List of Business Ideas that you can implement in the Midst of the Pandemic COVID-19


    Last Updated on May 5, 2022 by RanjitPal Singh

    As we all know, the spread of Coronavirus has affected almost every continent and country.  IT has great created panic among the people. Many concerts, events, and important meetings have been canceled until the next order due to this virus. Due to, the daily increase in the number of positive cases of COVID- 19, now more and more people have confined themselves to four walls. Lockdown has been implemented in almost every city for the safety of the nation.

    As this situation does not seem to be improving fast, every section of the society is enforced to look for an alternative option to run their daily operations. Thus, The business world is also a part of it. Technology has turned out to be a great savior of many industries.

    Social distancing and touchless deliveries are the best precautions these days. On the other hand, it has brought forth an opportunity for entrepreneurs and business owners to give it back to society in the most critical times. Beacause, If you have any online business, you should contact the best mobile app development companies in India to change your ideas into reality.

    The rapid outbreak of the coronavirus presents an alarming condition to everyone. However, to the human impact, there is also a significant commercial impact that is felt globally. As a result,As viruses are not stopping, their impact is spread continuously. In fact, 94 percent of the Fortune 1000 are already seeing COVID-19 disruptions.

    It is a hope that this coronavirus will fade away as Ebola, Zika, and SARS viruses have eliminated in the past.

    To help you understand the exposure to COVID-19 and more importantly, position your business to be resilient in the face of this and the next global threat, please review timely insights from KPMG business leaders.

    Hope for better tomorrow

    There is a shred of doubt in it, this pandemic has caused a number of issues to everyone, but still, there is a ray of hope for the business world.  Yes, there are some business ideas that are not going to help entrepreneurs to stand in this tough solution but also to run their business in more efficient ways. 

    Here, we are talking about to make your offline business online. This will help to add ease to your customer’s life and you will be able to provide useful things at their doorstep. And, there are many more reasons you need to know. This time, it is a need to start any business which is highly in demand in this situation.

    Moreover, everyone is praying to have a better future so that they can get back to their business, jobs, and duties. People are getting out of money as many had lost their job. 

    Why adopting online solution is the right choice?

    Nowadays, there are numbers of reasons to choose online business. Let’s discuss them one by one:

    1. Growth of Mobile Apps:  No matter, what are the crises; mobile app development is getting increase day by day and is expected to double by 2024. Moreover, downloads will reach 183.7 billion, i.e. 9% more from the forecast made before COVID-19. 

    Furthermore, top mobile app development companies in India provide services according to the requirements and demands of the nation.  Thus, they will definitely provide you what you are looking for.

    2. Increase in online shopping: Amazon says it is out of stock of household items, and deliveries are delayed due to coronavirus demand. But, you can groceries and many other valuable things that are required in this tough condition.

    3. Contactless deliveries: Online businesses are empowered with contactless deliveries which are the need of the hour. Therefore, shifting to an online marketplace turns a wiser decision which helps save your resources, customers, and business, altogether.

    4. Expert’s recommendation: Retail and logistics experts say online shopping is permissible and encouraged during the coronavirus outbreak. In fact, categories like electronics and health experienced a 91% and 109% increase.

    By analyzing the above factors, it is very much clear that online businesses can withstand in this worst condition and so that they can survive these challenging times and grow in the future.

    If you have been running an offline business or you had some plans to invest in some new venture, it is the right time to give your idea a real shape. In fact, there are few verticals that see promising futuristic growth. To help you out, we have created a list of them. Have a look!!

    1.  Pickup and Delivery

    All types of businesses are finding ways to reach to their customer doorstep, thus delivery solution has become a life-savior.  Due to this reason, delivery services have observed a surge in their business due to Coronavirus circumstances. According to the Hills states, “A changing economy means new opportunities in terms of delivery services”.

