?

    Therefore, Online options need:

    • Templates for Adobe Suite
    • Some specialized tools like Balsamiq Mockups, Fluid UI, Gliffy and Mockflow

    Select your tool or template and start sketching. 

    Hence, just need one wireframe for each case; it will represent the full-screen flow a user will see from the opening of your to attain their goals.

    You will eventually want some more documents to make the use cases of your ideas. This will map out the flow users will take from opening your app to achieving one of the goals you’ve set out.

    5. Define the Back End of Your App

    Your wireframes and storyboard become the building blocks of your back-end structure. Thus, sketch your servers, APIs, and data diagrams. This will be a helpful position for the developer, and as many people join this project you will have a (mostly) self-explanatory picture for them to study. Therefore, modify your wireframes and storyboard according to technical limitations, if there are any.

    6. Test your wireframe

    With the help of your use cases and visual representation, you can test your app’s flow and user experience. Testing will help to analyze your use cases, recognize any friction points, and find out the question of your mobile app processes. Here, you can compare your screen flow with the user’s expectations and avoid any frustrations.

    To test your use cases and wireframes, you should use a tool like Invision to make your wireframe interactive. Using Invision, you can join screens and link activities to pretend the experience of your app.

    It is a speedy and secure method to do this Here, and you can also create a free account on Invision and create your projects by simply clicking the “+” sign and choosing “create a new prototype”. Once name your prototype and select its type, you will have two options: syncing with Photoshop or adding image files from the computer.


    You can now add images of individual screens from your wireframe. In each of these images, you can use the options at the bottom of the screen to link one screen to another. Once you are finished, you can share your prototype with the help of a “share” option at the top-right corner of the screen. Use this to share your project with your customers to test the use cases and the intuitiveness of the user’s journey, from opening the app to reaching the goal.

    You can ask your testers to answer the queries of some questions:

    · After opening the app, is the access to the main menu apparent?

    · Is it easy to recognize all the tasks you can achieve with the app?

    · Were you looking for any option that was not present in this app

    · Are there any options you found redundant?

    7. Revise Your Mobile App Based on Feedback

    After gathering your feedback, you need to collaborate based on its similarities. If people find some redundant options in your app, work all this together.

    When you arrange all your feedback accordingly and arrange the task list of revisions and updates, you need to make your wireframe. Then, implement these changes and create your wireframe for testing again to ensure all friction points have been removed.

    Again, test once again and once you are happy with the feedback that you are getting, you are ready to move to the next big step!!!

    8. Choose an App Development Path

    Your mobile app use cases and functionalities can be figured out, and it is a significant tie to develop it. Hence, In this step, you will have to choose the development path. It boils down to two core options:

    • Select a programming language to code your app
    • Use a mobile app to build a platform to create your app

    9. Hire a designer/developer

    Consult the best development company with great design and should have a reliable development team. Thus, while hiring a developer, go online to check on their credibility and the apps that you have created. Because, if you like an app that they created from their portfolio, chances are more that they could be the right one for your product.

    10. Make developer accounts

    Moreover, You must register for the developer’s account from the respective stores that can sell your app through their platform. Therefore, you can register as an individual or as a company if you already have one formed.

    Also Read: How Mobile Application Development Helps in Business Growth

    11. Integrate analytics

    Analytics help you to track your downloads, user engagement, and retention rate for your mobile app. Hence, you can also use some tools such as Flurry, which is free of cost and localytics with a free and paid version. 

    12. Get feedback quickly and improvise

    The first set of customers’ usage and their behavior give the idea of how to improve and enhance your app once your app becomes live on the app store. Improvements and changes are constant, so keep an eye on user feedback and keep building.

    13. Present features

    In addition, you built the app with limited features and it offered only core features. Nowadays, it is the time to update its features and introduce the remaining features left out in the initial version. You will know through analytics and feedback, whether the elements are essential or not for future use.

    Significant Benefits of Mobile Apps

    Mobile apps are becoming increasingly popular among businesses and service providers.

    1. Direct Communication

     Mobile apps are quick and practical to engage customer interest and communicate product launches, new services, improved features, promotional features, and discounted rates. These direct communications will help you to bring more information such as geographical locations, demographics, and shopping behavior concerning various products and marketing strategies.

    2. Increased Brand Awareness

    No doubt, building customer loyalty is a critical and tricky feature of marketing a business. Moreover, business mobile apps are highly useful for developing a connection between the customer and the brand through notifications and reminders. Thus, these reminders help create awareness about the products and the services that are offered and encourage the customers to make the purchase. 

    Further, it increases brand recognition. So, when an app user needs a product or service offered by the business in the future, the customer will choose the now-familiar app over its competitor. 

    3. Revenue Generation From Mobile App 

    These mobile apps are quicker, more interactive, and it is straightforward to navigate rather than websites. Therefore, the availability of an app for your business will help the customer choose you for their purchase. Plus, The conclusion is that websites help create brand awareness with the help of social media, but apps are the platforms where most of the sales are triggered.

    Moreover, apps are quicker, more interactive, and easier to navigate compared to websites, so the availability of an app for your business will probably nudge the customer to choose you for their purchase. Thus, The gist of it is that sites help to create brand awareness, mainly through social media, but apps are where most of the sales are incurred.

    4. Improved Visibility

    Moreover, there has been a significant shift in how people look for services and products. Hence, Where once word-of-mouth commendations and website browsing were the go-to solution, people will prefer to look up this stuff on their smartphones while they are traveling, waiting for a nomination, and even during their leisure time. Moreover, Apps are the best marketing tool to make the most development successful. Furthermore, It helps to grab the target audience’s attention and enhance the overall visibility of your business. 


    In this blog, we have discussed various steps to build your first mobile app most efficiently so that you can get the best results. Once you have an excellent idea, you must know that building a mobile app is the most natural part. Thus, you can also consult the top mobile app development company in Dubai for more useful information. They will help you in better ways so that you can get efficient results.

    Read more: On-Demand Home Services Apps-The Upcoming Big Trend

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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