5 Key Things You Should Know While Hiring a React Native Developers


    Last Updated on August 28, 2023 by RanjitPal Singh

    Professional React Native developers are in high demand, and businesses are always on the lookout for the best of the best. The reason for this is that React is the go-to library for creating dynamic mobile apps. Due to this increased competition, it is difficult for businesses to hire qualified React Native developers.

    What is React Native?

    React Native is a JavaScript framework that was built on top of Meta’s ReactJS to facilitate the creation of native mobile apps for both iOS and Android. JavaScript and the XML-like JSX syntax are used in React Native. The rendering of React Native apps is handled by the respective platform’s native APIs, in this case, Objective C for iOS and Java for Android.

    React Native mobile apps have access to the user’s location, the phone’s camera, and other features via subjecting JavaScript interfaces to platform APIs. Thus, using web-based JavaScript, React Native developers may produce high-quality mobile apps.

    What do React Native developers provide to your company?

    What do React Native developers provide to your company?

    In the recent decade, mobile phone use has skyrocketed. Eighty-three point nine percent of adults worldwide have a smartphone, according to Statista. There is a need for React Native developers due to the proliferation of mobile apps, which in turn has resulted from the surge in mobile use. Everything from paying bills to shopping for groceries is done via smartphone apps.

    Furthermore, it is predicted that the mobile application sector would bring in $935 billion by the year 2023. Hiring skilled and experienced React Native developers may help businesses capture a sizable portion of this market.

    It takes a lot of talent and effort to design excellent mobile apps. There is a wide variety of mobile apps available, including online, hybrid, native, and cross-platform apps. Developers using React Native may maintain these apps without compromising the end experience. user’s When it comes to building applications for iOS and Android, React Native is a top choice for frameworks. It is quite inexpensive for teams working on React Native to produce highly interactive mobile apps. It’s also simple to keep these programs up to date and provide customer service for them.

    Developers using React Native may save time and money by writing code once for both Android and iOS. The learning curve for React native is low for developers who have experience with React JS or another JavaScript framework.

    Responsibilities of React Native developers

    Responsibilities of React Native developers
    • Cross-functional coordination: Apps built by React Native developers need them to work in interdisciplinary groups.
    • Code conversion: The React Native developer’s task is to build clear and maintainable code as per customer needs. In addition, the code has to be adaptable.
    • Seamless UI: The user interfaces of both iOS and Android devices need to be consistent. Various wireframes and prototypes will be used as the basis for developing the necessary components.
    • Native modules and APIs: Integrating native modules and APIs for iOS and Android is a need for developers. Additionally, they must be compatible with entypo, FontAwesome, Andesign, etc., which are all third-party dependencies.
    • Quality check: The developers of React Native must conduct performance testing and correct any issues found.

    Why Hire React Native Developers?

    Why Hire React Native Developers?

    Less development time: Developers working with React Native might recycle as much as 90% of their code. In this way, businesses may save the time and money required to build two distinct applications.

    SEO friendly: Building time-efficient apps is a breeze for React Native programmers. As a result, they will see an increase in traffic and search engine rankings.

    Large community: The community of React Native developers provides a wealth of resources for developers, including tutorials and forums.

    Hot reloading support: Hot reloading is a plugin for React Native that enables live reloading of React components without data loss.

    Third-party plugin support: Developers working with React Native may make use of third-party plugins with ease to expand the framework’s capabilities.

    Real-time feedback and preview: How they work, React Native developers can see their code updates in real time. Observing the shifts allows them to think about input in real-time and make the most informed choice possible.

    Flexible architecture: React Native allows developers to quickly include others in their work. The design can be easily modified, so recommendations from other React Native developers can be implemented, and changes can be made quickly.

    On what abilities should react native developers be graded?

    If you’re looking to hire a React Native developer, make sure you do your due diligence on their interpersonal and technical talents. This person will not only serve as a React Native engineer on your software team but will also attend client meetings on your behalf.

    React Native developers that possess the requisite interpersonal and technical abilities will be able to address any concerns your customers may have. They will additionally be able to point the way for other React Native programmers.

    Also Read: 10 Common Mistakes of React Native App Development

    Attributes you must search for when hiring a react native developer

    Among the most essential skills for a developer to have is the ability to work well with others. Because of the many moving parts and the need for several people to work together, developing software is like a team sport.

    Employers looking for React Native developers should look for those that are eager to teach others, take ownership of their work, and are open to constructive criticism. Possessing these qualities may help guarantee a pleasant working environment and boost output significantly.

    Also Read: Why Choose React Native App Development for Your Business?