    Regardless of the business size & type, there is a need for a robust delivery management solution. You can find one here. You can make a website related to the grocery, fruits and dairy products related essentials. Take online orders and assign the delivery boys to deliver the items at the doorstep of the customers.

    pick up and delivery app

    Make sure that delivery boys should have masks, sanitizer, gloves, etc. so that they can deliver hygiene items successfully and customer also has faith on them so that they can order in future as well.

    2. Online Education App

    Educational institutions around the world are forced to shut down and shift to online learning programs. This crisis has definitely triggered an online boom for the education industry.

    Online Education App

    As per the stats, education app downloads spiked in March 2020, increasing nearly 300%. While it is helping to cope with the current emergency, it is also preparing the world for the next future. It is a great idea to build your trusted platform for learning.

    For instance, schools and colleges remain closed these days.  The new semester has been begun and every school needs mobile app and tutors as well for their education purpose. First, you can provide mobile app development to the schools for the school apps. Secondly, you can join their online classes as a tutor. As a result, you will get an online job as well.

    3. Grocery Delivery

    The fear of getting infected due to corona from going to offline grocery stores. While the stock in their homes does not seem to be last longer and they need more items to survive. They are not able to go outside and the only option that lasts is ordered online.

    It is the major reason for the exponential rise in the number of downloads for grocery delivery apps in recent days. Did you know, downloads of Instacart, Walmart’s grocery app, and Shipt have increased 218%, 160%, and 124% respectively?

    Take your grocery store online to ensure timely delivery of grocery orders at customers’ doorstep. Nowadays, Zomato has also started to deliver grocery items at your doorstep. It is easy now to order through the vendor’s app and get items without come in touch with them.

    4. Medicine Delivery

    At this moment, pharmaceutical businesses have an essential role to play. People quarantining themselves find it difficult to reach medical stores. Not only those affected by the virus but others who are dealing with minor or major health issues are failing to get medicines on time.

    A week into the nationwide lockdown, there are reports that essential medicine is short in supply. Patients have complained that they have not been able to find their medicine in the market due to a number of reasons. 

    The medicine helps need 24*7 these days. Hence, it becomes the responsibility of pharmacy businesses to contribute to the fight against Coronavirus. With the right tech partner by your side, you can switch to an online medicine delivery business in just a few weeks.

    You can make an app with the help of the best mobile app Development Company and start delivering medicine according to the customer’s requirements. Either you should be professional doctors or you need to associate with the chemist so that you can deliver the proper things.

    5. App developer

    Mobile applications have become more popular these days as people are totally free, they are trying new and new to spend their time. If you have any new idea and know-how to code then you can run it and develop an app for yourself. 

    By doing so, you can become an app developer to create specific apps. For both the options, you must have good knowledge of coding and basic elements of software design and at least two common programming languages, such as SQL, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails or iOS. 

    If you have an app idea but don’t know the ins and outs of coding, there are plenty of software developers looking to collaborate with people on app creation.

    You may consult the best mobile app development companies for collaboration. Depending on your situation and know-how, you may be able to make a lucrative business out of app development.

    6.  SEO Consultant

    If you have some knowledge of SEO engines and technical skills in various platforms like Google Ads and Google Analytics, then you can become a good SEO consultant could be a better option for you. 

    Many businessmen do not know about the impact of search engine optimization on your business. Start your online consulting business by educating them about the power of SEO to help them their websites and enhance their leads.

    You could use your marketing skills to show the business owners to utilize the benefits of analytic data with the help of strategic keywords and unique content structure to gain more traffic.

    If you are unfamiliar with SEO or want to brush up on your digital marketing skills, you can refer to the various online SEO Guide as well.

    Keep in mind, that Google’s algorithms are always changing, so you will need to continue your education on SEO to stay relevant and successful in this field.

    7. Healthcare Consultation

    Remote health care is playing a crucial part to navigate the impact of a virus outbreak. During this isolation time, it is essential for healthcare professionals to take care of their patients without sending them outside.  For this reason, you need to reach them digitally For this, you need to reach them digitally. You can offer the best possible solutions to their health issues with the help of your own branded online healthcare app.

    8. On-Demand Caretakers/ Nurses/Doctors

    According to a report, a Manchester-based online doctor platform to a 70% increase in consultations. Hence, developing a platform where users can seek on-demand doctors, nurses and even other healthcare service providers seems to be a future-proof idea. Thus, build an app that simplifies the process of booking for medical professionals visiting their home.

    9.  Ecommerce Marketplace

    It is very difficult for the brick and mortar businesses to survive in the marketplace during this COVID-19. In fact, Thank God, the digital world has provided a solution to them and now they can earn and feed their family well. 

    According to the survey, it is estimated that online sales have surged 52% from the year-ago but now it has been increased 8% since the outbreak began. Taking your eCommerce business online, you can enable contactless commerce deliveries now.

    10. Food Delivery

    Most of the restaurants have been shut down after the announcement of this disease. However, waiting for the situation to get back to the normal seems no longer a good option for them but they can switch their offline business to the online business.

    According to the rules, your good should be made in a hygiene kitchen and the delivery boy must wear masks and gloves to avoid the spread of this disease. Thus, the food delivery apps are highly in demand as people who are living as a paying guest need food to order. This app is best for them this time.

    11. Online Medical Van Booking

    Another idea that could make lives comfortable and secure at this phase and can also be useful is heading off with an online ambulance or medical van booking app. As a result, COVID-19 has triggered medical commerce boom. It will be an amazing and helpful idea, altogether.  At many places, Uber rides are converted into emergency services to cope up with this situation.

    12. Truck-sharing Company Services

    Truck-sharing services announced that they are offering discounted services for the university and college students who are suffering from this problem. They help these students to move from one place to another with proper safety.

    In the US, many companies have used their service to help with sudden logistics challenges that they face with the current pandemic. Cofounder Jamie Hess, reckons they are perfectly positioned to help those planning to convert buildings to hospitals or overhaul production lines that require new supply chains.

    Their truck-sharing model offers an agile, cost-effective service that can help. You can start this business as well if you have some links with the truck owner so that you can earn some money and also do some noble work as well.

    13. Social media consultant

    Larger enterprises can hire an agency or full-time staff member to run their social media accounts, but small businesses often have to handle their own social media marketing. With so many responsibilities, business owners are often too busy, overwhelmed or undereducated about the importance of a social media presence to spend time developing and implementing a great social media strategy.

    Facebook and Twitter are still the top business networks, but businesses often tend to struggle with more visual platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Snapchat. All of these platforms have huge consumer audiences, but many businesses don’t realize how big they are, how effective they can be and how to make them work for their brand.

     If you have a background in social media marketing and a passion for photography, focusing your consulting business on one specific platform, like Instagram, can be a great way to make money while helping other businesses improve their content and achieve their business goals.

    As a social media consultant, you can help small businesses determine the best tactics, posting schedules and content for their target audience. As their follower count grows, so will your business.

    What kind of online business is the most profitable?

    We have discussed various online business types above and also stated how we can start that business during this COVID-19. Some experts in the online business also expect educational businesses like digital courses, YouTube channels, tutoring and many more things to reap the high profits in the coming years. You can embed your business with online apps so that you can get better and optimal results.

    Final Thoughts

    Nowadays, it is an unpredicted time for the entire nation. We have discussed some of the business ideas above that can be helpful to you to start your new business or make your already existing offline business into an online business.

    Moreover, it is equally essential to understand that the concept of the online marketplace comes with a futuristic approach. We believe that soon we will find out the solution to this pandemic. 

    The world will become healthier and safer place once again. Join this online revolution to grow your business in this tough situation. If you are already offline business and need a mobile app for your business then consult the best app development company in India to get fruitful results.

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    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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