    Successful Time Management:

    The majority of React Native devs I’ve spoken to have to meet tight deadlines. This is why it’s crucial to find a React Native programmer who can prioritize his work effectively. An effective way to verify this is to assign a short, time-sensitive project to the React Native developer to complete. They’ll be an excellent match for the company if they can hand in the same inside the project’s deadline.

    With remote work becoming the norm, many firms are now adopting tracking tools to measure the output and productivity of their React Native engineers. They can monitor precisely how much time a React Native developer requires to execute a certain project. It also helps in communicating with customers by giving them an idea of how long the process would take.

    Therefore, you must recruit React Native engineers with great time-management abilities.

    Communication Skills:

    It’s understandable if a React Native developer isn’t the most eloquent person in the world. However, effective communication skills are crucial for this position. You’ll be interacting with them as a team and even having client meetings with them. It will take longer than necessary to finish tasks if React Native developers are unable to express their worries.

    When businesses engage React Native developers with strong communication skills, they may expedite the process of incorporating the modifications requested by both the customer and the business. After the first brief has been given, they may check in with the other party to make sure they are on the same page.

    Technical qualifications required of a react native developer

    You can verify the aforementioned soft skills in software engineers, but evaluating them on technical elements is difficult. This is why we’ve divided the qualities you should seek in React Native developers into three categories: entry-level, mid-level, and senior.

    Evaluation criteria for young React Native developers’ technical skills:

    Evaluation criteria for young React Native developers technical skills
    • Debugging, testing, and compiling: Young React Native programmers need to master the basics of code compilation, debugging, and testing.
    • Redux: It is required that even entry-level React Native developers be acquainted with redux. It’s a tool for controlling how various parts of a system interact with one another in terms of their current states.
    • JS6 and navigation skills: Junior positions for React Native developers need a code test, ideally for JS6 or above. They can also use apps with just the most fundamental knowledge.
    • React Native knowledge: Junior developers’ understanding of React Native is limited. But they need to be well-versed in the fundamentals of React Native, such as its APIs and libraries.

    Evaluation criteria for mid-level React Native developers’ technical skills:

    Evaluation criteria for mid-level React Native developers technical skills

    • Third-party integration: Middle-tier developers need expertise in integrating social media platforms, payment systems, and search engines.
    • App deployment: Middle-level developers need to be familiar with registration processes and application rollouts.
    • Data caching: Middle-level Reaction Developers fluent in the native language need to know their way around data caching and various databases.
    • Mobile features: Developers at the intermediate level should be familiar with utilizing React Native to build mobile-specific functionality. They also need to be familiar with the app’s mobile features.

    Evaluation criteria for senior React Native developers’ technical skills:

    Evaluation criteria for senior React Native developers' technical skills
    • Groom talent: Senior React Native engineers need mentoring skills, familiarity with different techniques, and in-depth knowledge of the framework to succeed.
    • Continuous integration and delivery: Developers at the senior level who are proficient in continuous delivery and integration are well worth the investment. They can create apps with real-time functionality and code that is free of bugs.
    • Libraries integration: Expert-level React Native developers should be able to include all necessary libraries and frameworks in the final product. They need the ability to develop native cross-platform apps.
    • Native languages: Developers with years of experience are experts in native languages like Swift, Objective-C, and Kotlin.

    Also Read: Kotlin vs React Native

    When hiring a react native developer, how much should you pay them?


    When determining a fair wage for React Native programmers, numerous variables must be taken into account. To begin, one of the most important factors to consider during compensation discussions is the degree of experience the candidate has. If a developer has experience with significant projects, they will likely want a wage increase. Companies don’t always have to hire the highest-paid React Native engineers.

    They can find a team of junior and middle-level developers with experience working on projects effectively and with relative ease. It will allow them to take on even more projects with a larger staff without having to devote all their efforts to a single employee. However, businesses can’t afford to skimp on initiatives that need specialized expertise and related experience. They need to employ the most qualified React Native engineers available.


    We know it seems like a lot of work to find a React Native developer that is a good cultural fit for your team and has the right set of skills and experience, but we assure you that it is achievable.

    You’re well on your way to elevating your organization to new technical heights, whether you do the sophisticated screening yourself or make sure your recruiting team has all the tools and expertise required to identify the proper match. Happy Hiring!

    About author
    RanjitPal Singh
    Ranjitpal Singh is the CEO and founder of RichestSoft, an interactive mobile and Web Development Company. He is a technology geek, constantly willing to learn about and convey his perspectives on cutting-edge technological solutions. He is here assisting entrepreneurs and existing businesses in optimizing their standard operating procedures through user-friendly and profitable mobile applications. He has excellent expertise in decision-making and problem-solving because of his professional experience of more than ten years in the IT industry.

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